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My Idea for a Sequel to the Tom Hanks Cast Away Movie!

Do you ever wish your favorite movie could go on forever?

By Justiss GoodePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
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Stalked, Kidnapped, and Cast Away!

Written by Justiss Goode

I’m not exactly sure when I first got the idea to do what I’m convicted of doing. I’d hate to think it was that rainy night I took a cab to Helen’s house. On that night, I left her standing in her driveway as I pulled off down the street.

Could that have been when the plan first entered my mind? If that were true, what kind of man would that make me? Plotting to stalk, and kidnap the love of my poor pitiful life. Taking her away from her family and home, and everything she’s known for the past four years.

No! The idea had to have come much later; long after that night. Sure, it was painful, but I distinctly remember being okay on that night. She let me drive away in the old 1997 Jeep Cherokee the two of us used to share. Us. It’s funny when I say it like that. It seems like a lifetime since there actually use to be an us.

I’m not even sure any more about what’s real and what’s not. Maybe that night never happened. Maybe I’m still on the island having one of those god awful dreams, only this one is lasting a whole lot longer than usual.

Yeah! That must be it. I’m dreaming and that rainy night never happened. That would mean that everything that followed after that night wasn’t real. I never did all those horrible things. Not to Helen, and not to anyone.

Hank Thomas sat and tried to ignore the nagging thoughts flooding his mind, but they were all pouring in too quickly. He tried calming his nerves by telling himself it was all a dream. It was no use. He really had done the things he was sitting in prison for. After been found guilty of all his crimes, there was no escaping the reality of the consequences.

It’s understandable why the bizarre events were so hard for him to believe. Under the circumstances, either way you look at it, the story sounds unbelievable. If he accepted the truth, he was sitting in jail for stalking, kidnapping, murder and attempted murder. Events that all occurred following his rescue from a deserted island after he’d been declared dead.

On the other hand, pretending the whole thing was some kind of bad dream would mean, he’s actually still on the island. An island that he’s called home for the past four years. And to the rest of the world, he’s dead, but at least he still has a fond place in Helen’s heart.

After thinking about being rescued for all those years, how ironic for Hank to be wishing he were on the island having a bad dream. Not a day had gone by when some part of him didn’t ache for something connected to home. To civilization. To her. Yes, he had learned to survive. More than that, he had learned to adapt, and he had done a damn good job of it.

But the only reason he continued to exist after all that time had been her. Helen Marie Hunter. The woman he loved with all his heart. The woman he was supposed to have a life with.

Hank and Helen had been planning to get married. But fate stepped in one night, and the small commercial plane he was piloting went down in a bad storm. The storm threw him hundreds of miles off course, making it impossible to know where or how to find him. They never did.

It took four years for him to eventually leave the island and save himself. He owed his survival and rescue to his own perseverance, driven by his desire to see Helen again.

Damn! I have to get a grip on myself and sort this thing out, just for my own sake. I need to make peace with this if I want to keep my sanity. I didn’t manage to go crazy living by myself for four years, I’ll be damned if I’m going to let it happen now.

I just need to understand how all this could have happened. I know I had nothing but love for Helen. Hell, I still do, even though she hates me now and will probably be glad to see me dead. But I get it. This has to be really hard on her. I wonder how she is.

When Hank’s thoughts turned completely to Helen, he found himself wondering what she was doing right now. What was she wearing? His mind began displaying images of Helen’s face, and for a moment, he allowed himself to get lost in some pleasant memories of them together.

But what Hank failed to realize was, that was exactly the kind of thinking that got him into trouble in the first place. Whether he remembered the chain of events or not, all his trouble began when he first started stalking Helen, just to see what she was doing





About the Creator

Justiss Goode

Old crazy lady who loves to laugh and make others smile, but most of all, a prolific writer who lives to write! Nothing like a little bit of Justiss every day :-)

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