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Possessed by Genderuwo


By Runi Al-hafizPublished 21 days ago 4 min read

At the beginning of Ramadan, I received a request from someone to write a story about his horror experience. There is a condition requested: the names in the story must be disguised and some parts must be omitted in order to avoid unwanted things. After considering everything, I agreed to write the story. But because of a lot of busyness, I was only able to write it after Eid.

The person who becomes the character in this story is Mulan, a therapist who usually treats various types of diseases, both medical and non-medical. One day, her neighbor, Indah, came to ask for help because she had health problems that did not heal. Indah complained that she had been treated everywhere, but the disease did not go away. He has already suffered more than a year.

When Mulan asks about Indah's birthday, it is discovered that Indah was born on Monday Kliwon. Mulan explains that the non-medical treatment she undertakes must be tailored to the patient's birthday. Because the agreed time is still long, Indah has to wait. When the awaited day arrives, Mulan has another plan that makes her go out of town, so Indah has to wait longer due to heavy rain.

After returning, Mulan immediately meets Indah at her house to do therapy. As Mulan begins therapy, Indah begins to show unusual signs, such as nausea and wailing when Mulan touches certain parts of her body. Mulan felt that something was wrong with Indah's body, as if there was an alien entity residing in it.

As Mulan continued therapy, Indah seemed increasingly uncomfortable and eventually fainted. Mulan calls Love's husband to help calm the situation. After Indah's husband read the prayer and touched his wife with the water she had prayed for, Indah began to point at Mulan and speak in a deep voice, as if she were possessed. Beautiful said that there was another creature living in her body and did not want to leave.

Mulan then handed over the healing process to Indah's husband, an ustaz, who began reciting prayers and rubbing prayer water on his wife's head. When Indah regained consciousness, she talked about the strange dreams and terrible events she experienced. She also revealed that she had previously dreamed about two large hands lifting her right side of the uterus. From then on, he had inexplicable bleeding and pain.

Mulan and her husband's therapy continues, and it is revealed that there is another party who has malicious intentions towards Indah. After various prayers and therapies, Indah finally regained consciousness, but the threat to Indah's safety and health remained. Mulan, despite wanting to help further, is worried because of the threat from supernatural beings who still haunt Indah.

In the end, Mulan decided not to pursue further therapy because of the perceived threat. However, this experience remains a reminder of the existence of invisible things in this world and the need to be careful in dealing with them.

After the horrific incident, Mulan and Indah felt the need to be vigilant. Despite the uncertainty about what exactly happened, both realize that they are dealing with a force that cannot be ignored. After returning to her senses, Indah was relieved even though she still felt the remnants of discomfort in her body.

Mulan began to suggest some precautions to Indah and her husband. First, they need to keep the home environment clean and endowed with prayers to avoid interference from supernatural beings. Second, Mulan advises them to avoid confrontation with people who have bad intentions or who are known to have ties to the supernatural world.

Mulan herself chose to keep her distance from Indah for a while. Despite wanting to help, she felt that her further involvement could spell danger for herself or her family. She also advised Indah and her husband to contact ulama or ustaz who are more experienced in dealing with supernatural disorders, so that they get stronger spiritual support.

A few weeks after the incident, Mulan heard the news that Indah was starting to feel better after undergoing several therapies and prayers with the local ustaz. Although there is still fear and trauma, Indah is slowly recovering, and her family is trying to keep the atmosphere of the house conducive. They began to hold more frequent prayers together and maintain good relations with neighbors to avoid conflicts that could invite disturbances.

However, Mulan remains aware that the threat has not completely disappeared. He kept watch and made sure his family was protected. Whenever there is a request to help with a similar case, he is cautious and only takes it if he is absolutely sure he can handle it safely. Although this experience is frightening, Mulan learns to better respect and understand the invisible world, making sure her every step is taken wisely and carefully.

Thus, this story reminds us that in this world there are many things that we cannot fully explain. It is important to maintain vigilance and not underestimate things that seem invisible. Mulan and Indah are examples of two women who face fear and take action to protect themselves from danger, showing that sometimes, courage and vigilance are keys to surviving amid unseen threats.


About the Creator

Runi Al-hafiz

"Grateful for every day that is given"

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