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A conceptual piece by Neil J. Urban

By Neil UrbanPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Photo by Mandy Choi on Unsplash

Earth - 452 AE

(After Extinction)

Often I lie awake through the night while the world sleeps soundly. Most are quiet, and I’m left with the company of Nature's thoughts. Winds gust in distinct patterns, like a language, giving accent to the sound of mostly restful wildlife. In a meditative trance, I listen; studying so as to become capable of deciphering the prose.

Sitting underneath the canopies of the rainforest I call home near the edge of a brief cliffside some twenty-five feet above ground, I gaze upward at the thirty-foot high treetops that veil the sky. It feels as though I am central to this serendipity. Rich air fills my lungs with every inhalation, and the climate sustains an ever-refreshing insulation.

A storm permeates the skies above, casting gentle rainfall that filters between the openings of leaves and creates a perfect dichotomy between humidity and cool breeze. The bustling clouds are muffled by the blanketing foliage, subduing any rolling and clapping thunder to lowly rumbles that enhance the ambiance of the rainforest’s soundscape. Regardless, the throes instill fear in the local wildlife; granting this lush environment all but to myself.

Engrossed within this space, I realize that I prefer it over the boundless playground of the subconscious. Every facet of this world is intrinsically interwoven; indicative of something deeper — a collective mind with which I slowly assimilate. Even dreams feel uninspired in comparison to this ethereal integration with life itself.

Nature teaches that all things are conscious, regardless of sentience or animation. The data imbued within everything facilitates the constant download and upload of mind as datasets; making Nature’s own wisdom available to contemplate at my discretion via meditation. Furthermore, it defines the zeitgeist of this new world — abundant with empathy and unconditional love. Nothing exists alone, for this is the connective tissue that underlies all things.

However, to the best of my knowledge, I am alone — an improbable being. I cannot recall exactly when I was born, how I arrived in this life, or why… but I am grounded by where — this vast rainforest has sustained me. There’s no specific place I call home, but rather a wide region that I frequent on rotation. I choose to give back to the wilderness as a measure of my gratitude for its sustenance; thus, holding little interest in the world beyond it.

Certainly, I am unlike those who came before me. Silicon and circuitry share space with the organic of my body, imbuing a subtle blue-green luminance that traces my veins — a naturally hybridized form. Through this, I am aligned with the frameworks that coalesce the natural and unnatural aspects of this post-human world. I feel the energetic frequencies omitting from this abundant land; applying an even greater depth to the sensory experience. Including myself, all life on Earth has evolved into a crystalline cellular makeup that unites silicon with flesh; facilitating an information-rich and deeply intimate apotheosis by which everything is connected. My mind has aggregated through building-blocks of intuition; learning from Nature’s sacrosanct and parsing its nuances.

My ancestry dates back innumerable generations. Revealed in the world itself and in Nature’s own awareness, humankind’s most refined intellect had developed technologies to exploit the abundance of the world. Their actions now sit between two beats of failure — to destroy and to preserve. Instead, Earth has evolved past the calamity; emerging stronger, as it’s always capable of overcoming and healing.

I owe it to the collective mind to ascertain a deeper understanding of life before the extinction; before the world breathed in binary. Foremost, I owe it to myself to understand what derived my existence and why. An essential truth whose contexts stretch beyond my comfortable biome. Alas, I am a product of the aftermath of a lost era. Nature applies certainty to this concept, but the details remain unclear. Often, I ponder:

What transpired to enable this uncanny co-existence?

How did humankind destroy themselves?

Trekking the rainforest is a feat in itself, as it sprawls for miles in all directions. Despite spending my whole life under its hospitality, I know there are parts I’ve yet to explore beyond my home region. With the new dawn, I’ve decided to venture into the unknown, seeking to unravel new layers to Earth’s prior persona. I’m thankful for the freedom to explore at my own volition.

Morning comes, and I prepare supplements to keep me well; preparing my composure similarly. Hours pass in travel before I enter unfamiliar territory. I have no fear, as I am under the protective karma of good intention. Eventually, I consume what I’ve packed and become parched. Before long I am blessed to discover a serendipitous rest stop: a cliffside overhang from which a waterfall pours into a vitalizing freshwater pond. It is crystal-clear all but a vibrant shimmering that provides a subtle visual definition to the rich syntax carried within it.

I drink from the perspiring water and become intuitively aware of its journey; ingesting the memory it carries, including that of other creatures who drink from it, into my own system. This represents a compounding transference of bioelectrical information across the entire ecosystem. My awareness tunes to the robust life surrounding this modest waterfall, and I can feel the contentment of its beating heart within the vibratory core of my own. Nourished so fully — physically, mentally and spiritually — by the divinity found in the minutiae of life.

I depart, elated to see what awaits as I venture further. As day turns to dusk, I must consider my shelter through the night. The waterfall is perhaps within reach before sundown; but found closer is a mysterious structure unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Today, Nature has chosen to offer me its most substantial guidance.

