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Lost Locket Of Eden

War Stories from The Garden of Eden

By Alyssa SullivanPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Lost Locket Of Eden
Photo by Ankhesenamun on Unsplash

Lost Locket of Eden

Unwillingly I said goodbye to him as he rushed out the door again, my intuition reminding me yet again that I was only being used as a stepping stone, a means to an end. I know he will never love me the way I love him, but during this nightmare amongst us those who are remaining cling to any bit of love, friendship or vice that keeps us just that little bit sane while feeding us hope at the same time. Even the strongest are hanging on by a thread. There are not many of us left here in my home town, having connection is difficult as it feels like we are all in a race against time with each other. I've stopped keeping track of what level I am on now. It was a couple months ago when i unlocked my first set of abilities, I keep that information to myself till I completely understand how I am supposed to be using them and why. Another factor is if your doing well and having successful missions and wins it makes you an easy target around here.

Each day i wake i ponder on how life used to be and on all the times i took for granted, wondering if i will ever see my family hoping to make memories again. I wait for the game to commence, it never has a set day or time well not for me anyways. When it does my mind, body and soul switch into war mode instantaneously. Rumour has it that we are fighting either Angels or Demons. We are in your modern day Armageddon, except it didn't just occur over night as most of us with a biblical background all were taught. No this is an ongoing Doomsday, and we are on the frontline chosen to carry out this mission. Thoughts have crossed my mind that i missed the call out to flee from Earth when everyone left, I cannot help but to wonder why me.

Most of the people around here are not people anymore they function like a programmed robot, trained to identify any remaining humans. I realised this when I went to visit my parents, the games had begun however I wasn't completely aware if it was actually or just apart of my imagination. It was like my parents souls had completely left their physical body, replaced with some sort of entity or other living creature unknown to humans. The minute I entered the house I knew something was off, I was saddened that i did not get the swift departure without leaking any information, not sure if I mentioned Game Rule number one is Trust no-one, Two being leak no information whatsoever. My eyes welled up and the tears began to fall down my cheek, I held back from sobbing and smiled the best i could waving as I drove away.

In the beginning it all felt like a trance, we were in a motion. After passing that stage I learned it was similar to a trance, it was a change in the expanse. One of the outer rings of energy that surround the Earth and Galaxy. The expanse had been moved to Earth which all makes sense when you put the pieces together, however everyone else still has their own take on it all. Believe what you want. I only know this because I have not only been doing the physical war work involved in the games but I went the extra mile and researched all that I could each level. Another reason behind me being able to unlock my abilities before anyone else playing the Game.

A shift in energy is required to enable the expulsion of demons, as to where the demons get sent I have no clue. For humans to operate at such a level of intelligence where they are able to use superhuman abilities and powers there needs to be a stronger force behind it all, after all we are still imperfect and do not use our brains to their entire functionality.

Another advantage I had was I had foreseen all of this four years prior, the vision I had included other players and a baseline guide to each level. Decoding each level and passing has all been genuine and strategic mental work, no cheat sheet or hints. So I guess I was chosen for this, in the former life my mental frame was always my biggest downfall but now it has been nothing but my strength.

I have been operating on an Eve level, yes that's right forbidden fruit Eve. I must say taking on the spirit of Eve has been nothing but a privilege and blessing. With any great achievement there is a little hate and jealousy from the side-lines, but who really cares about those in the cheap seats. This progression has been a personal journey from my past to my present. It has hurled up my own inner demon's that I had buried in a place that i never wanted to dig up.

Today when I woke things felt different, the sun was shining but the air was like ice. The streets were still filled with an eerie presence which was nothing new but something was different. I began my usual routine, I try to keep things as normal like my old life as much as I can. It is easy to completely lose your mind these days. I've run out of milk which means I will have to go scavenging at some point today. Just as I got ready to leave for my weekly grocery hunt my whole body shudders and my mind is stricken with a sudden force of knowledge, overflowing with statistics, instructions and detailed facts and figures. At the same time my body overtakes my mind and begins to move to the system of the rhythm, I have entered the trance like motion I was talking about earlier. The expanse has taken over, it lasted almost an hour. My brain still holding all the information from before I began to write it all down, whilst recording what I can remember new pieces to this puzzle are being added. The coding process begins, I find this part surprisingly easy today maybe its my inner Eve guiding me. Finished, I feel a shift in the energy around me again things are returning to how they were. My body feels how it did when I woke but my mind feels somewhat lost and alone for some reason, usually I feel complete after finishing a challenge.

