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Lucifer's Witch

Chapter 2: The old ways still linger….Like a cheese left in an unplugged refrigerator

By Megan JohnsonPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Cloud watching by author

Hiserly had been in the Morningstar House for almost a week. She had discovered that living in the country was so very different from living in the city. The grocer was more than willing to drive out to deliver her needed supplies. He seemed curious about her, apparently they hadn’t seen any activity in the House and it was rumored to be haunted. News spread like wildfire about her presence. She had caught people stopped on the side of the road along the fence line, watching the House with binoculars.

But the appearance of the other notes was what made her cautious. Hiserly had the original note of instructions for the House, find her a room on the second floor, get supplies she needed from the grocer, and be an Attendant to the House. Nothing specifically about cleaning, although it needed it. No idea of the amount of time she was to be there. Just the information from her boss Mr. Danvers, to find out more about the Rebuilding of Salem.

She woke up from a well rested night’s sleep after her arrival in the House. The sunlight promised it would be a beautiful spring day, and she was determined to explore the grounds. Mr. Jackson, the grocer, had personally delivered her supplies the previous evening, greeting her with a soggy handshake and gleaming eye. He made her nervous and she gave him little information that he was seeking. After all, she really didn’t know anything. Thank goodness the grocer had a coffee maker, she would have not been pleasant to deal with otherwise. As it brewed, Hiserly took a quick shower and dressed casually in a comfortable shirt with capris and flats. She grabbed her coffee and went out to the balcony that she found outside her room the night before. Strange, she thought, how she totally missed this the first time she looked. Before she went to bed, she took another quick look around upstairs, noting that the room she chose was next to the locked master suite. Only a bathroom was between them. And it had doors to both rooms, the master suite door was locked, of course. Looking closer at the set up of her chosen room she noticed that the floor to ceiling windows were actually french doors that opened onto a shaded balcony. How had she missed that???? She had taken several architecture classes, it’s something she dreamed of having….had she just been tired from her trip? But the other notes, the ones that appeared in the kitchen after she had ordered the groceries. How did she miss those as she checked out the kitchen?

The first additional note was instructions for contacting the cleaning crew that would be tidying up the House. They already had their instructions, everything must be cleaned, except the left wing. If there was any upholstery that needed to be replaced, she was to make a note of which piece of furniture it was and what room.

The second note was instructions for contacting the landscaping crew. The outer property was to be tidied up, mowed, trees trimmed, new flowers brought in and the flower beds renewed. If she had any preference for flowers, please advise the crew.

The third note was a list of people within the government of Salem, and surrounding areas, that were involved in the Rebuilding of Salem. For Hiserly to interview. Hmmmm

But it was the fourth note that she was uneasy about.

She, Hiserly Goode, was to get whatever she needed for her article on the Rebuilding of Salem, Including a new laptop, and accessories. And to fill out her ensemble, and include formal wear.

Formal Wear? FORMAL Wear???? Where the FUCK was she going to go that required FORMAL wear? Oh geezebus, that meant she would have to wear a dress. Hiserly didn’t like to shop for clothes. Necessities were enough, jeans and slacks, shirts, capris, tanks, a couple pairs of shoes, work and casual and her favorite black boots. A few sweaters for when the autumn chill sent it’s silken frigid fingers down her back. And the pea coat. The only coat she needed to wear in the winter. How did one get a dress that fit?

Hiserly held the four notes in her left hand as she sipped on the coffee. Soothing to her weary mind, she allowed the aroma to circle her senses, eyes closed, breathing deep and slow, she let her mind wander…..

She was wandering the House, lights were low, candles flickering in the shadows of the corners. She was wearing a long gown, flowing, fitted to her form, yet not exposing, alluring, and red. That perfect shade of red that only she could wear, that red that made the rose of her cheeks glow. She walked through the House, candelabra in hand, walking to ….where? She couldn’t see it, but it was so familiar…. The aroma, masculine, musky yet floral too, She could feel him, there, in the other hallway, the left hallway….

BRRRRRING! DAMN! Should have turned that ringer down!

“….Yes, Mr. Danvers, I understand. Thank you.” Hiserly hung up the phone. Okay so he has arranged for me to attend the Rebuilding of Salem Gala at the end of the week.

And it is a formal dress occasion.

**** **** **** ****

The walls sparkled in the sunlight streaming in the newly cleaned windows. Picture frames shined with gently cleaned ancestor pictures, and the rugs and floors were fresh and slick. The grounds of the property were manicured and fluffed. Spring flowers were blooming, filling the air with a melody of aromas floating on each breeze. Hiserly walked the grounds, now more familiar with the land as she had to inspect the work of the landscapers. The property was 13 acres of old growth trees, shagbark hickory, oak, maple and birch. The area behind the House had fruit trees of all kinds, cherries, pears, and 4 types of apples. There was a hidden patch of black raspberries, probably bird planted and allowed to grow. A small stream ran through the back corner, with a soft foxtail fern covered path. That was her favorite spot, there were a few boulders just the right height for sitting on. It had been a busy week, and her mind drifted across the thoughts….

