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love is only temporary


By Zaky RafifPublished 20 days ago 3 min read

When Jake and Emily first met, it was like something out of a rom-com. They were both running late, collided in the hallway of their office building, and Jake spilled his coffee all over Emily's new blouse. Mortified, he insisted on buying her a new one. Emily, trying to hide her irritation, agreed more out of curiosity than necessity.

Their first "date" was at a little boutique downtown where Jake let Emily pick out whatever she wanted. She chose a simple, yet elegant blouse, far less expensive than the one he ruined. They ended up grabbing lunch at a nearby café, laughing about the mishap. By the time they returned to work, numbers were exchanged, and something new had begun.

The first few months were magic. They spent weekends exploring the city, discovering new restaurants, and staying up late talking about everything under the sun. Emily loved Jake's quirky sense of humor and the way he could make her laugh even when she had a bad day. Jake adored Emily's intelligence and her knack for making any place feel like home.

Their relationship felt like it was straight out of a movie—until it didn’t. Somewhere along the line, the spark started to dim. The quirks that once seemed endearing became minor irritations. Jake's jokes began to feel repetitive, and Emily's habit of leaving her books everywhere started to annoy him.

One Saturday, they planned a day trip to the beach. It was supposed to be fun, a way to reconnect. But the drive was filled with awkward silences and half-hearted attempts at conversation. When they finally arrived, the tension was palpable.

As they sat on the sand, watching the waves crash, Emily finally spoke. "Jake, do you feel like we're just... coasting?"

Jake stared at the horizon, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, Em. I do. I mean, I still care about you, but it feels different now. Like we're trying to hold on to something that's slipping away."

Emily nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I know. I feel it too. I guess... maybe love is just temporary sometimes."

They sat in silence for a while, the sound of the ocean filling the space between them. It was a painful realization, but also a truthful one. They had tried to keep the magic alive, but it seemed like the more they tried, the more it faded.

That evening, they had a long, honest conversation. They talked about the good times, the moments they would cherish forever, and the parts where they drifted apart. There were no accusations, no anger—just acceptance.

They decided to break up. It wasn’t easy, but it felt right. They agreed to stay friends, even if it was just a hopeful promise at the moment. They packed up their things and headed back home, the drive quiet but no longer awkward. It was a different kind of silence, one that was filled with understanding.

Over the next few weeks, they navigated the awkward transition from couple to friends. They still cared about each other, but the dynamic had changed. They saw each other occasionally, grabbing coffee or catching a movie, but it was different. The romance was gone, replaced by a comfortable camaraderie.

Jake and Emily eventually moved on, each finding new relationships. They stayed in touch, sending the occasional text or birthday wish. Their time together became a cherished memory, a reminder that sometimes love is only temporary. It comes into your life, teaches you something about yourself, and then moves on.

In the end, they were grateful for what they had shared. It wasn’t forever, but it didn’t need to be. It was beautiful while it lasted, and that was enough.


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Comments (1)

  • Esala Gunathilake19 days ago

    Exactly right.

ZRWritten by Zaky Rafif

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