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My First Movie Review

"In The Shadow Of The Moon"

By TrippHazrdPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Hey guys this is TrippHazrd from TheTrippTube and I just wanted to share with you guys my very first movie review. Now today I just wanted to get this review posted because I just saw this film and I couldn't wait to let you guys know what I thought. After this we will be doing reviews on Fridays. If you're not the type that enjoys reading reviews, we will be posting these reviews on Youtube as well but with sound and subtitles. And if that's still not your style then we will also be Streaming a Watch Party on Twitch Friday Nights where we will watch these films together and review them together as well. Now without further ado lets get into it.

"In the Shadow of the Moon" is a riveting sci-fi thriller that takes viewers on a mind-bending journey through time. Directed by Jim Mickle and released in 2019, the film offers a unique blend of mystery, suspense, and thought-provoking concepts. With a stellar cast and a gripping storyline, "In the Shadow of the Moon" successfully captures the audience's attention and keeps them engaged until the very end.

Set in Philadelphia, the movie follows the story of Thomas Lockhart (Boyd Holbrook), a dedicated police officer in pursuit of a mysterious serial killer who resurfaces every nine years. The intriguing premise immediately hooks viewers, and as the narrative unfolds, it becomes clear that there is more to the story than meets the eye. The film masterfully combines elements of crime drama with elements of science fiction, creating an intriguing and unpredictable plot.

One of the film's strongest aspects is its character development. Boyd Holbrook delivers a standout performance as Thomas Lockhart, a complex and determined protagonist. Holbrook effectively portrays the emotional toll the investigation takes on Lockhart, showcasing his transformation over the course of the film. The supporting cast, including Michael C. Hall as fellow detective Holt, and Cleopatra Coleman as Rya, a woman with a mysterious connection to the case, also deliver strong performances, adding depth and nuance to the story.

The screenplay, penned by Gregory Weidman and Geoffrey Tock, skillfully navigates the intricate time-travel narrative. It presents a well-crafted balance between explaining the mechanics of time travel and maintaining an air of mystery and suspense. The film gradually reveals tantalizing clues, leading the audience on an intriguing path of discovery. While some plot twists may feel familiar to fans of the genre, "In the Shadow of the Moon" manages to keep its story fresh and engaging.

Visually, the film is stunning. The cinematography by David Lanzenberg is crisp and atmospheric, effectively capturing the gritty urban setting of Philadelphia. The use of lighting and shadows enhances the film's noir aesthetic, adding to the overall sense of mystery and intrigue. The visual effects, particularly during the time-travel sequences, are seamless and enhance the film's otherworldly atmosphere.

The film's pacing is generally well-executed, with tense and gripping moments interspersed throughout. However, there are instances where the narrative becomes slightly convoluted, requiring the audience to pay close attention to fully grasp the intricate details. While this complexity adds depth to the story, it may also prove challenging for some viewers to follow.

Thematically, "In the Shadow of the Moon" explores thought-provoking concepts surrounding time, destiny, and the consequences of one's actions. It raises questions about the nature of free will and the repercussions of attempting to alter the course of history. The film cleverly uses its sci-fi elements as a vehicle to delve into deeper philosophical ideas without losing sight of its engaging narrative.

In conclusion, "In the Shadow of the Moon" is an enthralling sci-fi thriller that effectively blends mystery, suspense, and time-travel elements. With its strong performances, intriguing storyline, and visually captivating presentation, the film manages to captivate its audience from start to finish. While its complex narrative may be challenging for some viewers, those who appreciate thought-provoking cinema will find much to enjoy. "In the Shadow of the Moon" is a compelling exploration of time and its consequences, leaving audiences pondering the intricate web of fate long after the credits roll.

Sci Fi

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  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)about a year ago

    Nice article ❤️📝‼️

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