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Love Trials Take Two

Real Recognize Real Short Story

By Kimmie HitePublished 2 years ago 14 min read

Yuzy I wanna turn around and go back. I’m too nervous for this right now. I stood in line texting my husbands’ best friend waiting to be let in for my visit.

Why are you nervous? Yuzy responded back.

First off, this outfit I have on to try and distract him from the fact I found him is so not me, it’s borderline ho. Second off, I don’t want him upset I found him under these circumstances. Third, I should have brought the kids as a buffer lol. Yes I sound like a scaredy-cat, but oh well.

You look cute and he most likely will get blue balls and be too distracted to be mad. You’ll be fine tell him I said hi and to be good when you see him.

As soon as she had logged off the guard opened the door to begin security checks. I took my ID and paperwork I needed and put the rest in a locker on the outside. I went through security, waited to be called at check in, sat down in the second row and waited to be called. “Visitor for Shinda.”

I walked up and the guard looked me up and down. “You do know there’s a dress code right?” The guard asked analyzing the long blue V cut shirt with black hearts I had turned into a dress with my short self, the shirt went past my fingertips but if I moved a certain way it would ride up where the slits on the side were. I complimented my outfit with black heeled boots and a maroon leather trench coat to cover me when I did make the outfit ride up.

“Obviously yes and I thought I followed it but if not I can go to my car and put on my back up outfit real quick. Because if you think I’m going to drive all the way back to AZ from Cali without seeing my husband you’ve lost your mind.”

The guard looked at me contemplating and then just shook his head laughing. “5th floor to the right.”

I nodded and followed the signs towards the elevator. It wasn’t till I got on the elevator and was headed up that I realized despite the pack waiting room no one else was being called and following me for visits. Stepping off the elevator I went to the right and found the area deserted. There was only one booth that wasn’t blocked off and sure enough there was babe looking every bit as good as I remembered and pissed. I took my leather coat off before sitting down and picking up the phone. “Hey babe.”

“You look beautiful. Stand back up and spin in a circle for me.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head smiling but did as he asked. I did a twirl with the coat on and one without it so he can see the side slits in the shirt I made into a dress. I even lifted my leg up so he could see the heels I had on. As expected his eyes bulged when the way I lifted my leg and propped my foot exposed the lack of panties I had on underneath. “You trying to give me a boner love.”

“I don’t know is it working?”

“Keep playing with me babe I’ll cash in a favor and have you escorted for a conjugal.”

“Never threaten me with a good time zaddy. Btw I noticed you got it kinda blocked off in privacy. How’d you manage to do that?”

His face immediately darkened and I saw the paranoia of the life kick in behind his eyes. “How’d you find me?”

“Wow that went left fast. Sheeesh my love. Yuzy says hi and to be good babe.”

His face registered my meaning. “Tell her I said what’s up on A gang.”

“Will do, but as much as I would love this to be a pleasure visit we got business.” I said sighing and getting serious faced.

He lifted a finger up to signal me to hold my thought. He yelled something on his end I couldn’t hear. A guard came in and led him out the room and next thing I know a guard appeared out of nowhere and signaled me to follow him. My time wasn’t up but I grabbed my coat and followed without question. I was led into an area only accessible by badge. Three doors and a private room later I was face to face with the infamous Gambit aka my Google Dork, the Stitch to my Lilo, Beast to my Beauty, Pinky to my Brain, and the Joker to my Harley Quinn how he be testing my loyalty. My fluffy, handsome, but quick to rip your head off if disrespected, his demeanor on the outside was black and white meaning what you see is what you got, but his heart and character was as rare for a man in the kinda life he lead and going extinct like the pandas he used to be nicknamed after. Today his hair was braided back in cornrows, facial hair was scruffy from lack of shaving and his weight he usually wore belly out under a hoodie and didn’t give a fuck was toned up and he had muscles bulging from his arms without flexing that I wanted to touch. Honestly, he was looking like a whole meal despite the lack of shave and I was lowkey drooling. I buried myself in his arms and inhaled his masculinity. I instantly grew wet and he felt it drip on his fingers he had snaked up the shirt I turned into a dress to cup my ass and feel my heat. I removed his hand, stepped away from him and pulled the bottom of the shirt down. He looked at me and put his fingers in his mouth. “Tastes and smells as good as I remembered.” He said his eyes darkening with lust.

I looked away and cleared my throat. “Babe when I told you we had business to discuss that wasn’t it jerk.” I said trying to gather my distracted thoughts.

“Before you leave I’m fucking you, I’m letting it be known so we are on the same page, but what’s up.” He stated folding his arms to really make his muscles bulge more.

