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Lead crow

Once upon a time, there was a place that, although farther away from the city, had beautiful scenery.

By IversonPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Once upon a time, there was a place far from the city, but with beautiful scenery. The air is fresh, the river flows day and night, the forest is very dense, the fruit trees are connected, and the birds are singing and flowers are fragrant everywhere. All kinds of birds and beasts lived there peacefully and peacefully. Happy life.

There is a group of crows, where life is prosperous, each crow has its own warm nest, their food is very rich, and they can eat and drink whatever they need; they are also very united, if one crow is accidentally injured, then the rest of the crows will flock to protect it. They live so happily and happily in this place, thanks to their excellent lead crow, this lead crow cares about other crows, suffers first, enjoys last; it is good at organizing and arranging life. The other crows respect it and bow to the wind. However, the good times did not last long, and the lead crow died soon after. The death of the leader crow completely disrupted the law of life of the crow, the organization was lax, and the life was insecure. Everyone was depressed and fell into a depression. In sorrow. The crows soon realized that if there is no leader, everything is lost, and no one can do things for everyone to organize everyone's actions. Everything is messed up. So, the crows decided to hold a meeting to seriously discuss and elect a crow to be the leader. As a result, the crows talked about it, mainly considering whether the crow was fair, whether it was clean and whether it had a high ability to do things. After repeated research, some crows elected a crow, but other crows did not agree, and they elected another crow, so the two sides could not argue. In this way, several candidates were elected, but they failed to get the approval of the vast majority of crows. There was a stalemate in several aspects, and there was never a satisfactory result for many crows. Looking at the late night, they decided to adjourn the meeting first, rest for a while, and gather together early the next morning to continue the discussion. In this way, the crows discussed for several days, but still failed to elect their own leader. In the end, they decided to take a workaround. One morning, they agreed not to go out for food, but gathered together to see what birds appeared in front of them first, and they would become their new leaders. In the future, the affairs of the crows will be managed by it, and everyone must obey its leadership.

Early that morning, the crows gathered in one place, watching the sky quietly, anxiously waiting for the arrival of their new leader, and they waited. Behold, suddenly, a goshawk flew first. The crows called to the goshawk in unison and said to it:

"Goshawk, you are our new leader, and we will all obey you from now on!"

The goshawk was originally here to forage, but inadvertently, he suddenly became the leader of the crows. He was overjoyed and said proudly:

"Crows, I am so flattered that you look down on me like this. Just put your hearts in your stomachs, don't worry anymore, as a leader, I will do good deeds for you every day from now on!"

After listening to the Goshawk's inaugural speech, the crows happily went their separate ways and foraged around. Anyway, with a new leader, it can do whatever it tells it to do, and there is really nothing to worry about.

After the goshawk became its leader, he was secretly overjoyed. He thought that from now on, he could do whatever he wanted. He achieved the purpose of not worrying about eating. So when the goshawk went out to forage every day, he ordered a crow to go with him. On the way, the goshawk pecked the crow to death. Drain its brain. Swallow its eyes. Eat its flesh again. The goshawk did this every day, and there were fewer and fewer crows in the flock every day. After a while, the sinful behavior of the goshawk was finally exposed. The crows found the leader they chose, but they killed day and night. Eating their companions, they shuddered and felt terrifying. At this point, the crows woke up like a dream, complaining to each other, regretting that they should not be united within, unable to elect their own leader, but let the natural enemy be their leader. How terrifying. How dangerous! If not discovered early, this flock of crows will disappear, and the crows will become insidious. The mouth of the poisonous goshawk is Chinese food. Thinking of this, the crows decided to stay away from the goshawk and no longer let it be their leader.

The minister finished telling the story of the crow, and then said: "Dear Your Majesty, this story shows that if Your Majesty has no descendants, then the throne will inevitably be inherited by outsiders in the future. At that time, we have to worry that we will suffer the same fate as the crow. Thank you Allah, it is now well, this worry is no longer necessary, because the prince is born, His Majesty has a successor, and we are strong in the country. Consolidation. Peace is full of confidence, may Allah bless His Majesty and his subjects with food and clothing. The country is peaceful and prosperous."

After the fifth minister finished his congratulations, the sixth minister stood up and said:

"Congratulations to Your Majesty on the birth of your precious son! May Your Majesty be happy forever and ever. The sages said: 'Worshippers, fasting, filial piety and justice are all appreciated by Allah, and they can all meet Allah., Your Majesty, as our king, has always been fair and honest, sharing and solving problems for the people. The minister just now has already expressed the following meaning, that is, when a country has no king in power or the king is incompetent, the ministers or the people have different opinions, lack a unified will, and each does its own thing, then the country is bound to lead to division. There are many contradictions. We have had the same doubts and the same worries. As a minister, I am anxious about His Majesty day and night, and I pray every day that Allah will reward His Majesty with a satisfactory son in order to inherit the throne. Well now, all worries are in the past, and Allah has fulfilled all our wishes. However, some people do not focus on the overall situation and do not think about the country, but just want the king to enjoy more earthly pleasures, so they make inappropriate prayers for the king, so it should not be. Because there is no benefit to doing that, it will only cause unnecessary casualties, just like snake charmers and wives and children. "

"Snake charmers and wives and children?" The king was very interested and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

So the minister began to tell the story of a snake charmer and his wife.

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Hi, I'm from Spain and love writing.

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    IversonWritten by Iverson

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