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Mission D-Day;

The code that did not make it to the front.

By Jennie C GonzalezPublished 2 years ago 25 min read

I groaned as I started to open my eyes, seeing everything in a blur and hearing voices in the distance. Squinting my eyes as I tried to clear them using my senses to make sense of where I was, having heard the noise of a train. Detecting a female voice asking the passengers in French for their ticket, I finally managed to sit up, still trying to figure out where I was and why? In my head I tried to deduce what I can see and to analyze. Ok I was on a train, but to where? Glancing outside, I saw the French countryside, where there was a small quaint town afar, the meadows, and alas the destruction from the air raids were prominent. I slipped my hand in my pocket trying to find the ticket as the Train assistant was coming closer.

The assistant stopped near me. “Billet. (Ticket).” She said, I shook my head as I pulled out a piece of paper from my pocket. “Mademoiselle, that is no ticket.” She then glanced over at the doorway of the compartment door where there were three German Soldiers taking a break it seemed as they were smoking and talking. I stiffened at the sight of them trying my best not to show my emotions. She then leaned in as though looking at the paper which was in my hand, and whispered. “No worries, I will protect you. Vive le France.” I looked up and nodded as she said aloud. “Thank you, Mademoiselle, for showing me your ticket.” I took a breath and smiled, realizing a slight gesture she made that she was either a spy for the allies or part of the French Resistance. But I looked around wondering where my purse was.

I then asked her, “May I use the washroom? It is still such a long journey.”

She smiled and came to help me. “Oui, mademoiselle, I will show you where it is.”

As I stood up, I felt waves of dizziness and almost fell, as the Assistant quickly caught me. I saw the people in the compartment glance at me, and one of the German Soldiers glanced in. “Let me help you Mademoiselle. The assistant said as she held me by the arm and walked toward the hallway into the next compartment. She then helped me inside making sure I was ok. “I will be waiting outside for you Mademoiselle; in case you need my help.”

I nodded my head. “Thank you...” I glanced at her wondering what her name was.

She caught the look. “Angelique.” She spoke smiling.

I smiled. “Thank you, Angelique.” She nodded and shut the door behind her. I locked it then approached the small sink, splashed my face with water and tried to remember in my memory how I got there and what I was doing there. I removed my coat to see if there were any clues, searching through the pockets. In the inside pocket of my coat, I found my ID papers. “Josephine Manet, 27 years old. Villefranche-sur-Mer, Provence. I put them back into my pocket as I continued to search.

I kept on looking for clues when I suddenly discovered a semihard area in the bottom of my coat, in my inside pocket with a secure button. Inside that hidden pocket was a small note. “Tell the bell tower, that its sister missed it. Johnny will soon be there, and the rain will come along with hail and lightning, and then the sun will peak out into a brighter tomorrow.” I gasped as I realized and remembered that I was a member of the French Resistance, and in my hands message for the coming invasion and I was supposed to be heading to Normandy.

Now the next question is how did I end up here without a ticket? I then put back on my coat trying to remember, then the memory flashed into my head as I heard the train whistle blow. Earlier in the day, I was walking to meet with Charles in the train station in Paris, not only to say goodby but also to find out about the last details of my mission like who was to meet me when I got to Normandy. Right as I turned the corner, I saw him being surrounded by four German soldiers yelling at him for papers and to go down on his knees. Realizing he was about to be taken away, I turned when I suddenly felt a potent force on the back of my head as if someone had hit me, and then I woke up here. I breathed out hard. “Well, Charles I will have to do this without you.” I suddenly heard a faint noise outside the door. I quickly made sure my coat was fastened making sure I was presentable, and opened the door walking out.

The hallway was completely empty, and Angelique was not there. Something seemed off, as there was an eerie silence, and automatically my body went into high alert as I cautiously walked out when I suddenly saw something happening in the corner of the compartment. I quickly hid in a doorway that was a closet, as I saw the Three German soldiers having Angelique against a wall. I could hear their conversation but from a distance. “Where is it? And Who is it? We know they are here!” Holding a hand to her neck, they harshly asked her. They struck her in the face. She was slightly shaking as she shook her head.

