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Mischievous Patent and The Wise Antonio

A Story of a Unique and Amazing Friendship

By Aubrey Nichole Medeiros Published 2 years ago 12 min read
Mischievous Patent and The Wise Antonio
Photo by Joe Caione on Unsplash

It was a cloudy and great day; It’s been a while I haven't felt this kind of excitement. I feel butterflies in my stomach. It’s been months I am waiting and waiting and waiting for a miracle that someone will show up at the door for me. I just heard from my caretaker, Brandi that there is this couple that will be seeing me today. “I hope this is it! This is my day!” I keep on mumbling and praying while walking back and forth as I am so nervous but excited at the same time.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Medeiros. Thank you for calling! Yes, Jimmy will be ready by then. See you at 10:00” Brandi said on her call.

I thought to myself “Oh no! It’s already 7:30 am, I have to be ready and look my best!”. I can’t believe it. Today will be the day I can be free and have a newfound home.

“Hey, Jimmy! I guess someone’s wanting to see you huh. Hope they will not return you in a day or so.” Kenny, one of my greatest enemies and a bully, shouted and chuckled at me while we were roaming in the play area.

It’s been a long time I wanted and wished to find a place I can call home and have a family that will show me love and care. I’ve seen so many of my friends left here with their new family- Vanilla, Charlie, Romeo and many more. And maybe it is my time, my time to shine and be in a new place, new environment and have a brand-new life. So, after some time, Brandi bathe me, put soap and perfume on me, and brushed my hair to be handsome and ready to meet my parents, Mr. And Mrs. Medeiros.

Then after hours of waiting, the moment of truth came in. I saw a couple, walking towards the receiving area with a big black Labrador with them. The guy seems tall, with glasses, blue eyes, and seems to be very calm and gentle. The woman with her is with glasses as well, kind, and gentle, looked so excited and happy as she approached me and Brandi.

I ran towards them and the woman carry and hugged me. I feel an instant connection and warm feeling that I don’t want to let go of. After some discussion, I saw myself going inside the car and being with them. What a good and hopeful day. This is it! New family, New Home, here I come.

While in the car, I can’t help but think… “Oh Good Lord! This is it! I will now have a permanent home with a permanent family!” I wonder how many treats and foods I will have. Will I have so many toys? How about a comfortable bed?” I heard from their conversation that we will be going home to Athensville, a small peaceful town. Exciting, indeed!

Well, pardon me, folks. I haven’t formally introduced myself to all of you. My name is Patent, a cute Maltipoo, well formerly Jimmy but my newfound parents prefer to call me Patent. It’s a unique and clever name and I heard it a while ago while on the drive. I heard that my fur mom, Aubrey loves Intellectual Property Law and decided to incorporate it with me. My fur dad Ricky loves baking and gaming while my brother, a Labrador, Duke is goffy, serious and strict one. This is our family and welcome to my life…my story. It's been a great experience being with this family and I cannot believe its been a year I am with them.

Let me tell you a very unique and great story of how I met my best friend and mentor, Antonio. Sit back and relax. Here’s how it all started…

I remember one night, as our usual time around seven o’clock in the evening my fur parents let me and Duke out in the backyard to do our routine, I saw a very odd creature near the tree at the very edge of the backyard. Our backyard is quite large and I enjoy running and circling it most days like a free bird. The creature makes a hissing and screeching sound…

“Don’t go there, Patent. It might be a dangerous animal that can eat us. Better stay here and wait for our fur parents to let us in.” Duke warned me. Duke my brother is indeed a very careful and an “old soul” as they say. I can feel at times he is still bothered and annoyed by my presence but sometimes I feel his care and concern.

“It might be a creature who needs help or maybe a new friend we can meet! I’ll be back really quick!” I replied. The mischievous and curious me ran towards the tree to check what is it before I even hear what Duke is telling me.

“Hello, there friend!” I greeted this creature with long, round wings, a short tail, and pale dark eyes. The creature seems startled but he looked at me with his twisted side head.

“I am Patent! Welcome to my backyard!” I added but he is still looking at me and not responding. He flew on the other side of the tree and the moon’s light let me see his whole appearance.

“Oh, gee! A barn owl! Amazing! What is your name?” That is the first time I saw so close the bird and creature that my father usually says as a creature of wisdom and intelligence. My father used to say they are mysterious, silent, and very clever.

