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By Kayleigh TaylorPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 7 min read


7:45 am, as usual Sly turns up 45 minutes early to the office, ready to get ahead of the game for the day. 35 years old, 6ft 3, slightly tired eyes but a vision of a statue of David, if ever you had seen one. Sly was a high-tech, data protection analyst and manager. Tech savvy, well paid and easy on the eyes. He used to box in his day, hence the name Sly. His real name was, can you believe it, David. After years of underdog wins in his early tweens, he had earned that name. David may not have had his own Adrian but he used to think he did until she disappeared.


Lucy was a mathematical genius, well genius may be pushing it, but the numbers she could crunch were enough to impress Wall Street's high-rise men. David had always been attracted to intelligence, so when he met Lucy at a local conference on Data protection and protection of online numerical data, it was love at first speech. I say speech because, in a crowded room of numerical nerds, Lucy answered almost every question with another and only her voice could be heard by David, who was sitting behind a bundle of number-crunching nerds at the back of the room. In all honesty, he had only attended the conference to 'keep up appearances' but when he heard and finally saw Lucy. He was glad he had.

Lucy was 5ft 11, curvaceous, confident and brilliant. She was without a doubt easy on the eyes but the particular attraction David had, was her intelligence. Lucy was smart, unapologetic and was not afraid to walk into a room full of semi-sexist men that thought they were better than her, and show them who was the boss of all bosses in their respective departments. The two of them had begun a relationship almost immediately. Late nights and early mornings, debates over numbers and agreements over midnight black and white movies. The bond they formed in only 6 months was enough to have David ready to stick with her, no matter her answer to the ultimate question... Pineapple on pizza? That is why, when he awoke one day to find no sign of Lucy ever even existing, it was a shock to David and a question he would spend all of his time trying to find out.

Where did Lucy go?

August 1st, Saturday 6:10 am. David awoke with a grin, said good morning and then turned over to see the bed empty. He thought it was odd but just assumed Lucy had got up extra early to fix her favourite morning green gloop. After showering and dressing in his newly tailored suit, he had made his way to a strangely quiet kitchen only to find Lucy wasn't there either. In fact, no shoes lay in the hall that had previously been kicked off in a flirty frenzy the night before, there was only one wine glass left on the table instead of the two and every picture and sign of Lucy had gone. David thought this was unusual but he was running late for work, so he thought he would simply investigate later.


7:45 am, on the dot, as usual, David arrived at his usual early time, straightened his keyboard after removing his jacket and sat down to log in. He typed his usual password in, but for some reason, it flagged as being incorrect. David looked confused, he knew it was correct, shadow1991, his first pet as a child, a huge Maine Coone cat his parents had gotten him for Christmas. Shadow lived until he was 17 years old and David had never been able to get a pet since, not even a fish, the loss was too great. So, he tried again, thinking maybe a key had slipped. S-h-a-d-o-w-1-9-9-1. Again,' incorrect password, 1 attempt remaining' Flashed up on the screen. Final attempt, he thought maybe he had kept the cap lock on, so decided to click ' show password' to make sure he was entering it correctly. ' S-h-a-d-o-w-1-9-9-1 ' Up on the screen popped a message 'Account lock, please reset your password ' A feeling of confusion and unsettlement flushed over David, who had no fathomable explanation as to why this had happened. It was also only 7:54 so for thirty-six minutes, David sat and waited for the work Tech to arrive, drifting in and out of some unavoidable thoughts,

First Lucy disappears, and now my password, anything else?

8:39 am, the Tech manager finally rolled in, late as always and looking like yesterday's leftover noodles, slightly greasy and not nearly as appealing as first sight. David explained what had happened and was relieved to be told a quick reset would fix everything. David wasn't able to do the reset himself, for the purpose of client protection, all resets had to be done by those with a higher clearance level. David was in charge of inputting data, but he wasn't yet at the level to organise it. That was on his to-do list as he made his way up the data ladder. Twenty painstaking minutes later, Ron (the Tech guy) returned looking a little confused and asked David the strangest of questions,

You do work here, don't you?

David found this strange, to say the least, he looked at Ron,

Of course, I do, what do you mean, I was only here yesterday, I opened the door for you when you rolled in late...yet again.

Ron grimaced slightly and nodded his head, before wandering off to the big boss. If David wasn't confused before he certainly was now, 'what is going on? ' is all he was thinking. But things began to take an even stranger turn. Ron returned with Cooper, a small, robust man, rocking a 70's porn star tash and asthmatic breathing that could rival Darth Vader. David approached him,

What is going on Cooper, I can't seem to get into my...

David was suddenly interrupted as Cooper raised his hand,

I am sorry, I have never seen you before in my life, please remove yourself from this office before I call security, how did you even get in here?

David looked confused, but now he was beginning to get angry,

Stop pissing around Cooper and just sort this out, I have work to get on with.

Cooper began to go red, but not in the embarrassed way David may have expected, instead, he began to grimace as he reached for his radio and called security. David reached into his pocket just as security arrived and began dragging him out of the building, and threw his work card on the floor,

See, my work card, my name, login details, and security pass level. What has gotten into you Cooper you son of a bitch.

Cooper reached down to pick up the card, shaking his head in disgust,

I'll be sure to return this to our data analyst, she has been looking for this for months, and we had to replace it. How did you get it? I am calling the police.

David screamed at the top of his voice, as he was being dragged out of the door,

That is my fucking card

Ron all the while seemed to have had some form of human malfunction as he was repeatedly walking within a few inches and bumping into the wall. Cooper just shouted towards David as he turned his back,

Of course it is...Lucy

Simulation failed, restarting 5-4-3-2-1

You are David Smith, an undercover spy trying to gain access to the data archives in the American Embassy, but you have someone hot on your tail, Lucy Egrove, number 2 in her class and ex-military queen. Can you beat her to go undercover and gain access to the archives? Your choices will determine your relationship with both Lucy and the Embassy, choose wisely because not everything is always what it seems.


About the Creator

Kayleigh Taylor

Book, coffee and pet-obsessed writer who loves writing raw truths and fictional fantasies. I hope you enjoy.


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