I sighed and shook my head. I draped my coat on a nearby chair and began to shimmy off the outfit to show him the business I was referring to. “See I knew you’d see it my waaa…….” Gambit trailed off when he saw the catheter line dangling from chest, scar on my left inner elbow and the pic line coming from my right upper arm. “Wtf babe. You said your kidneys had woken back up. I was under the impression that they were functioning again and you were getting better.”

“A lot happens in six months. Hell a lot happens in a day when it comes to SLE (systemic lupys erythematosus) you know this. So please let’s not act brand new. You’re on my shit list because despite having this knowledge you didn’t bother to stay in touch jerk. You conveniently forgot and thought everything would be sunshine and rainbows.” Gambit made a move to console me but I was already overcome with emotion and rebuffed his approach, while I went to go sit on a chair legs crossed and arms folded over my chest. “You can’t just go away for business and expect everything to be ok because you’re throwing money at me and the kids, handling the bills and paying your boys to act as security for your family while you’re away. You have a wife who’s sick with an actual chronic illness that does not go away and has no cure. There are good days and bad, which switches periodically depending on many factors. Two main factors being stress and happiness. You being away from me and the family right now when I need you most don’t help those two factors. I told you right out the gate I need and wanted more from you than your fucking money. I want you and your presence. In the end if shit goes south money isn’t what I’m going to remember and want, it’s you promising me things are going to be alright even if I know I’m dying, making me laugh, and making memories I can hold on to till my last breath. That shit ass is what I require of you. But nooooooo you go do this shit when I needed you most. Me coming here was a courtesy. Do you have any idea how much I wanted to just let this shit run its course and die and let you pick up the pieces and consequences when you got out. You went against what I wanted, blatantly ignored what I was trying to tell you and landed yourself here.” I finished unfolding my arms and showcasing the room we were in with my right hand palm up.

“Has anyone ever told you your cute when you’re mad babe.” He said walking up to me to hug me.

I wrapped my arms around his waist sticking my hands in his waistband as if I was going to grope his ass, but I had an ulterior motive. Feeling the shank hidden in the waistband I kicked him back away from me. “Is this cute!!!” I yelled at him ripping the gauze from the catheter line in my chest and putting the tip of the shank inside the hole where the line was coming from in an attempt to dig it out.

“Are you crazy!!!!???” He yelled at me seeing me draw blood on myself.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Bite me.”

He lifted his hands up like he wanted to strangle me but thought against it knowing I would take the weapon and stab him in the mood I was in and probably do more damage to myself in the process. He switched gears so fast picking up a chair ready to throw it in an attempt to break something to get his aggression and aggravation out. I knew first-hand how bad that could go. If I went crazy when I got stressed and emotional, his anger when he couldn’t control a situation or have his way was the Hulk on steroids. In that state not even my baby daddy could stand toe to toe with Gambit. Hence, why my baby daddy detested my husband. Gambit even in a fit of rage was better in every way imaginable. I dropped the shank, jumped off the chair with a quickness to go distract his dark thoughts and grabbed him by the throat. He put the chair down and looked at me issuing a challenge as he pushed his throat into my hand. “Don’t half ass the throttle babe or you know how this ends.” He said as his signature devilish smile began to appear.

I was irritated and turned on all at the same time. I hated it and loved it all at the same time. I backed him up into the wall squeezing his throat harder, trying to cut off his air as I answered the challenge. He only smiled wider unfazed and it pissed me off just enough to backhand him. I knew I messed up when one of his hands went to his cheek and his other hand went to repay me with a throttle. Knowing I had to rectify my actions fast before this became a more pain that pleasure situation I dropped down to my knees and started teasing him through his pants with my mouth in apology barely slipping out of his reach. The hand that was going to throttle me snaked into my head full of curls and his other hand tried to get his pants down so he could feel the warmth of my mouth. I looked up at him innocently and smacked his hand away. Still keeping eye contact with him I pulled my mouth away and smirked replacing my mouth with a hand, taunting him as I jerked him off through his pants with one hand and snaking my other hand to play with myself. He pulled harder on my hair and I moaned as he pulled me up to my feet. “Keep playing with yourself.” He ordered as he took my hand off him, twirled me around by my hair and locked it behind my back walking me to a desk in the room we were in.

Spreading my legs wider with his feet he bent me over the desk so the hand that was on my clit was wedged against the desk. Bond and secured so I couldn’t move no matter how I struggled he fucked me from behind to show the displeasure he had in me not letting him feel the sweet warmness of my mouth after all this time. It had been six months since I had last been with babe and he had foolishly went off to tip a kidney in my favor. I didn’t realize how badly the stress of everything had built up and how I needed this more than I realized till each stroke had me moaning and hitting notes he hadn’t heard in a while. When I reached my peak I screamed his name. Pulling out he turned me to face him, lifted me up and sat me on top of the desk nibbling on the fingers that I had been using to play with myself. “Do you forgive me?” He asked looking me in the eyes as he pulled one finger then the next slowly into his mouth.

