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Midnight mysteries

The ten strangest things that happen in midnight

By joyce njajiPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Midnight mysteries
Photo by Martin Brechtl on Unsplash

You may have heard that some strange things happen at midnight, but you might be surprised to hear just how strange they really are. As the old saying goes, midnight has a thousand eyes, and if that’s true, then there must be thousands of strange things that happen at midnight – from the supernatural to the mysterious and everything in between. But if you had to pick the ten strangest things that happen at midnight, what would they be? Read on to find out more!

The US Navy runs 24/7 worldwide operations

The US Navy is a 24/7, 365 days a year operation. It operates worldwide in order to maintain security and stability in regions of interest. The Navy has several different jobs for enlisted people, officers, and civilians. With so much going on, it can be difficult for everyone to find time for sleep. There are even times when sailors work 18 hour shifts in one day. They might work all day and then have an overnight shift from 8pm-8am the next morning. Sometimes they might get four hours of sleep before starting their next 12 hour shift!

Every city around the world experiences a spike in births at midnight

This phenomenon is known as the witching hour or midnight birth syndrome. Studies have shown that there's a spike in births around this time, and some hospitals now start delivering babies just in case. Scientists think it has something to do with circadian rhythms and sleep deprivation, but we don't know for sure. The only thing we know is if you give birth at midnight, you'll likely get a few more hours of sleep than the average person. It’s also thought that people are born during this time because they are going to die soon after- since nighttime falls when people tend to be closer together and less exposed to other germs- making these babies more susceptible to infection. The third reason is due to an increase in melatonin- an important hormone which helps regulate our body clock- which occurs during nighttime hours.

The best selling book, Wuthering Heights was written by Emily Bronte at midnight

Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights was written in 1847 and was inspired by a nightmare she experienced. Emily was sleeping in her room when she had a dream about being in a dark and stormy night on the Yorkshire moors. In this nightmare, she saw an apparition of an old woman dressed all in white who appeared to be searching for someone. When Emily woke up, she decided to write down her nightmare in order to make it go away. The book is also called Wuthering Heights because the word wuther means to shake with fear or cold and height means great elevation. The wind wuthering through the wild heights is considered by many readers as one of the most dramatic passages in English literature.

There are no traffic accidents between 12am and 2am

Traffic accidents are most common between 4pm and 6pm. Not surprisingly, they're less common during the witching hour of 12am-2am. In fact, there are no traffic accidents between 12am and 2am. This is because people are more likely to be asleep in this time period, making it more difficult for them to get in an accident. One study found that 54% of fatal car accidents occur between 3pm-6pm, and 66% occur between 10pm-3am. The increased number of drivers on the road might account for some of these numbers. But a lack of sleep from staying up late could also be a factor.

After all, our bodies are programmed to go into sleep mode when it's dark outside--from dusk until dawn--and research shows we suffer when we don't allow our bodies to rest.

The Canadian government has extended filing deadline from 11pm to midnight on Tax Day due to 'technical difficulties'

The Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) is extending its filing deadline for tax returns from 11 pm to midnight on Tax Day because of technical difficulties with its electronic filing system. CRA said it will also be open on April 30th, from 9 am to 5 pm local time, so Canadians have another chance to file their taxes if they were unable to do so by April 29th. The decision was made in order to facilitate access to our online services while we work on addressing these issues, the agency said in a statement Monday evening. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.

46% more people check Google every minute during this time.

It's 12 AM, and you're wide awake. You might be feeling anxious because of all the things going on in your life. But guess what? It's actually a magical time to do stuff on the internet. For example, there are 46% more people checking Google every minute during this time. This is because when you look up words on Google during this time, it will give you results for words you type in based off of what other people have been searching for at 12 AM too!

There is much less cyber crimes reported during this period

The first 12 hours of the day and last 12 hours of the night are known as midnight. This time period is when cyber crimes, such as fraud and hacking, are most likely to occur.

This is mainly because a lot of people are sleeping during this time period, making it easier for hackers to steal information. It's also possible that people might be more likely to click on phishing links when they're taking a break from work or getting ready for bed. Finally, many law enforcement officers will only investigate crimes after business hours.

The total amount of cybercrimes reported in the United States in 2016 was about 534 million—which averages out to about 7 million every month.

Cats are most active during this time.

You might think you know all about cats, but did you know they are most active during this time? I’ve heard a lot of people say they are most active at dawn, but it turns out they are actually most active in the wee hours of the night. If you own a cat or have ever spent any time around them, you’ve probably noticed their affinity for lounging around in late evening and night-time hours. They can be found sleeping on your bed while you're asleep or sitting on top of your dresser when you come home from work. They'll often dart across your living room floor as soon as it gets dark outside to find the perfect spot to sleep - whether that be under your dining room table, up in a tree, or curled up inside one of your shoes.

Fights and arguments escalate faster after 12am.

As we get closer to 12am, people’s tempers are more likely to flare up as they reach their breaking point. This is mainly because sleep deprivation starts to set in and people are just a few seconds away from snapping. It also might be due to a chemical reaction in the brain which causes an increase in aggression when it’s close to 12am. The night owls then take advantage of this by gambling or going out to bars, where these types of activities are more popular than during the day. People's senses seem heightened after midnight.: Around this time there is less light available for our eyes so we have to rely on other senses such as hearing or smell to navigate through the dark.

100% more stolen vehicles are recovered overnight than any other time of day.

The number of stolen vehicles are recovered in a night is higher than any other time during the day. This is because, during this time period, there are less people out on the street and it's easier to spot a car from a block away, making it easier for law enforcement to apprehend them. Less crimes occur due to the decrease in population and crime rates go down since there are fewer people on the streets. People who have jobs with early morning hours have more sleep due to their schedule, which helps them perform better at work. If a person needs something after they're closed but before they open up again then they can get it delivered as long as it's within an hour drive or delivery radius

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