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Prologue-Dragons in the Valley

By Logan TotherowPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

There weren't always dragons in the Valley.

Once upon a time, dragons were a rare sight in the small kingdom of Kalderbloom. They usually stayed nestled in their secluded caves atop the cliffsides of the towering mountains, mesas, and plateaus surrounding the locale. They only came maybe two, three times a year to scavenge for livestock or take a dip or drink in the rivers and lakes of the closed-off vale. It was a quieter, more peaceful time.

Kalderbloom wasn't precisely a kingdom in older times. It once was a small collection of villages, ranging in size and population. Surrounded only by the towering canyons that lay between several tall and majestic mountains, outlined by forests and woodlands, and nourished by a collection of small streams, meeting into the Valensteto River. In the center of the deepest woods would lie a great lake, that glittered and glowed in solemn moonlight most nights a year. And it was through this terrain, that dragon races were able to flourish.

Dragons are proud creatures. This much information has always been shared from generation to generation. To many an old-born scholar, dragons were once believed to think themselves above other species. And Honestly, could anyone doubt it? These creatures were large, bulky, Scaled reptiles with Talons upon their claws as large as an old oak tree and wings large enough to foreshadow most villages. The sheer size varied according to species, much like the common animal. One such creature, the Scarlet WindBurrow, was a massive goliath that towered up to ninety feet with a howl that could splinter the landscape.

A WindBurrow was among the most commonly sighted, while rumor has it some northern villages sometimes could see the FrostWing Blue. Smaller than the Windburrow, standing at almost 80 feet, the FrostWing Blue could fly up to a hundred miles an hour, a white streak in the sky before a traveler would meet his doom. The mere sight of such a beast would strike fear into the hearts of even the strongest of warriors.

That was why, long ago, many a man would thank their god or even fate that these brutes would remain in their caves, high above the simple beings of the lands below. Some say villagers closer to the mountains would send sacrifices to the dragons, a day known as The Day of Condemnation.

Once a year, on the Solstice of Summer's Eve, a single man from among the villages would carry a sack full of coins and lead a few of the best livestock up the path across the ravenous terrain, straight to the summits of the range.

The sacrifice would stand with the offerings at the top of the highest plateau, where dragons converge during the harshest of seasons passing, and by the next sunrise, the sacrifice would be there no more.

This tradition was passed down for millennia, consolation given to the families who had to offer a member to the monsters. Villages lived peacefully in the valley throughout the year, only on occasion stiffening up at the sound of heavy wing beat, or the earthshaking roar of a dragon coming for feeding.

Then come time to offer up a sacrifice, village elders would converge in Mellarky, the at the time largest village the kingdom had to offer. They would confer on which village would offer up the main parts of the service; The gold first, then the livestock, then the human.

Once they had decided upon which of the unlucky were to offer the human sacrifice, each man of age between seventeen years and forty-seven in a single village would be asked to put their names on a scrap of sheepskin to be placed inside an urn.

Following the eve of the solstice, the village elder would place his hand into the container and carefully draw out a piece of sheepskin. The name upon which would decide which fated soul to be the sacrifice to the dragons.

It was a darker time, teaching fear and respect for the monsters to younger generations. And these darker times lasted for millennia. Eventually, the Kingdom of Kalderbloom came to prosper, steadily growing in size, population, and wealth. The village elders formed its first council, each of the villages growing into larger towns, creating more trade routes with neighboring kingdoms, and eventually choosing Mellarky to be its capital.

The kingdom grew in strength, taking in refugee soldiers from other kingdoms, helping the kingdom of Kalderbloom grow in military strength, and forming a devastatingly powerful army.

Journeying into the surrounding mountains and canyons, explorers from Kalderbloom eventually discovered and harvested iron, steel, and other precious materials, further causing the kingdom to grow. Mellarky even took in vigorous, skilled craftsmen. Thus a large castle, towers reaching for the stars, and a canal ring surrounding it came to be.

In just a few short centuries, Kalderbloom evolved. From a collective of small, weak villages to one of the most powerful kingdoms, led by the council of elders, finally deciding to crown a ruler. But how to select the best candidate?

The council decided that Kalderbloom's ruler should be strong and courageous. He must be willing to protect his people and never back down to anyone, such as other kingdoms or even dragons.

After many days of deliberation, The Council decided on a series of tests that would take place in the final days of the month leading to the Summer's Solstice.

A tournament would transpire in Mellarky where the strongest warriors from the kingdom and surrounding kingdoms would gather for a day of combat, and the council would supervise the proceedings.

Each participant would be brought before the council members beforehand and questioned about their ideals and morals. Should one fail to impress the elders, or not be what the kingdom needed, they would be sent away and forbidden from participating.

Finally, as a warrior would stand victorious over his adversaries, the tournament would come to a close and the victor would receive one last task to prove himself worthy.

On the day of the choosing, he would be the sacrifice. He would leave with the gold and the livestock, and trek the terrain to where dragons converge.

If he could make it to the next sunrise without death, and bring proof he could face dangers, he could return to Mellarky and become anointed that very day.

However, many years passed and not a single warrior was crowned, bested by the very beasts that struck fear in all of mankind.

That was until one fateful year, this year. The year everything changed.


About the Creator

Logan Totherow

Just a common southern boy looking to share the power of imagination.

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    Logan TotherowWritten by Logan Totherow

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