Damn him, I thought resisting the urge to nod yes I defiantly shook my head no. Again with his little smile as he trailed kisses up my left arm slowly pushing me back on the desk as he followed up my arm, licking the inside of the elbow where the scar of my fistula surgery was, and going up crossing over to tease my left nipple with his teeth. He nipped that side before sucking it fully in his mouth, while playing with the right nipple between his fingers. I sucked my teeth in at the zing of pleasure that went through my body at the dueling sensations. “How about now?” He asked with my areola fully in his mouth. I whimpered but still shook my head no. “So stubborn my love.”

He proceeded to trail kisses down my belly down the inside of my left leg, pausing a moment to bite the inside of my thigh and suck leaving bite and hickey marks. “Oh God.” I yelped as I felt myself grow wetter and leak just a little. “You know what that does jerk.”

I heard him laugh. “Hence why I did it? Now are you gonna forgive me or continue to be stubborn because we both know how this will go.”

“Bite me.” I said sitting up to look at him defiantly.

With a quickness he was at my core lapping up the residual juices he had deliberately put there teasing me with his kisses. Periodically, he said sorry between sucking and drinking the fluids leaking. I grabbed him by the back of his head and began grinding into his face. Every time he said sorry I ground harder letting him make it up to me in one of the ways he knew how to and at the moment only way he could; by praying for forgiveness between my legs. Pulling back briefly he looked up at me and said, “be careful what you ask for,” and bit my clitoris while sucking and fingering me.

My legs jerked and I spasmed. “Oh yes your forgiven.” I screamed as I released so hard some dripped to the floor.

Gambit stood up when I was done with his dick in his hand jacking off for his release. “Now that I’m forgiven where can I come?”

I looked him up and down breathing hard and contemplating. “If I said you don’t get to?”

“Then that’s my punishment and I will have to return to my cell with blue balls and release to one of your pics. Although I’d prefer to release here with you in my presence and I hope I’ve made up for neglecting you for six months.”

“And if I said cum on the wall?” I knew the answer but I was being a brat so he could feel my displeasure about the last six months.

“Your wish is my command mistress. Today, I’m the genie and you’re the master. I concede to your wishes because I royally fucked up. Whatever you want is yours just command it.” He said going on his knees in a submissive position dick in his hands.

I looked down at him tapping my chin in contemplation all the while watching him as he jacked off getting closer. Usually like in real life he called the shots and I was a slave to his wishes, but during the rare occasions the roles reversed I dragged it out, just because I was a brat to the core. His lip began to poke out in a pout as I kept dragging out my answer. I smirked, opened my mouth and pointed inside. “You may release now.”

Taking my signal he rose and guided himself in. “Damn I don’t deserve you.” He said as he stroked twice and released in the back of my throat.

Closing my mouth around him, I swallowed while he was inside and kept sucking even long after he had went soft. I didn’t release him from my jawlock till I heard him cry out, jerk and felt him start to grow a little hard again. “I know.” I said standing up and getting dressed.

“You are Evil love.”

“You know who you married nigga. Don’t act brand new. When you told me about your nature, I told you I was Mother Nature. You know not to piss me off unless you looking for a tsunami in a good or bad way depending on my mood. You knew what you were bouts to get when I told you I was mad at you. That’s why you played this the way you did. Instead of just cumming inside me per usual, you apologized, waited for forgiveness and asked for permission. You were trying to get the good tsunami. Otherwise you knew I was going to straight up be a tease till you were damn near ready to kill for it.”

I looked at babes face as he tried to hide a smirk. “I have no idea what you’re talking about babe.”

“Uh huh on A gang tell me I’m lying then.”

“Damn really like that.”

“Don’t play with me I’m still mad at you despite the tsunami going in your favor this time.”

“It’s ok your still cute and I love you.”

I slipped back into my coat and placed my hand on his chest. Standing on my tiptoes I whispered in his ear, “being a smooth talker with good dick and loving me can only go so far. I don’t know and I really don’t care what you need to do to get out of your little predicament and come home, but I need you to do it before the years up. Otherwise the mess you are going to come home to will not be pretty. I love you my King please don’t make me regret giving you another chance. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice you better show and improve. Otherwise I’m busting moves and there won’t be a third chance so make the smart move my love.” I kissed him on the cheek and exited the little room where a guard was posted outside grinning.

Unperturbed by the fact he probably heard me in ecstasy I followed him back to the elevators, went down to the lobby, got in the car that was waiting for me, and went back to my cloistered life of motherhood and lifelong sickness.

Short Story

About the Creator

Kimmie Hite

Born in the Philippines as a military brat I grew up as a kid exposed to all walks of life and cultures. Currently, working on releasing self published book while living with lupus nephritis as a single mother waiting for transplant

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