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Leave Me Asleep

Where I belong.

By Meagan AshcroftPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Leave Me Asleep
Photo by Михаил Калегин on Unsplash

I woke up in a puddle of sweat, I look around and try to grasp my surroundings, where am I? I feel uneasy, my anxiety kicking in as I start to come to full consciousness...I am on a train.

Anxiety fully kicked in now, I am sitting in my chair; breathing heavy, still sweating and...Who is that? distracting me completely from my anxiety is this man. All I can see is his back; he's tall, dark hair, built like a rock, from what I can see he is handsome. He is on a phone, not a cellphone but an old dial phone hanging on the wall. He is standing far enough away that I can't hear what he is saying, but there is a big sign above the phone that says 'Do not use' so either he is a rule breaker or he is someone special, maybe he can give me some answers.

So I am not alone on here. That makes me feel a bit better but it still doesn't answer how I got here or what is going on. This train isn't like a normal train there are no maps on the the walls above the windows or a voice over a system telling you what stop is next. Just carts with seats ,enough light to see, windows, nothing on the walls; except for the phone and 'Do not use sign'. It doesn't give you a comfortable feeling in your gut. I am looking out the window trying to make something out of the forests we have been passing for what feels like hours, I don't know the time, I don't have my cellphone and there are no clocks. Is this train ever going to stop?

Why am I not tired? or hungry? I have been on this train for at least a day, no food, no water, no sleep just sitting here in my thoughts trying to make sense of what's going on. Am I dead? is this the train to a greater place? is that why I don't need food, water, sleep? I'm overthinking I can't be dead...I would've remembered dying right? that seems like something you wouldn't forget.

I have been waiting to see the tall handsome man again, he is the only person I have seen since being on here. Last time I saw him he was on that phone over there hanging on the wall about 15 feet away from me. THE PHONE I jump up from my seat, just to sit back down. I realized I haven't moved from this seat, I have been to anxious. The phone says 'Do not use' but that guy was using it? plus I need to figure out what's going on I can't sit here forever, but what if I get in trouble? I don't even know what 'getting in trouble' would look like on this train... After fighting the angel and devil on each of my shoulders I decide to go to the phone.

I pick up the phone "Is it time Sam?" is all I hear from the other end. I hang up franticly, not sure what I thought would happen when I picked up the phone but I guess it wasn't that. Who is Sam, is it time for what? well this phone hasn't answered any questions , just created more...great.

I go back to my seat and think about what I heard on the phone some more. "Is it time Sam?"... I knew a Sam, he was my high school sweetheart, we were engaged until one day, July 16th 2020 to be exact he was in a car wreck. Worst day of my life, when I got the call I swore I would never love again, I wouldn't know how to, he is all I ever knew. That name hits close to home, to close. "Amelia!" I hear as I am lost in my thought of the past, My name ? someone's calling my name? SOMEONES CALLING MY NAME !?

The phone man? that tall handsome man is calling my name I almost pass out when I see his face..."SAM!" I scream before even thinking I run up and embraced him. My thoughts going everywhere, how is this possible? he died 2 years ago, I was at his funeral I saw his lifeless body laying in that coffin as I gave him one last kiss, but he is in my arms right now...HOW!?

I am dead, I knew it that is the only thing that made sense. I start to cry "I am dead Sam!, how? wh..." he cutes me off "you are not dead Amelia" he says "You are asleep"... ASLEEP!? how am I asleep I woke up on this train, I am moving, speaking, living in this could I be asleep?

Sam starts to explain "My love, you are in danger, I am here to stop something very bad from happening to you. " Why am I on a train!? Why am I in Dang.." he cuts me off again "I can't tell you Amelia, all I can do is keep you safe here. Do you trust me ?" Of course I trust him but I am so confused how is any of this happening? why is this happening to me?... "Yes I trust you."

I have Sam back, the love of my life he is here. I can feel him, hear him, I can love him again. Every moment I am on this train he is with me. It is like we are back in high school all giddy and in love, we can't keep our hands off of each other. I missed this, I missed him.

The phone rings... I look at Sam nervously. The last time I dealt with that phone I heard that voice asking Sam if it was time. Is that why it's calling? is time? whatever that means. Sam answers the phone his answer is short and firm "yes" he says and hangs up. "It's time to go over the plan" Sam says.

"Ok Amelia listen to me carefully, you will wake up soon and when you do y.." I cut him off this time "When I do you will be gone?" I ask. "Amelia we have spent time together that we both never thought we would get, it is time for you to go back." My heart breaks and I think to myself 'what am I going back t0?' loneliness, heartbreak, anxie... "Don't do that!" Sam says "Don't even think about talking yourself out of going back." Is he in my head ? can he read minds now too? "I know you Amelia I know that face, your thinking about staying." Before I can even answer him Sam says "It is time Amelia, when the phone rings again I need you to answer it and say 'I am ready', that's it, do you understand?". I look at him for a second and nod.

Sam has had me in his embrace since I nodded in agreement with his plan. What happens after this ? will I remember any of this? one things for sure Sam will be gone again...The phone starts to ring, Sam jolts me away from him and says "It's time now Amelia" he walks with me over to the phone gives me a long kiss on the forehead and says " I will love you forever and I am so grateful I got this time with you, my lovely Amelia." Before I could answer impulse took over me I took the ringing phone off the wall and smashed it on the ground.

"Amelia! what have you done! that was your only way home, the only way to wake you up!" My mind blocks Sam out for a second I focus on the train and how I can hear it moving and feel it moving under my feet... the never ending train.

"You are my home, Leave me asleep" I say to Sam.


About the Creator

Meagan Ashcroft

I love writing, I use it as an outlet for my feelings. I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them!

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    Meagan AshcroftWritten by Meagan Ashcroft

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