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Midnight Lightning- Journal

Project Legends, ans why you should hate them

By Epitome PublishingPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

For a while, there has been an underhanded group of superheroes working for the FBI. As most people would be totally unaware of, this group has been in charge, or involved with a great number of biff and blunders that would make a good number of us to ever read a comic book, embarrassed to ever consider ourselves to be american. The hardship of all of this, is that the number of the decisions that this group makes, seems like totally avoidable problems if not for the the absolute nature of there incompetence towards anyone's dignity and there ability to function in a society that does not need, or want - things done the way that Projects legends is attempting to do things.

The name of this operation is "Project Legends" but the ultimate irony in all of this, is that you are made into anything but a legend, and treated more like a prostitute on the end of a leash made of your own insecurities, as the porject legends opperatives use thier remote veiwing abilities, to attempt to humiliate you in eveything you do, until you comply in their demands to be anything but someone who knows what they are doing.

As i write this article, two project legends Operatives sit in the same coffee shop, trying to act like the voice in my head, as they fight to gain control over my subconcious. They have been trying to put someone else in charge of my abilities for about 10 years.

Project Legends was Started during the Barrack Obama adminstration, (It was My idea,) but the Opperation was handled with the pure incompetence that usually comes along with a the Democratic way of doing things. This being -Pure incompetence, and a need for control that sees many of the worste people put in commmand of people that they should never give any power too whatsoever.

As it is, a number of the poeple who have actually passed the initaition into projects legends, have been nothing but a number of vishous cerial killers, terrorists, monsters, and horrors from other dimensions. People who only passed this process do to the nature of pure incompentence and stupidity of the person that they put in charge of this opperation. Someone who has been deemed totally insane by up to date, mental health standards.

A good number of the FBI agents that they hired to be a part of Project Legends, are totally ego driven Mormon agents. A bunch of frat boys and trust fund kids, who basically bought thier way into being FBI agents through mostly nefarious means. Most of them are avid Cocaine, Crack, aderal or Thorizine addicts, who believe that the best way to train someone to use super human abiilities, is to strap them down to a bed, and force them into the a state of total mental dependence towards someone else who has very little respect for human life. This whole opperation is like the Suicide squad, mixed with the Avengers Civil War, except everything that you could possibly imagine to go wrong has gone wrong.

Now Project legends is a group of mostly White hate driven imbicils, whos super powers mostly consisit of depending on other people for super powers while they acheive no abilities of thier own. As all the people with real abilities are commited to hospitals and used for basic power cells for a bunch of white hatred, gay Mormons, who believe in the idea that people who do not fit into thier idea of a perfect world need to be imprisoned and enslaved for their abilites, so a bunch of lack luster Mormon, and Jews, can get thier fill of feeling more important then they actually are.

I had one project legends agent, litterally suck my dick once, out of the idea that they believed it would give them super human abilities, and take away mine. A good number of them revolve around starting town conspiroucyies, poisoning water supplies, and driving entire counties crazy, but only to try and get away with not paying any black, or ethnic meta humans and honest days pay.

Like I metnioned earlier, I have been asking them for many years, for keys to a house or a base of opperations, so that I can learn to hone my own abilities in a safe environment away from the harm of others. As well as the ability learn how to build an opperate the technology I would need to be a proficciant "Super Hero". They have denied me this, keep resticting me of the ability to get an education. Keep giving my lifes work credits to others, who have passed ther program, keep forcing me into fights with other Project Legends opperatives in some sort of Illegal super human Fight Club , with has gotten a number of thier people permanently injured, or killed, then they try to find another monster to employ or train in order to get me under control. Giving a number of random Mentally dissabled people, brain surgeries in an effort to put them in control of me.

This whole opperation has been a great, and fantastic disaster, leading to many unecissary deaths, while I try to plead my case to the superior courts, to have a better and more competent policy put in place, in an effort to allow indicidual such as myself, be recognized for my skills, and not labeled by a bunch of cult belief driven FBI agents, that I am "A retard faggot N****er who needs to let someone else be my genius, because they need it more." (I have been called the N-word a number of times by a good many agents, who all fail to subdue me in all feilds of super human ability.

The greatest Tragedy in all of this, is that I would have a totally working careers as a super hero, if any of them did things the way that I ask them to. With digningty and respect, and the understanding that I am in fact out to do good, but only am percieved to them to be evil, do to thier polocy of having me beatten down and driven crazy by their, hastily trained top dog of the week.

The Los Angeles Sherifs Department has luckily joined me in my fight. So have a number of Bloods, Crips and other Gang groups, who have seend the tragedy that comes along with appointing White Mormon FBI agents to be in Charge of anthing.

Project Legends and the FBI agents in Charge of this group, are prespectively worse than ISIS, maybe even worse then Black Box. They are the Bad guys, and will not stop until the Section Nine Agents, are given proper Charge over the Super Human Department, So we can see that the meta humans of the United States, are Properly housed, clothed, and Given the cars, houses, adn equipment they need from becoming public I sours, who have to relieve themselves in public parks and alley ways, rather then given homes, and places to have places that would allow them to establish public relations with there respective communities.

This whole opperation is humiliating for everyone, and should be viewed as the worse mistake since giving Iran Uranium Rights.

Midnight Lighting Journal- Febuary 12th, 2022

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About the Creator

Epitome Publishing

No one knows where to the future will lead us; we aim for the stars and yet we end up in shallow graves with only a phrase to describe us.

Epitome Publishing is about pushing the limits of what we know about the modern science of writing.

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