Walking with the landscapers, arranging flowers, it didn’t matter that she had no preference, she had to choose them. Answering questions from the cleaning crew, was this chair too worn? Did she like the fabric? She had no preference, it wasn’t her House! Hiserly had dropped weary into bed for the last 4 days, she wanted nothing more than the peace and quiet of no one around. Sighing a breath of relief, she looked into the water, mesmerized and soothed by the sparkling and the sounds. Only one thing left to be done, find that formal dress for the Gala. Back to browsing on the new laptop….and that was another mystery! She had chosen the one new model that she wanted, and when it came in two days later, it already was set up, and had the wifi password. Maybe it was just an easy access type. Hmmmmm.

None of the stores in the area had appropriate formal wear. You’d think there was a Gala coming up. Hiserly shopped the New York stores now, and had found little to choose from. The deep blue mermaid was a perfect color, but she couldn’t wear that snug of a skirt. She would end up on the ground in a heap. The emerald green? Maybe, if she didn’t mind looking like a 1920’s flapper. The coral was fun, except the flippy shoulder things would irritate her all night and the color would make her look fried. Toss up between the little black dress and the sweet light blue with the swirling skirt. She bought them both and had them express shipped. The Gala was in two days.

The next day was dragging along, until the mailman came up the long driveway to deliver her the express shipment of two dress boxes, shoes and accessories. And an envelope of her mail from her roommates, a few pieces of To the Resident and some flyers for stores trying to save their shops. Nice attempt girls. Hiserly dropped that into the garbage can on her way into the kitchen. She grabbed some tea and went upstairs to try on the dresses. The little black dress fit like a dream. Too bad it was knee length, She would have to check again, she thought it had a longer skirt, maybe it was a different style. She would keep it, it was the perfect date dress. The sweet light blue dress with the swirling skirt was a dream to wear! Hiserly felt like she was a cloud as she walked along the hallway. And her heart shaped necklace sat in the right place on her neckline with the dress. She swayed along walking back to her room when the voice made her freeze…. “Funny , I pictured you in a red dress.” The male voice cascaded down her spine like caramel. Hiserly spun around, the skirt swirling around her bare feet.

“And who might you be?” Hiserly found her voice, shaky but unwilling to back down. The man came up the stairs to the top, he was tall and handsome, not dark and mysterious but rugged with laughing grey eyes.

“Who am I?” he drawled slow and silky, “I am your host, Mr. Morningstar. And you, I presume, are the young lady who is spending my money.”

Downstairs in the drawing room, Hiserly sat on one of the newly upholstered chairs across from Mr. Morningstar. She was surprised that she didn’t feel more nervous, men usually made her feel subconscious, and she was still wearing the blue swirling dress. She tucked her feet back under the skirt and resisted the urge to touch her necklace which was growing warm. Mr. Morningstar was meticulously dressed, suit and the dress shirt and tie with a subtle pattern of gold on black, the vest that could be velvet, his jacket he had removed and draped on the chair back. An errant breeze came through a side window, catching the scent of the man, musky, yet slightly floral, and so familiar.

“ I was saying,” Mr. Morningstar cleared his throat.

Damn, she was drifting again….”Yes, Mr. Morningstar?”

“Please, Hiserly, you can call me Luce. It’s short for Lucifer. My parents had a wicked sense of humor”

Hiserly smiled warmly, “Ah yes, the parental sense of humor. Hiserly is a variation of a child with a lisp saying ``Heather Lee.”

Lucifer smiled back at her. “And you are of the Goode family, correct?”

Hiserly, swallowed, and took a deep breath “Yes, I am.” her right hand crept up to her heart shaped necklace, reassuring herself with its touch.

Lucifer’s eyes noted the touch. He shifted in the chair and asked her “Have you found everything to your liking? I want you to be comfortable here so you can create an accurate account of the Rebuilding of Salem. It’s destruction was an awful thing, too much pain in the area.” He seemed saddened by the tragedy.

“Did you have family there?” Hiserly asked with concern. She had heard of the destruction as every child had, but anyone old enough to remember it would be in their 80’s or 90’s now.

“Distant family, on my mother’s side.” He answered. “I just want to see the story told correctly, without prejudice.”

“And yet you requested someone whose family was a part of the Salem Witch Trials. How curious.” Hiserly responded. She suspected there was more to his story than he was letting on.

“There is always more to the story, isn’t there?” Lucifer asked. “Perhaps we should go to dinner and discuss it.”


About the Creator

Megan Johnson

I'm known as Maggie Ravenswing on other platforms. Follow me on my YouTube channel RavensWing Manner, my 2 Facebook pages RavensWing Apothecary and Maggie Ravvenswing Dragon Oracle, and Instagram maggie_ravenswing.

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    Megan JohnsonWritten by Megan Johnson

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