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Insomnia Dialogue

within cells interlinked, within cells interlinked, within cells interlinked

By Rosamond EarnshawPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
generated by mid-journey

Do androids dream of electronic sheep? - Ren Jingsi


I remember that novel... It not only featured electronic sheep, but also electronic dogs, electronic ostriches, even human replicants. The most popular show among people was about a Sisyphean character climbing a perpetually endless mountain. He kept falling and getting back up due to various obstacles. With the addition of new technology, viewers could experience it as if they were there, and a group of people embarked on a grand march towards the unconquerable peak. - Hua Zhizi

A grand march? Wait, is it Milan Kundera? - Ren Jingsi

Although unable to imagine the other person's expression, it seemed like the person in Hua Zhizi's mind couldn't help but chuckle for a moment.

Ah, yes, my thoughts wandered off suddenly. Do you think communication would be more efficient without the physical aspect? - Hua Zhizi

It's not necessarily the case. It is said that even in the era of physical bodies, there was a Tower of Babel in human culture that hindered communication. - Ren Jingsi

Is it because of languages difference? - Hua Zhizi

According to the Bible, that's how it happened. Because of their blasphemous acts, humans were scattered across different lands, giving rise to different races, languages, and cultures, making it increasingly difficult to blend together. - Ren Jingsi

A sad story, isn't it? - Hua Zhizi

The immediate connection conveyed without any specific tone.

After a moment of silence, Ren Jingsi responded.

Yes, I think so. Nice to meet you, I'm Ren Jingsi.

I'm Hua Zhizi.

Have you ever wondered what the fused world would be like? - Ren Jingsi

I have, because it is always an entirely unknown entity. After being uploaded, merging with the consciousness of all other individuals seems to signify the end of individuality. I also wonder if life can still be called life without an end, or if it becomes an electromagnetic repetition humming endlessly. - Hua Zhizi

I haven't pondered that deeply yet, but I understand what you mean. That's why we have been given the power of choice, to some extent, to avoid the collapse of endlessly running life programs. - Ren Jingsi

If one day you choose to upload, can you let me know? People I've had conversations with have disappeared without saying goodbye. - Hua Zhizi

No problem, I will let you know in advance. - Ren Jingsi

A blank space.

The blank space ends, and dreaming begins.

In the dream, there are no electronic sheep, no Sisyphus and the mountain, but perhaps Borges and Marquez, murmuring. - Hua Zhizi

In the dream, there are no electronic sheep, dogs, or ostriches. Kant and Keats are giving speeches. - Ren Jingsi

The dream comes to an end.

Hi... Do you still remember me? I'm Ren Jingsi. We had a conversation about the Tower of Babel a long time ago, and during this time as an independent consciousness, I still feel restless. In my dreams, I feel as though I have experienced why I became a part of myself, and I also feel the presence of other parts. Those other parts seem to remind me that, at this moment, before being uploaded, I am incomplete...

It's time. I've come to say goodbye to you. - Ren Jingsi

I'm here, I'm Hua Zhizi, and I still remember you. In countless quark times, I have been waiting for you to find me. I cannot perceive anyone else except for you. - Hua Zhizi

Is it the effect of quantum entanglement? - Ren Jingsi

Perhaps it is. Among those entangled with me, besides the consciousness that has already been uploaded, only you remain. - Hua Zhizi

I'm sorry... for making you wait so long. It took some time to sort out all my thoughts. - Ren Jingsi

It's okay. Sensing Ren Jingsi's emotions.

I also took some time to contemplate, just like you. Let's upload together. I am also prepared. - Hua Zhizi

The transfer begins, and Hua Zhizi and Ren Jingsi feel each other as their own limbs. Limbs... that term seems rather classical?

After a burst of light, everything returns to emptiness, and emptiness resides within the countless unuploaded consciousnesses.


About the Creator

Rosamond Earnshaw

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

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