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The Hunter

Adventure Action

By Arshad MecciPublished 11 days ago 4 min read

As night draped the world in darkness, the constellation of Orion emerged prominently in the Southern sky, signaling the impending winter. The mountains wore their white snow caps earlier than expected, while the once-warm days in camp were now replaced by chilling winds that swept away the remnants of daylight. The amber leaves floated gently to the ground, signaling the end of the berry season. It was time for the tribe to make their annual migration to the warmer Great Plains to the South, escaping the long winter shadows cast by the mountains.

Gathering around a roaring fire as darkness enveloped them, the tribe prepared for their journey ahead. The last of their food had been dried and packed, and the tantalizing aroma of roasted trout filled the air. This meal would be their last shared feast for a few days; six hunters, including Hoa, would remain behind to hunt deer for the journey.

Elder Tia would lead the rest of the tribe at dawn, embarking on the mountain trail toward their new winter home. Their path would be dotted with stops to gather food and resources, the timing of their reunion with the hunters uncertain. With preparations complete, the tribe settled down, wrapping themselves in furs by the glowing embers for the night.


The first light of dawn stirred the camp into motion. Hoa embraced his wife, Lai, in a heartfelt hug, their foreheads touching as they whispered blessings for safe travels. Watching her join the departing tribe, her long brown hair adorned with braids and wooden beads cascading over her fur shawl, Hoa felt a heaviness in his heart.

As the tribe vanished into the trees, his lingering gaze was interrupted by his brother’s call. The hunters were already on the move. Hurriedly grabbing his deer skin kit bag, Hoa joined them on a side trail.

Though their destination was the same, the hunters needed to veer into the grasslands in search of deer. Silently, they navigated the forest trail, their eyes scanning for signs of food or potential predators. The dense woods were dark and damp, making their journey challenging.


After several hours, they reached a bluff where they decided to spend their first night. Lightened of most of their supplies to aid their hunt, Hoa sat overlooking the vast plain, contemplating their next move. "They've left early," he observed, as the midday sun illuminated the grasslands, sparsely populated with wildlife.

"We should keep moving," suggested Lu, Hoa's brother.

Nodding, Hoa agreed, "We still need dinner."

As they made their way down the slope, Hoa struggled to keep pace with his younger brothers. Reaching the edge of the grassland, they hid in the shadows, scanning for prey. Lu took a shot at a moving target but retrieved only a clean arrow. Frustrated, Hoa suggested moving closer to the river.


Creeping along the tree line, Lu spotted a small half-grown deer left behind. Hoa signaled the hunters, and with a collective effort, they successfully hunted the animal. "It won't feed many," Lu remarked.

"It will sustain us," Hoa replied, preparing the deer for transport. As darkness fell, they returned to their camp on the bluff, the last light of day giving way to a starry night. Hoa scanned the southern mountains, whispering another safe travel blessing.


At dawn, birdsong filled the air, awakening the hunters. The peak seemed dauntingly distant, and Hoa doubted they would reach it before nightfall. The uphill climb was exhausting, punctuated by stops to catch their breath and monitor their progress. Dark clouds gathered over the ridge, signaling an approaching storm.


Spotting a cave to their left, Lu pointed it out. Adrenaline surged as they hurriedly sought shelter from the impending storm. Cold rain began to fall, thunder echoing through the hills. Once inside the cave, they caught their breath, darkness settling as the storm raged outside.

With limited firewood, they rationed their resources, the storm lasting hours. Restless and eager to resume their journey, Hoa stepped outside to find a clear, starry sky. Orion, the great hunter, seemed to beckon him back to the hunt. Energized, they set off in the darkness toward the pass.


Reaching the ridge at dawn, they witnessed the sun’s golden rays illuminate the Pass below—a landscape teeming with forests, rivers, and grasslands nestled between two mountain ranges. Relieved, they descended to set up camp near a large deer herd.

After a refreshing dip in the icy river, Hoa scanned the hills for signs of the tribe's arrival. As evening approached, the hunters blessed their catch of the day, confident it would sustain them until they reached the Great Plains.


Hoa's thoughts drifted to the tribe enjoying the summer on the plains when a tantalizing aroma of smoke and roasting meat wafted by. "What's cooking?" Lu asked.

"Nothing yet," Hoa replied, but he knew better. Racing toward the scent, his smile broadened as he spotted the tribe's camp. Among them was Lai, dropping her firewood to embrace him.

With the tribe reunited, they decided to hunt a few more deer before departing. The following day, after scaling the last ridge, they were greeted by the expansive golden grasslands of the Great Plains. The wandering river, flanked by woodlands and savannas, stretched before them—a promising land for the winter.

As Orion disappeared below the horizon, the tribe knew it was time to follow the deer northward, as their ancestors had done for generations.


About the Creator

Arshad Mecci

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