“Uhm. Hello, are you okay? Can you see and hear me? I am here.” I tried talking to him but he is still serious and looking for something.

“He looked at me and said…” Move!” and he flew and captured a small mouse near me which I didn’t even notice as I am awe to see such a grand creature. He flew far and I can’t still move and can’t believe I saw a barn owl.

“Patent! Come here!” Ricky shouted and I ran so fast towards the door as it is time for me to go inside and call it a night. While in my blanket, I have some questions in my mind and some thoughts. What is he doing here? Why is he not responding to my questions? I also think of reaching out more to have another friend.

The next day, I devised a plan to actually make conversation with him through knowing if that barn owl has been in the backyard for a long time. So, I started a conversation with Duke during lunch.

“Brother, have you ever seen a barn owl?” I asked Duke as he is licking his paws and laying near the couch.

“What is that?” Duke replied. He seems confused.

“Well, that’s a bird specifically a kind of bird which is an owl. My father said to me before that they are the ones active and very good at hunting at night. “I said remembering fun memories I had with my father before I was brought to a farm.

“Err. okay, but no” he answered.

“That’s what I saw last night. The creature that was in the tree. You will not believe how fast he is to snag a mouse near me which I didn’t even notice. I wonder if we can be friends.” I enthusiastically shared it with Duke while he stood up and walked upstairs.

“Well, that’s if he can handle your mischievousness and clumsiness,” he said with laughter and irony. Duke seemed to be still upset as he feels jealous and bothered, I am here.

That night, during the time that Ricky let us out to pee and do our routine, I waited and looked at the tree. I ran there, looked, and saw him again after a while.

“Hello, Mr. Barn Owl! How’s your evening going?” I happily greeted him with my smile. But he just made a blank stare at me and then looked right and left.

“Well, my name is Patent. I am fairly new here as my fur parents adopted me a few weeks ago. This is our backyard. I am so happy to see someone else aside from my overly serious, strict, and boring brother (sigh and rolled my eyes). So, by the…way…” He interrupted me and for the first time replied…

“Can you stop talking? I am looking for food. I need silence to find one.” he said.

“Well, that’s a start, you are talking!” I joyously replied. “So, where are you from? Do you live here? Or do you just go here for food? What’s your name? We can play, I have some toys gifted by my fur mom!”

He exhaled and looked at me… “Move!” and he flew down and snagged again a small mouse and flew far away again.

As I watched him fly away, I said to myself “Well that’s a start! Few words of conversation”. Then I ran back as Ricky looked for me and called me. As I go to sleep, I wonder why he is not talking to me when I am so friendly. I stood up and said, “I shall devise a plan I will call Operation Make Mr. Barn Owl my Friend!”.

“Shh!!! If you don’t want to sleep, let others sleep!” Duke scolded me and snored. I went back to bed and sleep soundly with the hope that Mr. Barn Owl will soon be my best friend.

The next day, while my parents are busy cooking, I am in the backyard playing with my toys and planning ways how I can convince Mr. Barn Owl to talk and be friends with me.

That night, I ran and showed him some of my toys while he is in the tree. He just stared at me and after a few minutes flew away with no single word uttered. The next night, I changed my plan and get Ricky’s shoes and showed him. I heard from my parents that it is brand new so I thought I can have them as my offering but I was ignored again. The unfortunate thing is, Ricky, scolded me and called me “bad boy”. He is mad at first but I can still see he loves me so I just smiled at him and make a gesture of peace. The next day, I tried showing and bringing in the backyard my mother’s socks and shoes but I got into trouble once again and got scolded. Repeat steps 1-2-3 and still no progress only scolding and troubles.

In the next coming days, I planned and tried to think hard about what to do to capture his attention and let him talk to me. The succeeding nights, I watched in a distance and observed him as he hunt and looked for mice and small animals to eat. I figured out his interest and how I can get him to talk to me. I remember, one time when Ricky hugged Aubrey while she was cooking their food and she said that there is a saying that “Indeed, the way for a man heart is through his stomach” which I found weird at first as to where is the key? Entrance? How can she? Oh!! Oh! I know now. Maybe it could with Mr. Barn Owl...FOOD. Why is it I didn’t think of it?

So, the next night, I acted like I wanted to poo early in the backyard and hunt for a mouse in preparation for Mr. Barn Owl’s return. I admit, it is certainly hard to catch one but I run, glide, jump, somersault and finally found one and put it in my mouth and ran in the tree.

