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Morpheus' Gift: The Birth of Dreams

Piercing the Veil of Sleep

By HeatherPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Morpheus' Gift: The Birth of Dreams
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in the primordial era when the gods were just beginning to understand their places in the mortal realm, Morpheus, the god of dreams, found himself facing a problem. This minor deity, a master of illusions, had a grand capability that could craft visions more beautiful and terrifying than anything that existed in reality. But Morpheus was stifled by his limitation: his captivating creations were solely for his eyes. What use were such grand illusions if there were no spectators to appreciate them?

Bored and seeking company in his solitary existence, Morpheus sought the counsel of his father, Hypnos, the god of sleep. He explained his desire to share his captivating illusions with the mortals during their sleep. His argument was persuasive. Morpheus believed that he could bring tales of extraordinary adventures, insights into the past and the future, or comforting scenes to mortals during their slumber. It was his vision to bring a form of late-night entertainment to the human world, to spice up their dreary mortal lives, and, quite possibly, even intrigue the gods.

However, Hypnos, a peaceful deity, treasured the quiet tranquility of sleep. He expressed concern that these vibrant visions might disturb the restful slumber of mortals. But Morpheus, armed with the charm of an artist eager to share his masterpieces, presented a compromise. He proposed to bestow these illusions, these so-called "dreams," only when humans were deeply entrenched in their sleep, a state when their minds were most receptive to voyages into realms of thoughts and emotions yet unexplored in their waking lives.

Convinced but cautious, Hypnos finally granted Morpheus permission, but on one condition. Morpheus would have to introduce nightmares. Hypnos, full of wisdom, knew that alongside the joy and solace of pleasant dreams, humans also needed the fear and adrenaline induced by nightmares. He believed these terrifying dreams could serve as a preparation for real-world dangers, teaching lessons of courage and resilience.

Morpheus, despite his initial hesitation, eventually saw the wisdom in his father's words. He agreed to Hypnos' terms, understanding the need for balance between the beautiful and the terrifying, the hope-filled and the dread-induced.

Having settled their agreement, Hypnos sought the aid of the Fates. The three sisters, masters of life threads of all beings, heeded Hypnos' request. Together, they spun a grand tapestry that represented the intricate network of human lives. Each thread represented an individual life, intertwined and interconnected with others, forming a canvas that connected the realm of sleep to Morpheus' realm of dreams. Each person’s thread served as a pathway for Morpheus' illusions to travel, a conduit through which dreams could reach the mortal world.

With the tapestry in place, Morpheus undertook his newfound responsibility. Each night, he would select from his vast collection of illusions, transporting dreams of joy, fear, revelation, and comfort into the minds of sleeping mortals. Some dreams he sent as rewards, others as solace, and some to warn or prepare individuals for what lay ahead. Overnight, Morpheus transformed from a minor deity into a significant figure, an essential weaver in the fabric of mortal lives.

Thus, dreams found their place in the world, no longer just illusions within the mind of a god, but experiences shared with every slumbering mortal. Whether pleasant or nightmarish, dreams carried the essence of Morpheus' vivid imagination. Even today, they remind us of our shared connection with the divine, of the god who visits us each night, crafting tales for us to experience in the depths of our sleep. Through dreams, every mortal gets a nightly taste of the extraordinary, embarking on fantastic journeys right from the comfort of their beds. And while they might not remember every detail upon waking, they arise with their minds subtly touched by Morpheus' influence, bearing whispers of a divine encounter within their mortal lives.

Short StoryFable

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My dream is to make a full time living writing about the imaginary people and places in my head.

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  • Antoinette L Brey10 months ago

    Nice job

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