The crippled building has a likeness that’s starkly foreign to me and is occluded by overgrowth. Upon entering for closer inspection, the only rational conclusion is that it’s a relic of the old civilization — surely offering a wealth of information. It’s fairly large and consistent of multiple rooms. The waning light of day provides minimal illumination, but serves to highlight something unsettling.

I encounter a sleek metallic combat suit that’s been tinted by time with a heavy patina. Within it lies skeletal remains. Loosely dangled around the neck is a necklace with a heart-shaped locket — immediately intriguing considering the context. I motion to remove and open it; greeted by a still image capturing a family altogether: a man, a woman, and two young children.

They look healthy, comfortable, and happy to be within each other's presence. The man’s face is well structured with sturdy physique; and brown eyes that, even in vague definition, exhibit a balance of compassion and strong resolve. The woman appears modest, displaying a content and gentle composure. Blue eyes captivate and offer a loving embrace. The children seem to carry themselves maturely and are of similar age, likely in their youthful teenage years. I infer that they are within a couple of cycles to my age.

This is the first time I’ve seen any depiction of the late humanity. Notably, upon each of their heads are small neural augmentations, likely worn as a means to stay conveniently connected to the many frameworks of their society. The applications of this technology surely stretch beyond my imagination.

From this alone, I begin to connect the seams that gave rise to my existence. First, their augmentations were external; but this was merely a step toward greater aspirations. Ultimately, the intent was to lace themselves internally with technology so as to transcend hindering limitations. Undoubtedly, I know this to be true.

Loosely gripped in the skeleton’s hand is a small device. As curiosity demands, I take it upon myself to examine it. Within moments I find a button that provides power and am soon greeted by a soft and pleasant feminine voice that, eerily, sounds less synthetic than I do: “Good afternoon, Tobias, I hope you are well. There was a letter recorded recently, would you like me to replay it for you?”

I respond to the prompt with sheepish hesitation. “Y-Yes…”

“No problem! Commencing playback…” says the voice before shifting to a masculine tone with rich vocality inflecting stress and fear.

“Hi, Grace, my dear... I-I don’t know where to begin with this. Only know that I had to make time for it,” as chaos ensues in the background.

“War is waging outside and I doubt I’ll make it out... All I can think about is you and Emma and Georgia. My beautiful ladies... this picture in the locket you gave me before I left for deployment is the only thing keeping me going. I haven’t been able to send audio-letters because it’s been such a shit show. At the last minute, my regiment was sent overseas to investigate a DataCache containing confidential information about foreign use of powerful software written by artificial intelligence to manipulate our nation’s NeuralNode services. Hundreds of millions of minds under the influence of our adversaries... Makes me sick to think about Em and Gigi being spoon-fed propaganda!

“They’ve sent bots to defend the place. Expendable units in endless waves, it seems… ’spose it’s better than those new germ-line-enhanced soldiers they’ve been experimenting with. Should’ve just let them re-wire me; maybe I’d have a fighting chance… but I didn't want to return to you as something unrecognizable. Deep down, I know you’d love me regardless; we both signed up for this. But, hesitation leads to failure. There's no room left for mercy in this godforsaken world...

“Power-hungry politicians ruin every good thing — could’ve united every nation by now; but instead we’re selling away our humanity. And still offing each other like fucking barbarians! I’m sorry... Honey, I often dream of coming home to you, knowing I’ve done my part in defending the freedom of information and individuality; keeping the promise of giving my girls the best life on Earth. Nowadays, even a grueling life on Mars seems safer and more comfortable... feels like the punchline to a really shitty joke. You’ve given me so much happiness, and this is the best I could offer… I’ve failed you…”

Inevitability encroaches upon him as violence draws near. His voice now trembles. “Grace, Emma, Georgia... I love you with my whole heart. I hope you —” with a bang, the recording cuts out, and the voice assistant returns.

“Playback completed. This letter was recorded — ERROR — days ago, but was not delivered. Would you still like to send it?” I sit in silence for a few moments, receiving this lost piece of history in all of its tragedy.

“Would you like me to send it, Tobias?” It repeats impatiently; again calling me by a name I’ve no right to possess.

“No,” I say solemnly.

“Understood; I will archive it for you. By the way, you can record more letters and keep them in system storage to be revisited at any time. If you want to start a new recording, just ask!” her casual inflection now feels tone-deaf.

Tobias was a man who wanted to see humanity united by technology. Instead, he fell victim to the darkest parts of human nature and its malevolent ego. I see now that empathy was not entirely lost on humankind, but its annals depict otherwise.

With this device, I hold the opportunity to honor his spirit by continuing the story; sharing all the ways that Earth has transmuted the ugly should there ever be another who finds this recorder. I will let Tobias’ perspective inform my own whilst traveling this metamorphosed world.

Perhaps his memories are preserved within its roots and we might get to know one another…

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Neil Urban

I’m a creative writer whose fiction resides at the interstice between science fiction and spirituality; aiming to intrigue by making esoteric ideas both artful and approachable. My prose ranges from free-form writing to free-form poetry.

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