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Little whales and dolphins

My Fairy Tale

By megangochoaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

A new baby whale was born to the whale family, and everyone was very happy, but soon they found something wrong: although the baby whale opened its mouth hard and vapor bubbles kept coming out of its mouth, no one could hear what it was saying, and finally, everyone came to the conclusion that it was a baby whale that could not speak.

When the young whale did not understand, its parents were captured by whaling ships, so the young whale was adopted by the elders of the family, although there was food to eat and a place to live because it could not speak, it was always bullied by other whales.

The winter of that year was unusually cold, and the whale family decided to move to the warm waters of the south. On the day of the move, the young whale was following the whale procession when it was accidentally entangled in the seaweed and could not move. Watching the whale team move further and further away, the little whale knew he was left behind.

Just when the little whale was feeling sad, a small dolphin passing by found it. It took the dolphin a lot of effort to bite off the seaweed that was entangling the baby whale and let it regain its freedom.

The little whale said to the little dolphin, "Thank you for saving me."

The little dolphin said, "You are not thanked. Why are you here alone and where are your friends?"

So the little whale told the little dolphin what had happened to him, and at the same time felt strange in his heart, why the little dolphin could hear himself talking.

After listening to it, the little dolphin said, "So you got separated from your family. Let's do this, you want to come to my house, and we'll find a way to find out where your family has gone."

So the little whale went to the little dolphin's house as a guest, and the little dolphin's family welcomed the little whale warmly. The little whale and the little dolphin family chatted happily together, seemingly not caring that they had been treated as "dumb" by the other whales.

After a few days, they hadn't gotten any news from the whale family, and the little whale was hesitating whether he should leave, because he was growing up and eating a lot, and he was worried that he would cause trouble for the little dolphin family.

One day, the little dolphin was going to practice fishing, and the little whale followed to learn. They both cooperated, and the little dolphin swam fast, so he was responsible for driving the fish together, and although the little whale moved slowly, he could swallow a large group of fish in one bite. The two of them worked hard all morning and harvested more fish than what the little dolphin caught in a week.

The little dolphin proposed, "As long as you can live by your labor, you don't have to worry about anything, right?"

So the little whale lived in the little dolphin's house, and they often caught fish together, played and learned together, and became best friends.

One day, the little dolphin received the news that the new village of the whale family had been found. The little dolphin told the news to the little whale, although it felt that the little whale would leave and return to its own family, it did not put its thoughts into words.

The little whale said, "I want to write a letter."

The little dolphin asked, "To whom should I write?"

The little whale said, "Write to the whale elder and tell him that I have my own life now, I have my friends, and I am doing well, so I will visit him when I have time."

The young whale chose to stay with the young dolphin because here he didn't have to worry about people not hearing him.

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