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It's Not A Good Idea

Another short fiction tale exercise.

By Julianne AlguesevaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
It's Not A Good Idea
Photo by Steven Kamenar on Unsplash

•CHOSEN STORY WORDS: •Time •Tuesday •Them •Lie •Think •Talk

Story: Dr. Berry answered the phone thinking it was his wife, sadly this wasn't the case. The voice greeted him with an utmost sarcastic tone. Berry could tell it was his boss, and with a frightened mutter he replied, “Please don't make me do this. It's my kids Tennis •Tuesday for crying out loud!” ***Pauses while he listens***

“There's no way I will do such a misdeed to •them.” ***Pauses while he listens*** “These are her parents; think about the consequences if we get caught.” ***Pauses while he listens*** “I'm not going to be the one who's going to tell this barbaric •lie. Not again. I •think it's •time for you to find another individual to help you with these nefarious deeds because I won't stand for this any longer!”

Dr. Berry slammed the phone down. He felt a large lump in his throat as sweat drenched his palms. Taking that moment to •talk to his 'so-called' boss, Mr. Gus took every ounce of his energy. Every soul on Terra Mystica knew the punishment if they went against the laws. Especially if you refused to assist the one who was in-charge of those same laws. Berry knew he didn't have long to prepare.

The rules were simple. You are given only three hours, within that time you can only take three items of your choice, and most importantly, by no circumstances are you to contact any relatives or peers. With eyes full of tears, Dr. Berry decided to take his engraved doctors bag that his wife gave him on their 50th anniversary, a large can of fish that would last him about 3 days, and a treasured photograph of his family.

Mr. Gus was a being of absolute power and heaven forbid any being dared to go against him. Berry took a seat in his favorite crimson armchair waiting for the unforeseen magical forces to do their job. He had an extra hour to sit by the fireplace and eat his last meal for the final time. From his desk he took out a large bag of flavored squid chips and slowly savored each one while he read the local newspaper.

His favorite part were the comics, they always brought a smile to his face. As he flipped to the last page and tossed the empty bag of snacks into the wastebasket. Less than a second of him slowly blinking his eyes, a whirl of pitch black glitter whisked him away. At that very second Berry realized he was no longer in his office but had been banished to a dark forest in a remote area. He was no longer a citizen of Samhain Town but a traitor to the whole realm of Terra Mystica.

Berry knew what he had done, and it was the right thing to do but in the eyes the Great Magus it was considered betrayal. Hopefully he could find other banished folk who needed emergency aid of a doctor. He knew where he was, and there was no doubt that the stories were true. Berry had to be quick on his feet and think outside the box. Maybe once a upon a time this area was a safe place for mystical creatures to roam.

From the vast horizon of the mountains with hundreds of knocked down acreage from the tree removal machines showed how powerful the local alchemy had become. Berry pondered to himself, "To think, less than a two millennia's later, this primitive species would be be more concerned about their choices in how they treat the land and less about what goes into their currency. Besides, Earth is no place for a gremlin, not any more, and for any human to discover my existence would be a fate worse than death."


About the Creator

Julianne Algueseva

Just your friendly neighborhood writer and craftswoman. Doing all what I can to spread kindness and creativity throughout this wide world. I enjoy reading fiction and non-fiction books, as well as writing from my own life's journeys.

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