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My Human

I found it so it is mine.

By Shelly Marie HixsonPublished about a year ago 9 min read

The wind blowing across my wings could never be replaced by any other feeling. If it wasn't for the possibility of humans discovering me, and exhaustion, I would never leave the skies. My forest, for no other sentient being dared enter, was the best site I had ever seen as I skimmed right about the treetops.

Coming up was a clearing that was perfect for landing in. I had used it many times throughout my long life with no difficulties, except that day. As I circled around, I noticed something small right in the center of my landing area. There was no way. touch down and avoid crushing it.

I circled around, gradually getting closer to the ground. When I was right on top of it, I realized it was a tiny human. One of their hatchlings. How it made its way all the way there, I didn't know. I could tell it was chewing on a stick and even with my limited knowledge of humans, I knew that was not proper food for it.

With my snout, I nudged it over, out of the center so I could touch down without harming it. It did not scream or try to attack me like I had been told by my elders that humans were prone to do. When I landed, it looked at me with it's head tilted to the side, like a wild creature would stare at something curiously.

My talons could rip this tiny human to shreds, but it didn't care. It walked over to me, stumbling and wobbly, until it touched my hide. It let out a sound that sounded happy, putting its tiny teeth on display. I grinned, showing my own teeth to it. Its hands were very small compared to my long teeth. As much as I didn't like humans, I found myself not wanting it to come to harm.

As I studied the little things, rustling in the bushes behind me made me swing around. I lifted my wing to not hit the human and made sure it was behind me as I faced whatever threat was coming our way.

The beings that came from the surrounding woods appeared human, but I could tell from their smell that they were not. They were even more feared than humans. They were fae.

I had less experience with fae than I do humans. They were discussed only in whispers among my people. The belief was if you came across one, don't plan on surviving without a fight. I didn't know any other dragon that had come in contact with them themselves, it was always rumors and stories passed around.

They used creatures like me for their own gain. They were why the unicorns were in hiding. They were the ones that made the griffins go extinct. They used our blood and bones for their potions and spells. Our hides and heads decorated their homes as macabre trophies.

Was the human a trap to capture me?

Was the tiny human really a tiny fae? It didn't smell like one or have the markers like pointed ears like the adults did so I didn't think so.

Did the adult humans give this tiny human to them? If they did, they deserved to die a slow and painful death for putting it through whatever the fae had in mind for it.

"That young human is ours." The tallest one that stood directly in front of me and in the middle of their pack yelled up at me. I was much taller so he thought he needed to be loud for me to hear him. He didn't know that our hearing was exceptional. I could hear every whispered word the other fae spoke around me.

I growled in response. I had the ability to mind speak. I refused to talk to them in any way without knowing their intentions first. They were not going to take the human from me. It was mine and once a dragon claimed something, the only way to get it was to kill the dragon.

"We know you can talk. Have a rational conversation with us. You do not have the means to take care of a human child. Or are you too stupid to realize that?"

I opened my mouth in a roar. Their long white hair flew back and a few stumbled away from me. There were some looks of fear. The one who spoke, seemingly their leader, stood steadfast. I could breathe fire and kill them all and they all knew it. They stayed away. The only one I knew who had no fear towards me was the human. It stayed clinging to my foot, a smart thing to know to hide from those who wanted to harm it.

There were a few of the fae who chose to advance towards me. My goal was not to start a war, I only wanted to be left alone. I breathed a stream of fire that would not have reached them. Unfortunately, one of them decided to shove another forward right into the stream. Instantly his body went up in flames. My fire burned so hot that there was no time for him to scream before he was a pile of ash.

Fae weapons were drawn all around me. It was not my fault, but now that they had threatened me, I would show them no mercy if they chose to take actions against me.

The human was in a position where if I curled my talons, it would be tucked into my foot and I could carry it away. I worried it would not be smart enough to stay still and I might drop it. I did not want to have to fly away quickly, but it might have been my last option.

“We don’t want to harm you, we only want the child.” The leader spoke again. He held his hands up to show he had nothing. I knew they could cast spells and potions out of thin air. It was time for me to communicate back with words so they knew my intentions clearly.

“Leave now and I will not kill you all.” My voice echoed in all their heads, including the human’s. I was loud and booming, causing a few to shake their heads. The human let out a sound of happiness.

“The child was given to us, it is ours.” I growled. If I had a hatchling, I would not give it away, especially to the fae.

“I found it first. Therefore it is mine. You cannot take it from me.”

“What are you going to do with a human child? Eat it? There are plenty of other beasts that would taste better and provide you with more meat.” How dare they think I would eat an innocent. Eating a beast was different than eating something such as a human. I would not eat a fae unless I was starving so I would not eat a human.

“MINE!” I was tired of trying to reason with them. They only had one goal in mind and it was different from mine. I roared out a warning and they readied their weapons to be used. I turned my head to the side and blew.

My fire spread and took out a quarter of their people. I had control so it did no more than singe a few trees behind and around them. I was no longer giving warnings, I would take them all out if I had to. After I stopped my fire, I felt my other side being struck by multiple objects. My hide blocked them all and none hurt, they were only an annoyance.

I swung around to face the other side and did the same as I had with the others. Half of their numbers lay on the ground in many piles of ash. There was still a group behind me and in front of me, including the leader. They had not moved to attack me, so they still lived.

“Go away and you will not end up like your friends.” While I stared down the leader, the group from behind made its way to either side of the other group.

He laughed. “They were not friends. Merely underlings to do my bidding. They did not succeed so they were of no use to me. You did me a favor.” The way he spoke of his own people, I knew I could not let him get his hands on the human.

As my last resort, I slowly moved my foot to gently and safely scoop up the child. I really did not like killing, especially if they were not going to attack me first. I lifted my foot to tuck the child against my underbelly. My wings fluttered now that there was no chance to strike anyone. My tail moved side to side with my irritation.

“This is your last chance to walk away.”

“This is your last chance to give me what I want.” Light flickered in the corners of my eyes. They were not there before and could only mean one thing. They were preparing to use their magic against me.

With one strong push, I forced my wings down to lift me in the air. My foot that was still on the ground lifted up and I was able to take off. I was a large dragon and it took time and strength for me to start flying. Unfortunately, it was enough time for a few of the fae spells to be thrown at me.

I was done. This had to end. As I rose up above their heads, I blew my fire one more time. All the fae were caught in its path except one. The leader blinked out of existence, leaving his fellow people to burn. He was not a good leader if he did not think of his people first. He should have stayed and fought with them even though it was a losing battle.

The human stayed tucked up into my belly. It did not try to wiggle free and I could feel its tiny hands touching my sensitive skin. As I flew back to my cave, I made a vow that I would take care of the human as if it had hatched from one of my own eggs.


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