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A New Universe Forged From Imagination

By Travahn AdonisPublished 10 months ago 16 min read

“Director, Director! You need to hear this!” Dr. Porter shouted, running down the hall, the papers in his arms fluttering erratically over the hallway. Porter burst into the Directors room, “Director has anyone told you what's happening!?” Porter straightened his glasses.

“Slow down Doctor. What’s going on, why are you so frantic?” He gestured to the glass of water on his desk. “Have a drink.”

“Director we’ve been monitoring the dark matter waves and something happened, our theories on the inverse quintessence,” He talked as he moved the pages in the folder around on the desk to show diagrams and writings, “they’re all coming true, and it’s moving its way through the universe and our solar system is next. Our existence is ending, sir.” Porter took the water and began to drink, his hand shaking causing the water to spill over his shirt.

The director took a deep breath. He straightened his tie “Get me the emergency broadcast, we need our people in the Reality Pods, now!”


Kevin and Nadia kissed tenderly. It was everything they hoped for since they were kids, sharing these intimate moments amidst the chaos that everyday life can be. The television was on in the background, Kevin liked white noise, it helped him to keep his mind away from the matters of tomorrow and stay in the present. Soon the soft sound of the program turned harsh.

Beep. Beep.

The screen became lines of color that anyone would recognize as the emergency broadcast. An older man was standing behind a podium. Kevin turned and Nadia followed suit.

“Citizens of the world, a massive wave of dark matter is moving towards the Earth, and once it reaches us the planet will cease to exist. Please calmly and orderly proceed to the nearest Aeronautics Launch Facility.”

As soon as they heard that they knew that the streets would be chaos, but if this was true and there was some way to survive they had to take it. The airport had to count as an aeronautics facility, and it wasn't too far away. Nadia sat on the bed speechless.

“Nadia, we have to go. Now!” Kevin said, grabbing her hand

“O-okay.” She spoke shakily, uncertainty in her voice.

Running it was all they could do right now, and everyone else had similar ideas. It was like any other natural disaster, citizens rioted in the streets as a tidal wave of bodies crashed towards the airport all hoping to be saved. Cars remained in the street, motionless. Engines were still running but their drivers had long abandoned the vehicle. The streets were filled with screaming and shouting and the noise was deafening, Kevin and Nadia could barely hear each other. Their hands clasped tightly as Kevin tried to muscle his way through the crowd. Looking around to the local electronics stores the televisions in the windows were tuned to different news channels, all showing the same thing: footage of a black dust-like substance disintegrating everything in its path before the camera cut out. Headlines were written saying, “Dark matter destroying Earth. Get to the closest Aeronautics Launch Facilities.”

Kevin held Nadia’s face close to his own and said, “I will never let anything happen to you, okay, we’re getting outta here. We’re gonna live, you hear me.” Tears streamed down their faces as Nadia nodded yes. The crowd pushed them forward in the frantic need to be in one of the escape pods being launched. When Kevin reached the front one of the crowd an older man in a lab coat, with disheveled hair and his tie undone, was asking for names, while pointing directly at him. “What’s your name, son!?”

“Kevin, Kevin Forsyth!” He yelled over the crowds of people behind him, and even over the sound of the police with riot shields being attacked by those refused entry. The man in the lab coat looked down at his tablet, swiping and shaking his head. He looked up at Kevin then down to the tablet a few times before gesturing to the officers behind the shields and pointing at Kevin. The wall of riot shields parted, but only long enough to pull him through. Much to the chagrin of onlookers.

Kevin broke free from the guards running up to the man in the lab coat saying, “What about her, what about my girlfriend? Her name’s Nadia, Nadia uhm...Hajjar. Please, please man, there’s gotta be a spot for her.” The man didn’t say anything, he just looked at his tablet which Kevin could now see was a list, but a list for what? The man found her name and slowly nodded his head side-to-side. A no. The officers had grabbed Kevin by his arms, beginning to drag him towards the makeshift launch facility. Kevin fought back with all his strength, screaming and clawing to get away and back to Nadia. “No! Take her instead of me, she’s gotta live! No, I can’t break my promise!” He thrashed about harder, feeling his eyes start to water, “Nadia! Nadia! Nadia, I love you, I’m sorry!” He focused through his tears, able to see Nadia for a moment. She was trying to push through the riot shields, yelling after him the same way he did for her. One of the officers let his grip slip, allowing Kevin to break free.