There hasn't been a challenge in weeks, I have taken the time to heal and prepare for the future. Well not a challenge like all the others anyway, we are not only scavenging for food but for the lost fruitage's of the spirit. I'm not sure how many others are on the same mission now, socializing is basically forbidden unless done discretely and blended. This has been the hardest one yet and is almost like a guessing game. Everyone is pretending to be someone whether it be a character, demon or fruitage, which makes this level even more harder. So far I have stumbled across a few fruitage's, some wearing masks and others true well I hope so anyways.

I forgot to mention when this all began we were given small vial's of a thick blue water like liquid, it allowed us to stay awake and alert. Once the expanse came and the energy shifted before any of us unlocked our powers, it was like a wave of exhaustion went through the town. These vial's helped us all get through the first few levels and helped us to adjust the the expanse, an aide from God or from the Devil - no one really knows. The only downfall was that for some of us it became highly addictive but rare to find. Unluckily for me I became addicted but luckily I had a reliable source that could help me from time to time.

Often enough I enjoyed my time spent at this house, usually there was other people there for the same reason I was or travellers hiding till they made their next move or found where their next location would be. All trying to escape the games and flee from it all. I did once think about running away from it all and i thought hard but figured it would eventually find you wherever you are. There not many left who remained hidden but those who were had been labelled rebels.

I had known on of the girls who stayed at the house for quite some time, she had been on the run from the time the games began. She had changed so much from when I first knew her back when life was semi normal, she had became anxiety filled, empty it was almost like she didn't even know what she was running from anymore. I wish there was something i could do for her but the games didn't operate like that it was either fight or imprisonment. I be friended the woman who owned the house and supplied the energy vial's, apparently she had a connection to one of the Game Instructors or someone involved and there was big money involved in the trade of the Vial's. Maybe that is why she remained hidden and safe for so long, who knows. She always made me feel welcome, cared for and safe what more could you ask for in a time like this. She knew money was a problem for me so I would often keep her up to date with how things were going battle wise and kept her in the loop. I guess so she could stay one step ahead, In exchange she gave me energy. It had been a few weeks since i had last seen her but this time it felt different. It felt like we both wanted to blurt out any and everything that was on our minds but we both silently knew it was not safe let alone allowed. I dropped subtle hints during our conversations, hints of what we were hunting for this round. The nature of her aurora had suddenly changed, it was so powerful I think people in the next suburb would've felt it. She sat back and raised her arm revealing a bracelet with a heart and locket, i suddenly switched to war mode identifying what I had just found - Love. One of the most powerful fruits, one that both Demons and Angels are fighting for. Without love there is basically no existence. She quickly stood up and left the room.

What do I do I thought to myself, I have always tried to maintain the same morals as I had before all this began. I have always been loyal, but to what point would she remain loyal to me. We are both at risk now, she could turn me in for prohibited Energy purchase and use which would have me expelled. Or I could turn her in as a finding and who knows what would happen to her or where should go.

She entered the room timidly, we both looked at each other with the same expression. We carried out business and i was on my way, this was a lot to process.

The next morning I was woken by a stranger on my doorstep, they had a message for me. I was to go see my friend from the night before. I gathered my things and made my way to her, on arrival she was waiting on her drive-way. Passing me her car keys she asked me to take her for a drive, I don't know what it was but something felt right. We were only ten minutes down the road and she put an old CD in, we both started singing the the first track word for word. Amongst the singing she said "we are better together". She was right, i felt stronger and she must have felt the same. We both looked at each other and made a silent agreement that we would fight as one, forming an alliance. Going against the rules, against what anyone has done, fighting for the people and our freedom. For me that was when the real war began.

Written By Alyssa Sullivan


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    Alyssa SullivanWritten by Alyssa Sullivan

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