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It's Time to Wake-Up Alice

By: Ink Stories

By V-Ink StoriesPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, in a small sleepy town, there lived a young girl named Alice. She was an ordinary girl in every sense of the word, with an imagination that soared far beyond the bounds of reality. Alice found solace in her own mind, where she constructed a magical world named Wonderland.

In Wonderland, Alice would venture through whimsical forests, converse with talking animals, and meet strange and enigmatic characters. Oh, how she longed for Wonderland to be her real home, but alas, it existed only within the depths of her imagination. It remained her secret, her escape from the mundane existence of her everyday life.

One drizzly evening, as the clock struck midnight, Alice stood before the mirror in her bedroom. Feeling an unfamiliar restlessness, she whispered, "I wish Wonderland were real." To her surprise, her reflection flickered, and a mesmerizing light emitted from the mirror, enveloping her surroundings. Alice found herself transported to the very world she had created.

Suddenly, the familiar faces of the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts greeted her. But something was not quite right. The once colorful and vibrant Wonderland had taken on a murky, foreboding tone. The trees drooped with malevolence, and the sky bled a deep crimson.

Alice's heart raced. Fear danced through her veins as she navigated through the twisted paths of the forest. Her companions had become distorted versions of their former selves, their eyes gleaming with a wickedness that sent shivers down her spine. Lost, confused, and filled with an overwhelming sense of dread, Alice questioned the genuineness of her triumph.

With each passing moment, Wonderland exposed itself as a haunting manifestation of Alice's darkest fears and hidden desires. The Queen of Hearts reveled in sadistic pleasures, ordering executions without remorse. The Mad Hatter's once playful demeanor morphed into a manic obsession with time. And the Cheshire Cat's mischievous grin widened, revealing rows of blood-stained teeth.

Alice's mind spiraled into a turbulent haze, her grip on reality slipping. She could no longer distinguish between fantasy and actuality. The lines blurred, and Wonderland seeped into her unconscious thoughts, infecting her worldview. She became a puppet trapped in the theater of her own mind, subject to the whimsical horror that enveloped her.

As Alice continued her descent into madness, the fantasy world she had once longed for suffocated her spirit. It was cruel and demanding, demanding that she become a monster herself. The whispers in her ears grew louder, their sinister words urging her to commit unspeakable acts.

Days turned into nights, and nights into a never-ending nightmare. And then, one dreadful evening, the truth shattered Alice's fragile grasp on reality. She awoke inside a dimly lit room, cold and sterile. Concrete walls loomed around her, adorned with cracks that mirrored the fracturing of her mind.

Terrified, Alice shivered in the confines of her straightjacket. Long-forgotten memories clawed their way through the labyrinth of her thoughts. Her family, her loved ones, their abyssal eyes staring at her accusingly. Their lifeless bodies, the remnants of a tragedy she could no longer deny.

It was then that Alice realized the grim reality she had been evading. Wonderland was not an escape; it was a cage. The product of her guilt and madness, a reflection of the darkest corners of her subconscious. She had been declared insane, destined to spend her remaining days within the walls of an asylum, forever tormented by nightmares too real to escape.

And so Alice, forever broken, closed her eyes, her twisted tale fading into the forgotten pages of history. A cautionary tale etched among the stars reminds us of the dangers that lurk within the darkest depths of one's mind.


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V-Ink Stories

Welcome to my page where the shadows follow you and nightmares become real, but don't worry they're just stories... right?

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