(Inaudible sound)

“I cannot understand you. What is it?” he replied. I raised my mouth and showed him the mouse in my mouth. He smiled and grabbed the mouse and swallowed it.

“Well, thank God you answered. That is my friendly gift to you Mr. Barn Owl.” I smiled with some pain in my mouth as it was hard to manage the moving mouse in my mouth.

“My sincere gratitude for your offer, young dog.” He replied and took a bow.

“Young dog? Nah. Call me Patent.” I informally replied.

“Thank you, Patent. I shall leave now and hunt food for my parents.” he started to fly. “Hey wait! What is your name? Wait! Wait!” then he flew all the way to the sky. I felt a bit disappointed as that was a brief talk but I convinced myself “That is progress!” (sigh).

Like every barn owl, my father said,he is very reserved. He looks kind and I feel we will get along and be friends sooner or later. The next few nights, I tried to look for him and go near the tree but he is missing in action. I wonder where he went or if he is okay. I kept waiting and waiting. The next few days… no show.

One day, the mischievous and playful Maltipoo that I am, I tried running and running towards the mud to disguise and look like a different dog to see if Mr. Barn Owl is avoiding me or if he would even recognize me. But it got me into trouble again and my fur parents scolded me and called me a “bad boy”. Duke laughed at me and he likes when our fur parents get mad at me. I just want to have fun, live life, and play! To meet new friends and make them proud and happy.

During a sad and gloomy night, I just sat there outside our backyard while Duke is sniffing, peeing, and walking…and look at the moon and just sighed. But someone called me…

“Hey Mr. Playful Dog, good evening to you!” a familiar sound said. And when I looked at the far tree it is Mr. Barn Owl!

“Well, now you are here. Where have you been?” I asked in a sad tone.

“Interesting, the joyful and energetic dog seems to lose all his energy and glow” he replied.

“Well, I got scolded today by my parents and I feel sad. I just want to be playful and a good boy. And for them to be proud of me.” I opened up.

“That is a tough one. As I observed and saw, you are indeed a mischievous, playful, and adventurous one. You are most of the time getting into trouble.” He said with a chuckle.

“I am trying not to be! I tried to stay away from trouble but they are just following and sticking with me.” I answered with frustration.

“Have you tried being extra sweet? Avoiding to bite shoes, socks, doors and also not to bring their things in the backyard?” he asked.

“Well, it’s fun when they looked at it all over the house when it is just here laying outside. A cool hide and seek ha-ha!” I said with delight.

“Oh good, Lord! You are indeed mischievous and prankish” he said seriously. Then someone called me that it was time to get in, my fur mom, Aubrey.

“I have to go; can we talk again tomorrow? I believe I really need your wisdom and insight about this.” I pleaded.

“We’ll see. Be a good boy” and then he flew.

The next day I contemplated an idea and a proposal. What if I will catch a mouse for him in exchange for one advice or tip to make my fur parents happy and proud of me?... What a clever and great idea, indeed. So that night I caught a mouse and saw him flying towards the usual meeting place we have. I hand him over the mouse and as he ate it, I said…

“Well, I have a proposal to you, Mr. Barn Owl.” I started.

“Thank you for the meal…What is it? A proposal?” he replied.

“I will give you one mouse or frog every night for one word of wisdom or tip on how to be a good boy and make my fur parents happy.” I formally said.

“Oh! Very wise one. Patent… you are one of a kind.” He laughed.

“ Well, that is challenging but interesting.” He added.

“So? What do you think? I believe it is a win-win for us. You get food everyday, no need to hunt. I am your hunter and you will be my mentor” I asked again.

“Ah, what a good proposal and presentation of the plan! (laughed)... Alright. That works for me. And just one more thing and a condition” He responded.

“What is it?” I worriedly asked.

“Since I am your mentor… Call me Antonio.”

“Ah Antonio, that is your name! Antonio, the wise. My mentor!” and then I jokingly bowed.

“So, what’s my first lesson?” and we both laughed.

We talked that night laughing and sharing fun stories until it was time for me to get in and call it a night. And that was the start of Antonio and I’s friendship. What adventures and lessons will he give me? How are the words of wisdom going? Well… We shall see…


About the Creator

Aubrey Nichole Medeiros

Write with your mind and heart. Set your passion and imagination on fire and pursue what your heart truly desire.

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    Aubrey Nichole Medeiros Written by Aubrey Nichole Medeiros

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