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Marriage Of Convenience: Part 10

The Forbidden Romance

By Gloria Michael Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Marriage Of Convenience: Part 10
Photo by We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

The kiss that followed was passionate and full of lust. It took several minutes for them to pull away from each other. They both breathed heavily.

“It appears that you won’t have much of an opportunity after all,” James said, smiling broadly.

Iris grinned wickedly. “That’s true. It’s too bad,” she answered coyly. “If I don’t go and find the prince, who knows how long it will take before we can be alone together again.”

She turned over on her side and looked at him, waiting for him to say anything. He just smiled at her softly. They lay in silence for a few minutes before speaking again.

“So,” James spoke breaking the silence. “Are you ready for this? Are you sure you want to do this?”

Iris sighed loudly, running a hand through her dark brown hair. “Yes, I’m sure. My father wants us to marry. What else can I say? There's nothing to lose at this point anyway.”

Prince James didn't seem too convinced by her answer. “I guess,” he mumbled. “I’ll help you find the prince.”

“Alright, good,” Iris replied with a bright smile. She gently pushed him away from her, stood up from the bed and left the room hastily not to get caught by a maid. As she got to her room, she sighed heavily as laid on her bed thinking about the brief love affair she had with Prince James. When they first met, they shared some intense feelings for each other. However, once they came to the realization that they could never truly be together in such a way, she felt empty inside. But now that she was seeing him again, feeling his warmth beside her, she had to admit she felt happy. She didn't regret their short time together either, knowing that she had found someone whom she truly loved. Although she had tried to convince herself that she had fallen for him only because of the situation he had put them in, she knew deep down that she really was in love with him.


Kirby woke up to find himself still laying on the bed in his room. Slowly he sat up and stretched lazily, enjoying the feeling of the comfortable bed beneath his back. He opened his eyes and glanced around to see that everyone was still sleeping soundly around him. A smile formed on his lips and he leaned over the side of the bed, making sure to wake everyone else.

He looked to Lord Karson first. He had to admit to himself that he liked the guy; he was friendly and very sweet. Kirby went out and stretched. He needed to get dressed and go visit the love of his life, Lina. He knew exactly what he was going to do today. He was going to take her out for breakfast and spend the rest of the day with her. At this point, he didn't feel like he could keep pretending anymore that nothing was wrong. The two of them needed to talk. She needed to know about the marriage of convenience with the princess. He would not let her find out from external sources.

After getting changed and brushing his teeth, Kirby walked downstairs. Once he reached the main hall he glanced around trying to find Lord Karson. In the corner of the hallway, he spotted him conversing with some servants. As soon as he saw him Kirby rushed toward him.

"Good morning," Kirby greeted.

"Good morning, Kirby," Lord Karson returned the greeting. "Are you going somewhere?"

"I am going to visit Lina," Kirby paused to think about it for a moment. "I'm going to take her out for breakfast. We need to talk." He then added "About something important.”

Lord Karson nodded his head understandingly.

"Thanks," Kirby smiled gratefully before walking past him to the door. "Bye!"

To be continued…


About the Creator

Gloria Michael

Gloria loves writing and experiencing the world in a free form..

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