“Monsieur, I do not know who or what it is?” She then lifted her head in looked them straight in the eyes. “And even if I did know, I would not tell you.” She spit at the soldier who held her with fury and hatred saying aloud. “Vive le France!!” The soldier grabbed his pistol and shot her in cold blood.

I froze as I watched not making a sound. They then dragged her body out of the compartment, knowing they would just dump her on the side of the train. I swallowed, breathed in, trying to calm myself down. Recognizing the fact that they knew that someone was there with information. They were determined to find that person. That person was me.

Once I heard the compartment door shut, I made my way toward the Club car. Thinking fast about my training, I recall Monsieur Sebastien gave me some insight into what to do. “Be out in the open and blend, do not draw attention to yourself, and try to act as diplomatic as possible. Do not let your fear or emotions be shown. The Germans can sense it if you have fear.”

I got to the Club car took off my coat, and sat down at one of the tables sitting near the window. An assistant came to me. “Mademoiselle, are you ready to order?”

I smiled. “Just a coffee for now.” He nodded and went off, as I put down the menu to look around at the atmosphere analyzing and planning. A young man who seemed he could not be more than 23, was at the bar as he kept on looking at me, I then glanced out the window, realizing that he was coming over.

“May I sit?” he asked casually.

I nodded and signaled to him to sit across from me. The Assistant then came with my coffee. “Here you go Mademoiselle. Anything else?” I glanced at the man then at the Assistant. “Well maybe a pastry if they have it.” He nodded, as then the gentleman who sat across from me stopped him and spoke.

“Monsieur, I will get this coffee for her, and anything else she orders put it on my bill.” He said to the assistant. I nodded a bit stunned.

“A charmer and a gentleman, I am lucky to be here.” I said as I smiled while taking a sip of my coffee.

“My pleasure Mademoiselle.” He smiled at me.” Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jonathan Garnier.”

I nodded as I took another sip. “So, what do I owe this company? What is your occupation Monsieur Jonathan?” I was intrigued, but knew that I needed to know the people and my surroundings.

“Oh, I am a war correspondent, also photographer. I take the pictures and try to make sure that it turns out good in the newspapers. I try to report both sides equal.” He then took a sip of his own coffee as he had brought it to the table.

I nodded. “Must be a challenging thing as there is so much to document and all.”

He nodded, “There are more things going on than you know. Especially in the world of propaganda, both sides will elaborate the story to make themselves look like the good ones, the heroes, or that they are the ones that should be followed. I write and take pictures of the truth, raw and direct. Which is why it is hard to take sides, I must remain as neutral as possible.” He then sipped his own coffee. I then glanced down.

“It must be hard for you to have that on you.” Then I looked at him.

“Sometimes it is a bit difficult, but I have to remain in a state of reporting how it is, I do not get emotionally attached.” I nodded, but then he changed the subject. “So, tell me about you...I did not even catch your name.”

I looked at him, “How rude of me. My name is Josephine, and well, there is not much to tell. I work as a teacher, well now more of a tutor for Children who need to work on their grammar and math. So not much of a social life at the moment, but in the downtime, I also am a musician. I play the Piano and Violin.” I sipped my coffee, then put it down and glanced at him.

He nodded. “That is interesting, I would never think of you as a school teacher. And I do not mean it in a disrespectful way, but you look far too young to be a teacher, and well, I pictured another career. What are you doing on the train? Are you going to visit a friend, or significant other, because forgive me if I am wrong, but I do not see a ring on your finger, so I suspect unmarried.”

I was beginning to get annoyed with him for inquiring these questions but I had to keep up the façade. “Well, I am on a mini holiday and on my way to visit my parents now that I have the time.” 95% was a lie, 5% was true. My parents had died about 10 years ago, and now I was going nearby to help them by hopefully help, in my part, to free France.

Jonathan nodded. “I see, so no siblings?”

I looked at him. “I only had one sister. Unfortunately, she passed away of Consumption about 13 years ago.” I glanced at him as he shook his head.

“I am so sorry. So, your parents are all you have.” he asked earnestly.

I nodded. “Well enough of me, I am sure I bored you with my uneventful life. What about you? Are your parents still alive, any siblings for you?”

