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Destiny was not to find some Magical Land.

By RAJA FAISAL SHAHZADPublished about a year ago 3 min read


Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily who lived in a small town. She loved to read books and dream of adventures in faraway lands. One day, while walking in the woods, she stumbled upon a magical key. The key was made of gold and had a small inscription on it that read, "Unlock the door to your destiny."

Lily was excited and curious about the key. She wondered what kind of door it could unlock and what kind of destiny awaited her. She decided to take the key home and keep it safe.

That night, Lily had a dream. In her dream, she was standing in front of a large wooden door. The door was old and had a golden lock on it. She knew that this was the door the key was meant for. She inserted the key into the lock, turned it, and the door creaked open.

Beyond the door was a world unlike any she had ever seen. There were fields of flowers, rivers of crystal-clear water, and towering mountains in the distance. She saw a path leading into the distance, and she knew that this was the path to her destiny.

The next day, Lily woke up and decided to follow the path. She packed a small bag with some food, water, and a map. She walked for hours, and the path led her through forests, across rivers, and over hills. She met many people along the way who helped her on her journey.

One day, Lily came to a village that was being terrorized by a giant. The giant would come into the village and steal all of their crops and livestock. The villagers were scared and didn't know what to do. Lily knew that she had to help them.

She remembered a story she had read about a magical flower that could put giants to sleep. She set out to find the flower, and after many days of searching, she found it. She brought it back to the village and made a potion with it. When the giant came back to steal, she gave him the potion, and he fell into a deep sleep.

The villagers were overjoyed and thanked Lily for her help. They offered her a place to stay and food to eat. But Lily knew that her destiny lay beyond the village. She said her goodbyes and continued on her journey.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Lily faced many challenges along the way, but she never gave up. Finally, she came to a large castle. The castle was guarded by a fierce dragon, but Lily was not afraid. She knew that she had to face the dragon to fulfill her destiny.

She remembered another story she had read about a dragon who was once a prince. The prince had been cursed by an evil witch and turned into a dragon. The only way to break the curse was to show the dragon true love.

Lily decided to try and break the curse. She approached the dragon and spoke to him kindly. She told him about the prince who had been cursed and how true love had saved him. The dragon was moved by Lily's words, and he turned back into the prince.

The prince thanked Lily and offered to marry her and make her his queen. But Lily knew that her destiny was not to be a queen. She thanked the prince and continued on her journey.

Finally, Lily came to the end of the path. There was a small wooden door, just like the one in her dream. She inserted the key into the lock, turned it, and the door creaked open.

Beyond the door was a bright light. Lily walked towards it, and as she stepped through the door, she found herself back in her bedroom. The key was still in her hand.

Lily realized that her destiny was not to find some magical land.


familyYoung AdultShort StoryMysteryFantasy

About the Creator


As a story writer, I have a talent for crafting compelling narratives that captivate readers and transport them to different worlds. I possess a creative mind and a vivid imagination, which allow me to dream up unique.

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