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Living in Bondage

The wicked step mother

By Somie Published 5 months ago 2 min read

Once upon a time, a young girl named Ella lived with her cruel stepmother and stepsisters. Her father had died, and her stepmother made her do all the chores. One day, Ella's stepmother sent her to the market to sell a basket of eggs. On the way, she met an old woman who asked for one egg. Ella kindly gave her the egg, and the old woman told her that she had been given a magical gift.

From that day on, whenever Ella spoke, birds would fly out of her mouth.

Ella's stepmother was furious when she learned that Ella had given away an egg, and she locked her in the cellar without food or water. Ella cried and cried, until she heard a tapping on the window. She looked up and saw a beautiful bluebird pecking at the glass. The bird said, "Don't despair, Ella. I've been sent to help you." And it gave her a loaf of bread and a jug of water. The next day, the same thing happened, and the day after that.

As the days passed, Ella grew thinner and weaker, but she never stopped being kind. She shared her food with the mice and spiders that lived in the cellar, and they repaid her by bringing her flowers and stories. But Ella's stepmother still would not let her out. Finally, the king announced that he would hold a ball to find a bride for his son, the prince. When Ella heard this, she felt a spark of hope. Maybe she could escape her captivity at the ball.

Ella's stepmother would not allow her to go to the ball, but the bluebird came to her aid. It brought a beautiful dress and told her that if she wished hard enough, she could go to the ball. Ella wished with all her heart, and the dress transformed into the most beautiful gown she had ever seen. The bluebird then turned into a coachman, and the mice and spiders transformed into horses and footmen. Ella climbed into the carriage and was whisked away to the ball.

When Ella arrived, the prince was struck by her beauty and grace.

The prince danced with her all night, and as the clock struck midnight, she fled the ballroom. In her haste, she dropped her glass slipper on the steps. The prince found the slipper and announced that he would marry the woman it fit. He tried it on every woman in the kingdom, but it only fit Ella. She and the prince were married, and they lived happily ever after. And Ella never forgot to be kind, even when life was difficult.

The end.

Short StoryLoveFantasy

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Am somie a writer and publisher

Please guys read my story 🙏🥲

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    Somie Written by Somie

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