He smiled. “Only my mother is very much alive, my father died in a hunting accident when I was 13. I still remember him though. And for siblings, I have a sister, that is why I talked to you, you look like her. She is still living but in Poland, deep in heart of the chaos.” He glanced down.

“I am sorry Monsieur. Is she married?” I inquired.

He looks at me. “She was married, but her husband was recently killed. I was hoping to go on this train to meet her and try to see about being with her for a few days.”

I nodded. “That would be a good thing to do especially if she was in such challenging times.” Suddenly at that moment the three German soldiers walked into the club car.

I tried not to show my sweat or fear. Jonathan glanced back and whispered. “When are these people going to leave Europe?”

I smiled and shrugged. “I try to stay away from politics and live my life.” I finished my coffee and pastry and started to get up. “Thank you so much Monsieur Jonathan for the conversation and the coffee.” He then got up.

“Pleasure was mine. Here let me help you into your coat.” He took the coat from the chair and helped me put it on.

I nodded. “Thank you.”

Turning to leave Jonathan said. “Oh Josephine, you almost left your scarf. “

I nodded. “Thank you.” I then was given my scarf as he leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

“Do not trust anyone, do not say anything.” I was stunned, and nodded, trying to understand why he said that as I tried to read his face.

“Thank you, Monsieur.” I turned and left as the Germans started questioning people, and started to walk to the entrance/exit of the compartment car toward the next car of the train.

Thoughts started to race in my head. Who was Jonathan? Why did he tell me what he did? Did he suspect that I knew something? Then I heard shouting from the compartment just as I was about to step out of the door, I kept on walking, not turning back. I was trying to figure out what to do, where I could hide and how long it would take to go to Normandy. I managed to find a seat that was empty in a corner and glanced outside. Something told me that something was off. Remembering what Jonathan told me...then a sign was seen at a distance, a train station ahead. Finally, I could get off to try to get my bearings to transfer trains to Normandy. I let a sigh of relief, then suddenly at the same time a knot turned in my stomach. On the platform of the train station, a group of German Soldiers standing there as the train did not slow down to stop, instead, it gained more speed passing by the train station, as the passengers on the station platform that were supposed to mount on the train were shouting as the Germans were blocking them from going near. I realized also at that moment, that the train was not stopping, it was not going to the West side of France, instead we were heading North East, which can only mean one thing, we were heading deeper into enemy territory and into Germany itself. They were not going to let this train stop until they found me. I then got up to walk toward another compartment, as my heart was racing, and my head was overloading with thoughts. What can I do? Should I swallow the note and put everything to memory? As I was walking out the compartment, I heard the German Soldiers shouting as they walked into the Compartment. I hid in a small corner just on the outside of the compartment in a small space before the actual outside door, and peered into the compartment slightly watching what they were doing. The Soldiers were shouting at an elderly couple that was sitting down. “Where is she?” They hit the elderly man on the face and spoke. “I know she talked to you? Where is she?” The man then looked up, there was blood running from his nose.

His wife, who was being held by the arm, shouted at them “My husband does not know anything!” The Soldier slapped her face knocking her over, then took his gun and shot her in cold blood. “Answer me. Where is she?” The soldier looked to the elderly man; the man turned his face in pain to the Soldier. Shook his head, and spit on him. The Soldier then shot him leaving them both dead. Then he turned to the entire compartment. “I know there is a spy amongst us, someone who is extremely dangerous! I will not leave until that person is found. Now I will have my Soldiers question you, and you better tell me what you know, or else you will end up like this couple.” The people were nodding in fear.

I was raggedly breathing wondering what to do as I realized I had put so many lives in danger. What to do? Suddenly I felt a hand over my mouth as I yelped. “Quiet or they will hear us.” A voice whispered.

I nodded. “Slowly come over to the next compartment, I will be behind you. Quickly now.” I then quickly jumped slightly into the next car, and looked slightly behind me as he said. “Go, go inside....” I then did and he followed.