Kevin felt his shirt tighten around his neck before he fell backwards, staring at the sky until his vision went dark.


Bright light beckoned Kevin to open his eyes. His sight focused on two men in uniform stepping back as glass descended from above his head. The back of his head throbbed, and as his hand found the spot where he impacted the ground he remembered. Remembered the Dark Matter destroying the planet he was on, threatening to erase everything, everyone he cared about. Being chosen for an escape pod, what would that do against something that can destroy existence? He remembered Nadia. His body raised his hands to pound against the glass as the airlock was sealed. A countdown appeared on a small screen on the center console.


Kevin could see something black moving towards the crowd.


He wondered what it could possibly be.


“Dark Matter” He spoke in complete shock.


“NOOOOOOO!” He screamed hoping he would wake up from this nightmare


The pod was shot up into the upper atmosphere in a matter of seconds, the g-force forced Kevin against the seat. It took every ounce of his strength to look down, and he immediately regretted it. The Earth disappeared as the Dark Matter consumed it, erasing everything showing the blackness of the space around, behind, and under it, if those words could even describe directions that didn’t exist anymore. An infinite darkness engulfed the universe as all the stars began to die. He remembered seeing other escape pods shoot off of the planet, but where would they escape to, where could they go? The thought filled him with a sadness that was near indescribable, the idea of being the last of your species, of any species. The end of everything outside of the pod, no light, no sound, no reality. He started to cry.

“They’re...they’re all, all gone.” Kevin said to himself, defeated he repeated himself, “They’re all gone. Everything’s gone.”

The screen on the console lit up. On the screen a man walked behind a podium. The man was older, his mid-fifties with the accompanying gray hair, he was dressed in a suit and his tie had a NASA clip on it. After clearing his throat he began his speech.

“Hello. I am Director Hayden of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I apologize for being the bearer of bad news, but the world has ended. It’s over. If you’re hearing this then you are one of the few to survive this...omnidimensional collapse that destroyed our world, our solar system, our...universe. The universe has collapsed, so to speak...dark matter and matter do not cross paths frequently and when they do they cancel the other out. Inverse Quintessence is what we call this...or at least what we call the theory. The theory being that dark matter, which is believed to allow space to expand outward infinitely, can be changed to operate in reverse, destroying everything it helped to create.”

This was all going too fast for Kevin. Omnidimensional? That had to mean that there were other dimensions. Inverse Quintessence? If they had a theory then they knew it could happen and they told no one. Dark matter? Kevin had got a C- in his last science course. Thoughts raced around in his head, hoping to find some solid ground to try and formulate a next step. The recording continued.

“Our understanding of quantum physics and their mechanisms were just enough to allow us to engineer this pod to keep you safe. If you’re hearing this then it’s working as intended. We doubt you will be able to see, or meet other pods, as the laws of physics as you understand them no longer exist. For all intents and purposes you are the last person that exists, however, your existence can give rise to a new world which will teem with life, given time. As such, we’ve left you an artifact of our late universe.”

A small metal compartment on the center console opened itself to reveal a small object. It was perfectly round and smooth, and it looked like it held a galaxy inside of it. Kevin picked it up, moving it around in his hand.

“We’ve taken to calling it a ‘Reality Marble’ and its particular composition of matter and antimatter should allow it to initiate a miniature Big Bang event. By now if you’ve touched the Marble it has linked itself with your mind, because it needs some help forming the new world in your mind. We’ve provided some options that will help shape your thoughts.”

The screen transitioned to four pictures arranged in a grid. Each picture had an object behind it. Kevin found his hand gravitate towards one option, when he pressed it a feminine voice sounded speaking the title, “A Living World.” Kchiss. Air hissed as a small compartment opened, similar to the one that held the Marble. Inside was some sort of wildflower, complete with a wide gradient of color, and still living. The woman’s voice returned to explain the option Kevin chose, “This world will be filled with life similar to what you remember on Earth. Oceans will brim with aquatic flora and fauna. Land masses will be speckled with greenery and all things that creep, or walk. Sapient life might arise after years beyond measure. Using the flower will create a world that is mainly self-supporting, not needing anything to truly sustain itself. You could live off of the land once the world has been formed. Natural disasters, inclement weather, wild animals, and poisonous plants are all hazards of this world.”

The screen changed to a panel that simply said, “Confirm?” with the options, “Yes” and “No.” He pressed it again, signifying his choice. He stared intently at the screen as Director Hayden returned and said, “Before the Reality Marble can be activated it will require more to truly shape the world. It will take an investment. A piece of you, per se. A part we don’t fully understand, some people call it a ‘soul.’ It will be made part of your world. We have provided options to allow you to choose the extent.”

