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Is he tamed

chapter 2 loosely based on Scott Peterson case

By Antoinette L BreyPublished 17 days ago 3 min read
Is he tamed
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

(this is chapter 2.). After I wrote it I had to take a break because where initually I was going to put a twist to the story. As I write it I am begining to hate him. Every woman hears alot of lines and blows them off, but I had to take a break from this. The chapter 3 will be his lines to Amber. if anybody is reading this, chapter three is coming after I get out of my characters mind)

When he saw her face, he knew. She was so plain, so sweat. His heart swept out to her immediately. He loved them both, if he loved them both, though any woman would have told him, if he loved either he would not want to emotionally hurt them. He planned to come back and persue her.

When he got home he was on a roll. Anna was in bad mood. He sang to her "Lets make love all night long. He was surprised when she countered back "Only in your dreams" But he swirled her around,, kissed her on her forehead and then unstandably said "okay, no means no.

And then he went to the kitchen to prepare their dinner. Anna was stunned but she had said no. She thought about starting it up again but she was cutting onions. Her mood had just gotten worse. She went and siilently helped him in the kitchen. Tacos a lot of bowls of food but a easy meal.

Anna turned on so you think you can dance. She loved the hips and ribs movements, and these dancers were actually showing emotion in their dancing. She felt her mood calming. She barely noticed when he said he was going to the store. One contestant had hurt her hip. Anna cried for her, women used their hips for everything. But the contestent had been a fighter,

Anna was not a great dancer , but she was better than the average woman. She had told her husband when they first met that she couldn't dance. Just a test of his frame of mind. Was he a nice man, or a man in heat. And of course as their muscles interacted her muscles loosened.

She noticed he had been gone a long time, she thought he was just grabbing a dessert, She had watched three episodes.

Meanwhile he was on the hunt. It had been awhile,and he felt alive, He had found out that she had a daughter.

It was a easy begining. "He had not seen her here before,it was nice to see a new smiling face, He hoped she enjoyed working here. His name was Scott. Hopefully he would see her again. She sweatly thanked him and told him that her name was Amber. He sunk into the calmness of the interaction. He found himself getting arroused, but he hid it. She was not his wife. She was as you would say in the south,a sweat girl,the kind you would marry. Amber had looked tired but by the time Scott checked out she was smiling

He was glowing when he entered his house, which surprised Anna. But he explained that it took him awhile to find her favorite dessert. She figured that he had had to run to two stores, that was the beginning of the intanglement and the incidents which would later make the dectectives wonder. To all that reviewed the facts it appeared that he was not tamed. And to Anne and her family it appeared that he was the ideal husband

Suddenly because she was pregant and could not lift Scott made all the trips to the grocery store. Their sex life decreased slightly, but she figured that that was just the way marriage went in the south. they had created their child. Wasn't that what a woman was for. Sometimes she missed the playfulness and easyness they had had. She never told anybody but secretly she saw some drawbacks of becoming a child carrying wife. She was not emotionally and physically dead , she was just creating life. She should have been even more beutiful to him, She was carrying their child. Wasn't the pregnant Demi Moore photographed as beautiful on a magazine cover. Anna was confused but confinced he was a tamed devoted husband. Once he saw his child things would change



About the Creator

Antoinette L Brey

I am an elder in a time of freedom. I am now retired. All i want to do is have fun. Without a daily routine, my imagination is one of my only salvations. I am not planning on writing a book, it is just for my own pleasure

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