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Let go of Pride Embress Humility

Self-reflection, forgiveness, and the importance of humility.

By Josephine NabwirePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Let go of Pride Embress Humility
Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash

In the quaint town of Willowbrook, there lived a man named Samuel. He was known for his unyielding pride, which had always been his shield against the vulnerabilities of life. Samuel was a skilled carpenter and took great pride in his craftsmanship. His work was sought after by many, and his reputation grew with each piece he created.

One summer, a young couple approached Samuel with a request. They were expecting their first child and wanted Samuel to craft a beautiful cradle for their newborn. Samuel, flattered by their trust in his abilities, eagerly accepted the task. He poured his heart and soul into creating the perfect cradle, spending countless hours perfecting every intricate detail.

As the weeks passed, Samuel grew increasingly proud of his creation. He couldn't help but marvel at the admiration and awe it garnered from those who saw it. The cradle became a symbol of his talent and a testament to his pride. He reveled in the praise and adoration that followed.

The day finally arrived when the cradle was complete. Samuel invited the young couple to his workshop to witness the grand unveiling. Their eyes widened in amazement as they laid their gaze upon the exquisite masterpiece. Overwhelmed with gratitude, they thanked Samuel profusely, promising to cherish the cradle for generations to come.

But tragedy struck in the dead of the night. A fierce storm swept through Willowbrook, tearing down trees and causing chaos. Samuel's pride had led him to place the cradle on a high shelf near a large window, where it stood as a beacon of his accomplishment. The storm's fury sent a bolt of lightning crashing through the window, shattering the cradle into a thousand pieces.

When Samuel woke up the next morning and saw the wreckage, his heart sank. He felt a deep ache within him, an emptiness that couldn't be filled. The pride that had shielded him from vulnerability now became his tormentor. He had lost something precious, not only the cradle itself but also a piece of his identity.

Grief overwhelmed Samuel as he realized the consequences of his pride. The once vibrant colors of his workshop now seemed dull and lifeless. Each piece of wood he touched reminded him of his failure. He secluded himself from the world, drowning in self-pity and regret.

Weeks turned into months, and Samuel's heart remained heavy. One evening, as he sat amidst the remnants of his shattered pride, he noticed a photograph of his late father, also a carpenter. His father had always been a humble and gentle soul, loved and respected by all. Samuel couldn't help but feel a pang of remorse for not embodying those same qualities.

Inspired by his father's memory, Samuel made a decision. He would embark on a journey of self-reflection and seek forgiveness, both from himself and from those he had let down. He visited the young couple whose hopes and dreams he had shattered with his arrogance.

With humility in his voice and tears in his eyes, Samuel apologized for his pride and the pain he had caused. The couple, moved by his sincerity, embraced him, offering forgiveness and understanding. It was a bittersweet moment of release and reconciliation.

From that day forward, Samuel embraced humility as his guiding principle. He returned to his workshop, not as a symbol of pride but as a place of solace and redemption. He continued his craft, pouring his heart into every piece, but now with a newfound humility that gave depth and meaning to his work.

Samuel's journey taught him the importance of letting go of pride and embracing humility. It showed him the power of forgiveness and the healing that comes from admitting one's faults. He no longer sought validation from the world but instead found solace in the joy of creation and the connections he forged with

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

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Comments (1)

  • Kevin Weekndabout a year ago

    This is enlightening though shot. Waiting for more.

JNWritten by Josephine Nabwire

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