I then had a good glance at him then. It was Jonathan, I was confused then hoping that he was not a spy for the Germans. Once inside, I waited for him, as he followed and spoke low to me in seconds. “Stay down there.” He then took a pistol from inside his coat and crouched down watching the door, turned slightly down to me. “Ok, this compartment has drawing rooms, I do not think it is occupied, but we need to get past this, the next one is the cargo, and the next one after that is also cargo, and that is the one we need to get to.” I nodded. “When I say go, just go ducked down as much as possible, I will be behind you.” I nodded, as he turned and watched. “Ok....almost...go, now go!” I started to run, with my body hunched over as much as I could. I finally got to the end and went toward the next car, then jumped on over to the next car and turned back as I heard shooting and shouting. I saw the German Soldiers run into a drawing room, but did not see Jonathan anymore. I quickly got into the next car, and sure enough it was cargo. There were barrels, meat hanging up packaged. This was cargo the food for the German troops around France or going to Berlin. I then made it to the other Car, where there was the luggage and other packages and mail. I hid in a corner behind some barrels. I was scared, not knowing what to do. I then took the message out of my coat pocket. Read it and memorized it, then as I was about to tear it up and swallow it, I heard a noise from the roof.

A small part of the latch door on the roof of the cargo car opened and I saw a man come in. I recognized Jonathan but did not make a noise, as he started to look around putting away his pistol as he was cautiously getting his bearings. “Josephine?” He whispered aloud. I stayed silent. “Josephine.” He whispered louder.

I sighed, still not sure whether to trust him or not, quickly putting the note in my pocket again to make sure he did not see it.

“Josephine. Look I am not a spy, or I do not want to kill you.” I let out a gasp, as I never told him any of those things. He heard it, came toward me, I crouched further into the corner as he saw me. He then sat near me. “Look, I am not here to arrest you or kill you or anything, in fact I was sent here to actually protect you.” I looked at him very uncertain, still unsure.

He put his pistol back into his coat pocket sighing. “Yes, your friend Charles, he asked me to come on board to make sure that you were safe. He wanted to be sure that you had someone watching you in case something happened. Cause the CNR, need to make sure to get the message of what needs to be done to help the Invasion.” I nodded then looked at him still slightly uncertain.

“So, the war correspondent, was a lie?” I looked him straight in the eyes.

He shook his head. “Actually no, that is how I can do the work that needs to get done. The more information I get from both sides, the more I will help my country be safe.” He looked at me. “I am telling the truth.”

I nodded, “So your sister in Poland, is there still a sibling?”

He sighed. “Yes, my sister, Bernadette Jaquez, she is in Poland. She had to leave because her husband was a part of the Polish Resistance. And he was killed in 1943, She has been unable to get out of Poland, for fear they would catch her.” He looked at me in the eyes as I saw in them, he was telling the truth.

I then sighed relief. “How did you know I was on the train?” I then asked.

“Because I was told how you would look like, plus I saw a picture of you, that and they told me to ask your name. And then I saw you and knew it was you.” He then looked down.

I sighed then glanced down. “So how do we get away?”

He then looked at his watch. “Well, the Germans think that I have jumped over outside of the train. I think that we will be ok at least for now. We will be stopping soon.”

I looked at him confused. “But Jonathan. We are going to Germany or somewhere cause the train has not stopped in any station.” He had a slight smile.

I noticed the smile, “Is there something you are not telling me?”

He then glanced at me. “Mademoiselle, do you believe finally hope is on our side?” I was now extremely confused.

“I am not sure why you are saying that Monsieur.” Trying to understand what he meant.

“I mean that finally very soon in the next half hour, this train will stop. And it will stop by the hand of the Maquis, as they bomb the rail.’ He smiled as he looked at me like a child who had the best news.

I was in shock, then spoke in a small voice. “But what about the innocent people on the train? Including us? Not saying that I knew that there was a possibility of dying in this mission, but I was hoping it would not be in the hands of my compatriots.” I started to get nervous.

Jonathan shook his head. “No, my job is to make sure you are safe, then I must go back on the roof, detach the first compartment attached to the engine, and make sure that the front of the train along with the Soldiers get to meet their maker today, while the Passengers are safe. But the rail will be blown, and this train will go down. Do you see the cargo in this last car? It is piled up with food, but also it has ammunition, it has blueprints and things that might win the war for them. It will end today or tomorrow this France, the Allies will come for us, and France will be free once again.”

I glanced around. “I hope so Jonathan, I certainly hope so.” I slowly got out of the hiding place when I started to hear bombing outside. An air raid I thought. Then the car shook. “Jonathan, is this them? Did they take off the rail yet?” I was feeling my heart in my mouth. Jonathan tried to keep calm.

