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You're really not alone in that place

By Emil indwPublished 27 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Ryunosuke Kikuno on Unsplash

Heading into the final semester, I had to look for references to complete my final project. I decided to visit library close to campus. I arrived at the library at two in the afternoon. I sat in the middle of the room. I was still looking for the right material for my final project. The atmosphere at that time was fairly crowded. I could ever hear some people chatting or discussing. At that time I didn't feel anything strange in this library.

The place I was in had several people who were serious about their respective activities. They were glued to their books. I began arranging my things on the table. Sometimes I looked around. This place has not changed. Only the bookshelves are sometimes moved. I always liked the smell of books.

Suddenly I heard a sound that was so resounding. It was like it was expanding, sounding very clear. It felt like it was very close. I heard the sound of a woman crying so sadly. It really made me want to find the source of the crying. I got up from my seat. I tried to explore every aisle of the bookshelves in this library. However, I didn't see any women crying. The people around me looked normal. The more I searched for the voice, the louder it sounded. Not only in every seat or aisle of the bookshelf, I even checked under the tables on by one.

"Am I the only one who heard it?"

I kept walking in search of that voice. Even, I was too tired find out anymore. I dared to ask someone. Before I stepped there, I took my things and put them in drawer.

Becauce I Couldn't find it, I finally asked the library clerk, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, I heard a woman crying very loudly. Did you hear it too?"

The lady frowned and looked at me for a few seconds and then she shook her head. "No, I didn't hear anything."

The officer's answer made me pensive for a moment. Then, I tried to look around again. Turned my head to the right and left. To see if there was anyone who felt strange about the voice. I was the only one who heard it. Yes, I must try to accept this.

But this was strange, the voice was clearly audible to me. Was I having hallucinations. I closed my eyes fo a while and prayed. And opened my eyes again. but the the voice was still there. I feel like leaving this place immediately. And I want to wash my face in the sink. So that I can get refreshed.

"What's going on, Miss?" a little boy asked me.

Then, the little boy smiled and passed in between the aisle of books.

So, I went back to my seat. The voice was still there, I tried to read the short letters that I could. And I quickly tidied up my belongings and walked to the exit. When I stepped out of the library, the sound of crying was still there, although not as loud as inside. Now the sound was a little quieter. And, for some reason, I tried to find one side of the wall in the library. I tried to bring myself closer to put my ear to the wall, and the soft crying sound disappeared. Since that incident, I always say excuse me and recite a prayer, before I move in the library that I visit.

I couldn't come to any conclusions about the crying sound I heard at that time. I didn't even know what kind of astral being the owner of the voice was.

MysteryShort StoryHorror

About the Creator

Emil indw

I always use the people around me as inspiration in my writing. They will be special people if you know how to write about them.

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