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In flight.

Story that takes place entirely in plane.

By Yusra AhmadPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The plane was soaring through the clouds, and the passengers were all settled in for the long flight ahead. Among them was a young woman named Sarah, who was on her way to visit her family for the first time in years.

As she looked out the window, she felt a sense of excitement and nervousness. She had always been close to her family, but she had been living abroad for several years and had not seen them in person for a long time.

As the plane continued to climb higher, Sarah's nerves began to get the best of her. She tried to distract herself by reading a book, but she found herself unable to focus. She looked around at the other passengers, wondering if they were feeling the same way.

That's when she noticed the man sitting next to her. He was tall and handsome, with a friendly smile on his face. He introduced himself as Jack and asked if she was okay.

Sarah was surprised by his kindness, but she appreciated the gesture. They struck up a conversation, and she found herself opening up to him about her fears and worries.

To her surprise, Jack was a great listener. He listened intently as she talked about her family and her anxieties about seeing them again. He shared his own experiences of traveling and visiting family, and before she knew it, they were laughing and joking like old friends.

As the flight continued, Sarah found herself feeling more and more at ease. She was grateful for Jack's company and the distraction he provided from her worries.

But then, something unexpected happened. The plane hit a patch of turbulence, and Sarah felt her stomach drop. She gripped the armrests tightly, her heart racing with fear.

Jack noticed her distress and took her hand, offering words of comfort and reassurance. He told her that he was a pilot himself and that turbulence was a normal part of flying. He explained how the plane was designed to handle it and how the pilots were trained to navigate through it safely.

Sarah felt a sense of relief wash over her. She was amazed by Jack's knowledge and expertise, and she felt grateful to have him by her side.

As the flight continued, Sarah and Jack talked about everything under the sun. They shared stories of their travels, their families, and their dreams for the future. They laughed and joked, and Sarah felt a sense of connection with him that she had never felt before.

Before she knew it, the plane was beginning its descent. Sarah felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as she prepared to see her family again. But she knew that she had a new friend in Jack, and she felt grateful for the unexpected connection they had made.

As they landed and the passengers began to disembark, Sarah turned to Jack and thanked him for his kindness and support. He smiled and wished her luck, telling her that he hoped to see her again someday.

Sarah walked off the plane with a newfound sense of confidence and excitement. She knew that she had a lotof catching up to do with her family, but she also knew that she had made a new friend in Jack. She felt grateful for the unexpected connection they had made and the way he had helped her through her fears and anxieties.

As she walked through the airport, she felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. She knew that her family was waiting for her, and she couldn't wait to see them again.

When she finally saw them, she felt a rush of emotion. They hugged and laughed and cried, and Sarah felt overwhelmed by the love and warmth of her family.

Over the next few days, Sarah spent time with her family, catching up on all the things she had missed. They shared stories and memories, and Sarah felt grateful for the time they had together.

But she also couldn't help thinking about Jack. She wondered where he was and what he was doing, and she felt a sense of longing to see him again.

One day, as she was walking through the city, she saw a familiar face. It was Jack, walking down the street with a group of friends.

Sarah felt a rush of excitement and ran up to him, calling out his name. He turned around and smiled, and they hugged like old friends.

They spent the rest of the day together, exploring the city and sharing stories of their travels. Sarah felt a sense of connection with Jack that she had never felt before, and she knew that he would always hold a special place in her heart.

As her visit came to an end, Sarah felt a mix of emotions. She was sad to leave her family and the city she had grown to love, but she was also excited to see what the future held.

She said goodbye to Jack, promising to keep in touch, and boarded the plane for her journey home. As the plane took off, she looked out the window and felt a sense of gratitude for the unexpected connection she had made with Jack.

She knew that the flight had been more than just a journey from one place to another. It had been a journey of self-discovery and connection, and she felt grateful for the unexpected twists and turns that had led her to where she was now.

As the plane soared through the clouds, Sarah felt a sense of peace and contentment. She knew that she had made new friends and reconnected with old ones, and she felt excited for the adventures that lay ahead.

Short Story

About the Creator

Yusra Ahmad

please look forward to my work♥️🥀

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    Yusra AhmadWritten by Yusra Ahmad

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