“No those are not French, those are....” He tried to look up outside the roof hatch which was still open. “Those planes are German, they are They are bombing a town. I do not know what to say Josaphine, only I wonder if we are still in France, I pray hope we are.” My knotty feeling came back to my stomach.

I felt helpless being stuck there. "I have to give this to the allies; I have to give them message.” I was in tears, as I felt scared and alone as I tried to analyze the statistics.

Jonathan came down and hugged me. “It will be ok; we will be ok. We are doing this for France. You have survived this long Josephine; you will survive the war.” I nodded, regaining my composure.

‘Thank you, Jonathan. If we can find a way out together, I would appreciate it. I am part of the Resistance; I want my country free.” I then glanced around trying to find a way. Inside a box, it was filled with gunpowder and in another one grenade. I glanced around for pistols which I found, put two in my coat pocket, then glanced around for a box with ammunition. “So, tell me Jonathan, I have a question for you. How did I end up here and what happened?” I needed to ask him because something felt off still in that.

“Well, I will tell you the truth. Charles told me to meet him on the platform at the train station, I was there when I saw the German soldiers, I saw you starting to walk toward him, and I could not allow you to be exposed cause that is the last thing that Charles wanted to happen, so I did what I could to help you. I hit you on the back of the head to make you fall, picked you up and brought you inside the train, sat you down in a booth. One of the Assistants is part of us as well, help me make sure you did not need a ticket.” He was. slightly blushing as he told me

I glanced at him in shock. “And then what happened to my purse?”

Jonathan cleared his throat. “I thought that if you left it out that they would follow us. So, I threw your purse in the corner, scooped you up and made my way on the train.” I nodded as he got up then turned to me. “Look we do not have much time, wait for me here.” Then all Suddenly there was an explosion near the train that shook us. Jonathan raced to the door and pulled it open halfway.

Planes. Suddenly he looked to his left toward the front of the train and suddenly took my hand, pulled me, and yelled. “Jump Josephine!!” throwing me off the train as he jumped off behind me. Rolling in the ditch until I stopped a few seconds later, an arm held my waist as I stopped. Jonathan crouched down to me as we both watched in awe as the train was going off track and the rails ahead were exploded up. Then suddenly there was shouting from ahead in German.

Jonathan then gave me a pistol. “Take this and run, run south.” I started to try to get my bearings, and ran then glanced back after aways and saw Jonathan was being shot at as he started to go in the opposite direction. Then he suddenly shouted. “Vive le France!” And he was then shot down. I gulped. Then crouched down to hide...then a blackness enfolded me.

I groaned opening my eyes, hearing the rhythm of a train. “Mademoiselle, your ticket please?” I looked around confused. The Assistant looked at me. “Your ticket.” she repeated. Trying to understand what was happening, I reached into my coat pocket pulling out some paper. “Mademoiselle, that is not a ticket.” She said, glancing up, I saw it was Angelique. I then glanced around seeing three German guards near the entrance of the car, I then stiffened. She noticed and spoke in a low. “Don't worry Mademoiselle, I have your ticket.”

I then tried to think, what just happened to me was it a dream? Did I think it or daydream it? Was it real? Suddenly I saw Jonathan walk past. He saw me. “Are you feeling better Mademoiselle?”

I glanced up and nodded, looking right at him. He smiled and sat in front of me. “Forgive me for intruding Mademoiselle, but I must tell you be very careful and do not trust many people.” Then he took my hand kissing it gently, got up and walked away. I then noticed he had slipped a small note in my hand. Moving to the side as though to look out the window, I carefully opened the note, and in small words it said. “The last cargo car, be there to save your life. Vive le France! Johnny with the long mustache is coming.” He then started to take out a pistol from his pocket as the German Soldiers started to come through the compartment door as I quickly slipped out of my seat and started running, again.... But then again, did I live through a dream? Or did it happen...


About the Creator

Jennie C Gonzalez

Being a lover of books and history, I love to not only read a story but also tell a story. Being in Classical Voice, and being able to sing a character, it gives me the creativity to be to write and help a character come to life.

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