What did it mean to invest a soul, Kevin thought to himself, how much could he lose himself? He wanted to live, to truly be alive, but how could he enjoy life without his family and friends. HIs face began to heat up as his tear ducts started to work overtime, remembering the despair on everyone’s face as the dark matter caught up with the crowd, as they were denied the reality pods. Denied the opportunity to escape obliteration. Even now he began to forget the names and faces of those in the background of his life only remembering his family...and Nadia. He suddenly became concerned with his own survival when the PA sounded, “Oxygen levels at 67%.”

Kevin’s hand once again forced itself onto the option that said, “Avatar.” Again the woman’s voice returned to explain his choice. “Choosing this option you will lose most of your physical being, but you will gain an intimate connection with your world. Your world will likely be Earth-sized. Since you still must take action upon it, you will be able to permanently manipulate your world in some ways. Calm storms, or moving the occasional mountain are facets of this. Most importantly you will have a body, much like your original, made out of the bones of the world. This world will perform much as you have previously selected, though your abilities to manipulate it may alter certain things.”

“Oxygen levels at 49%,” the PA sounded.

Director Hayden returned to the screen, “I wish you good luck with your new world. Godspeed.”

The video began to become static as words on the screen spelled out, “Signed Direc--[Data Corrupt: Individual Non-existent]”

“Oxygen Levels at 38%.”

Kevin did what the screen instructed, he placed the Reality Marble and the Wildflower in the designated space. A few minutes later he could see the cosmic dust erupt from his pod. Far away in the distance he could see a multitude of explosions. Space dust and light burst out in arcs creating new space, forming a new universe. “The other survivors,” He said to himself. Kevin began to laugh, even after his planet was erased he could still find joy in creating. Suddenly it dawned on him, why he was chosen instead of anyone else, why they had a list of people who were approved for Reality Pods. Being creative. Having imagination. Kevin drew his own space opera comics in his spare time, meaning he was chosen because he could create a world full of characters, weaving together the fabric of a fictional reality, so why not trust people like him with the real universe.

“Oxygen levels at 23%.”

He fell unconscious.


Kevin opened his eyes wide, the sunlight beaming down on him. It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust, focusing on becoming acquainted with a different sun. He took in a breath feeling his chest expand reassured him he was alive. Once his vision cleared, he could see sprawling plant life in all directions. A great meadow lies before him interspersed with trees as tall as Earth Redwoods, with colors as vast as the entire rainbow. Flowers with shapes that he couldn’t describe, with bright vibrant colors that drew his eyes to them. A new planet must have new types of life. He stood up and began to walk towards one of the alien trees, feeling the alien grass flatten beneath his feet. Kevin reached out to touch the tree, closing his eyes. Feeling the soft, yet firm bark that seemed to feel his hand in return. He opened his eyes. Kevin noticed his hand was flesh no longer.

He turned his hand a few times to examine it, it was formed out of vines and wood, the sinews of plant material. He dropped to his knees and his heart sank. Where was his body? What happened to it? Kevin continued to walk, pressing ever forward, after all he has a world to explore.

When Kevin reached the top of a hill he looked around, once again surveying his surroundings, even noticing a herd of creatures coming towards him. The closer they got the louder and more deafening their galloping became. When the creatures reached Kevin they showed no signs of stopping, prompting Kevin to raise his hands in the air trying to block their force. Each creature of the herd swerved around him, parting just enough to stay together but go around what they perceived to be an obstacle. Kevin stood in awe of the powerful creatures, admiring the complexity of life that the planet already supported. Just as he was about to walk away again, one of the herd had fallen far behind on account of its visibly broken leg. Kevin held his hands up, and moved toward the creature as it lowered itself to rest.

It looked similar to an equine mammal, though it was difficult to discern any body hair on the animal save for its tail. Its body was tinted a slight green color, likely to blend in around certain adapted plant life. The head was a narrow shape, with the snout coming to an end with a set of protruding teeth and an upturned nostril crest. It had two sets of eyes, one pair being larger than the other. The head also had two long antennae that flowed behind the creature, before its neck. A large red colored sac sat upon the underside of the neck, and on the sides were two structures similar in shape and color to the crests on its back. The crests on its back were a mixture of several blue and green shades, creating a teal aftereffect, the crests moved side to side seemingly of their own accord.

Kevin leaned in and began to place his hand on the creature, either it knew he wasn’t a threat or was far too exhausted to fight back, and it allowed him to feel its body. Smooth, and the crests felt firm, yet malleable. He assumed they were made of cartilage. The underbelly of the creature looked to be patterned, splotches of color saturating the pale brown. The creatures legs contained the crests, like the neck and back, the front feet had two sets of nails, one facing forward and the other tilted inward, and the hind legs only contained one nail facing forward. Rounded, made to function by kicking up the earth in the wake of the powerful creature. Its muscles are apparent with any slight movement. The tail of the creature was thick at the base but lost mass towards the tip, which was covered in fur like sinews.

Kevin tried to soothe the creature, “Amazing, what a beautiful specimen,” he held the broken leg in his hands, “Let’s see if we can’t fix this.” Kevin remembered what the Reality Pod had said, “You will gain an intimate connection with your will be able to permanently manipulate your world in some ways.” Kevin imagined healing the leg of the creature that lay next to him. A light shone from his hands for a short few seconds. Immediately the creature roused itself, standing upright and prancing around Kevin, before nuzzling its head under his hand.

“I have to name you something. I think your species will be called equus cristatus, if I’m remembering the latin word for crest properly. How about…” Kevin laughed quietly, “How about Spirit?”


Something far off in the distance broke the sound barrier and plunged deep into the shore of a nearby lake. Kevin couldn’t fight the need to get to what crashed onto his planet as quickly as possible. Spirit retracted the crests on his back, allowing Kevin to mount him.

“Hyah!” Kevin exclaimed. Spirit let out a sound akin to a neigh but at a much higher pitch, causing Kevin to smile.

Spirit snorted and breathed with the effort, pleased he could gallop at full speed once again. His feet shoveling the soil beneath it, outwards behind him. His body arching in and out again and again, muscles and tendons tightening and releasing. Kevin could see the crater left behind by the crashed object, looking closer revealing a familiar sheen. He could see something metal, something sheer, but his world wasn’t supposed to have anything metal on it, until it dawned on him.

“The Reality Pod!” he shouted.

Once Spirit had reached the crater, Kevin hopped off of his back. He pet Spirit’s head and scratched his chin. Spirit trotted towards the water. Kevin crossed the inner threshold, placing his hand on the glass of the pod, looking through to see his body perfectly preserved.

The pod’s intercom sounded, “Viable atmosphere found, replenishing Oxygen stores.”

The air hissed as the glass door lifted up. Seeing his slumped, lifeless body filled him with regret and confusion. The oxygen didn’t matter anymore, his old body had nothing left to control it. Whatever happened after he used the Reality Marble, and the Flower, and fell unconscious had moved his essence, his soul, into the heart of the new planet. Before now he had been lost in the splendor of the new world, but seeing his body exhumed the emotions that stayed with him since being forced to leave Earth. He wanted to cry, but his primordial body had no tear ducts.

He picked up his body, remembering what the Pod had said during his selection, that he would be able to change the structure of the world. Once again the light shone from within Kevin, this time from his chest, as a massive tree formed around the pod, swallowing it into the bark. He crafted a throne for himself, and laid his empty body upon the tree.

Spirit returned to Kevin, sniffing his previous body, until Kevin put a hand on Spirit’s antennae. Kevin closed his eyes and was able to see where Spirit’s herd was headed. When Kevin opened his eyes again, Spirit’s head was craned in the direction they were headed.

“Go,” Kevin said as he smacked Spirit’s hindquarters.

Spirit galloped away. Kevin leaned into his throne, placing his hand over the base. HIs hand let off the white light again, and when he pulled away it had engraved the words, “Carry Us To Gaia.” Kevin sat on his throne, closing his eyes to go to sleep, not knowing when he would awaken again. His consciousness drifted away from his new body, ever further to the core of the planet, the core of his new Gaia. He dreamt of what life dwelled on the planet, on what sapient life may arise in the future. Kevin wouldn’t awaken for another three million years. He could see out into the new universe, almost as if the planet were his eyes. He could see that even in the furthest reaches of the galaxy that hundreds, or thousands, possibly millions of planets brimmed. Each one made by someone like him.

For the first time in hundreds of years he had hope. He wanted to go out and meet the gods of the new universe, but he had Gaia and it was what mattered to him now.

Sci Fi

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    TAWritten by Travahn Adonis

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