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Hood Ornaments

Episode 11

By Majique MiMiPublished 12 months ago 16 min read

Dell tried to lift his head, but it felt as though it was encased in ice. Smelling sandalwood and musk, he felt a soft hand stroking his face and gently pushing him back on the fluffy bed.

“Don’t try to get up yet, but if you can, open your eyes for me?” Her voice comforting, soothing.

Soft like her skin.

Dell furrowed his brows and opened his eyes slowly. A bright light was zig-zagging back and forth. All he could see was a beautiful pouty mouth moving in slow motion.

“You hit every step on your way down, so I am sure you have a concussion. I kept you awake as long as I could. Sit still, I’ll bring you some food.” With that, Jasmine got up and attempted to leave the room.

“Ms. Jasmine?” Dell called out in barely a whisper causing her to turn around sharply. She looked like a pink cirrus cloud before he was able to focus and he realized she was wearing scrubs and her soft, angelic disposition was beginning to evaporate just like one of those clouds.

“You have been out for a day and a half. Samuel and Emmanuel are out picking up a stuffed pizza. Andre is in the office waiting for you to wake up. It is out this door to the left at the back of the hall. You got that?” Jasmine sucked her teeth with her tongue and raised an eyebrow at him.

Even with the headache, Dell couldn’t help but smile at her feistiness. He tried to get up but the pain in his head forced him back down. He winced and Jasmine spat out,

“That’s what your ass gets for calling me Ms. Jasmine. Take your time; Dre ain’t goin nowhere. Shit he can’t go nowhere.”

And with that, the pretty cloud evaporated completely leaving Dell with a pounding head full of questions. But he was going to follow Jasmine’s advice and take it slow. He didn’t want more pain. He eased himself out of the bed and started walking towards an open door that appeared to be a bathroom. He washed his hands and then looked at his reflection in the large lighted mirror above the sink.

He didn’t think it was possible people could look grey, but he was. He was amazed when he saw a toothbrush wrapped in plastic and small sample tube of toothpaste on the counter.

Mechanically, he brushed his teeth, splashed some water on his face, tightened his robe, and shuffled down the hall because if he tried to actually walk his head throbbed. Although Jasmine told Dell her fell down the steps, didn’t remember it. The last thing he remembered was being than ten feet away from Andre Watts. According to the legends, stories and tales, Dre was the most notorious king pin of the city until he passed away. Now, it was Uncle Sticks. He heard about some of the rumors about the ruthless things Dre had done to people during his reign of the city. There were even whispers that he was behind the death of Tori’s mother Dee.

Tori, damn.

Realizing he was no longer in his clothes, Dell began to panic. He had no idea where they were. No clue where his cell phone was. Since he lost a day and half he had no idea if Tori was still attempting to contact him or not. The panic was making his whole body pound with pain. His breathing became labored as he gingerly turned around to make his way back to the bedroom where he was left to recuperate.

Until he felt a strong grip on his shoulder. He didn’t even have to turn around. The deep bellow from above his head told him who it was.

“Confused youngin?” Dre asked in more of a fatherly tone than a threatening one. Dell let out a deep breath.

“Nah, Mr. Watts. I was just looking…” Dell stopped in mid-sentence and became a little woozy. Dre steadied him by putting his hand on his other shoulder and turned him around slowly. It actually hurt Dell’s head to look up at Dre, so he decided to stare at the floor.

“Whoa, you aiight? C’mon, let’s get you in the office and I’ll see if I can get Jazz to get you something for your head.

The pair made their way down the hall to the ominous office. It looked more like a suite in Dell’s opinion. It had a huge grey sectional that took up the left wall and a huge mahogany desk in the middle of the room.

What is up with these motherfuckers and these big ass mahogany desks? Dell thought to himself as he sat down facing Dre. A button was pushed on the wall and the room filled with Jasmine’s voice.

“Yes?” She actually didn’t sound disturbed this time.

“When was the last time youngin here got some meds?” Dre asked into the ceiling.

“Um, we never gave him any Andre. He was knocked out remember?!” There was the sarcastic disdain Dell liked for whatever reason.

“Well can you bring him something now?”

You could hear Jasmine suck her teeth even over the intercom, “As soon as I finish his food. He has to eat first.”

“Aiight, thanks,” Dre pushed the button to end the conversation. Then, to Dell’s surprise, Dre sat next to him on the couch. He was in too much pain to look at him, or at least that’s what he told himself.

Dre sighed and rubbed his hands together before he spoke, “Since you aren’t feelin well, I’m gonna keep this brief for now. If you have questions later, we can talk some more. I know who you are and obviously you know who I am. Not only do I know who you are, I also know how close you are to my daughter.”

“Mr. Watts, I would never disrespect Tori…”

Dre’s voice for the first time became hostile as he cut off Dell in mid-sentence.

“You’re goddamned right you won’t! Not only will never disrespect my daughter, but you will stop disrespecting yourself. You will not get into this game. You hear me? That’s done!


“Mr. Watts, I kinda was thinkin about that anyway, after seein my uncle and what…”

“There is no more thinking, Rondell. From now on just do as you’re told”

Dre closed his eyes, let out another long sigh, and extended his hand to a now completely petrified Dell.

“The first thing you are gonna do is stop calling me Mr. Watts. That was my father and that shit makes me feel uncomfortable and old. The name is Dre aiight?” The fatherly tone returned, and so did Jasmine from a doorway on the right side of the desk. She was carrying a tray of food which she sat in front of Dell. Then she handed him a small pill box.

“When you are done eating take the first dose. After dinner, take the second. Only if you are in pain do you take the third. Do you understand?”

“Yes Ms.…I mean. Yes Jasmine.” Dell thought he saw her smile before she exited the same way she came in.

Upon further inspection of the tray, Dell became excited and began devouring the food as Dre laid down the rules:

He must never breathe a word of any of this to Tori or anyone else who would say anything to her.

He must respect and protect her at all times.

But he must not get involved in the game at all, which basically meant he can only associate with Sticks if it was related to family business.

Like Sunday dinner

If they ever had that.

In exchange, Dre would pay for Dell to go to school and assist him with a small allowance for clothes and other necessities until he was able to get a job.

Dell was amazed at Dre’s generosity.

But what he didn’t know was how little he was being compensated for loyalty that paramount

He never asked why it took so long for Man and Sticks return from getting a pizza.

Why they never came back into the office to speak to Dre.

Why Dre handed him a duffel bag full of clothes, a passport, and a debit card for the local bank.

Dell just said thank you, shook the man’s hand, smiled at Jasmine who didn’t smile back, and very carefully walked down the back steps to the backyard and to the front gate Man and Sticks were already sitting in the truck which was running. Dell mechanically got into the back seat placing the duffel bag on the seat next to him.

“Shit!” Dell shouted and Man characteristically peered at him via the rearview mirror. Sticks only sarcastically asked, “Problem?”

“My bad Unc, yeah, I left my phone.”

“No you didn’t I have it.”

Dell didn’t know why, but his uncle’s attitude was really starting to annoy the fuck out of him, so he took a deep quiet breath and asked, “Well can I have it?”

Sticks swiftly turned around and glared at Dell, “Do you have any idea what the fuck just took place here?” Sticks gently tapped Man’s headrest signaling him to start driving, “You have been trusted with information, and Lord knows why, that if gotten into the wrong hands could destroy many lives. Even the life of your pretty little girlfriend, my goddaughter.”

“Goddaughter?” Dell asked with a little more sarcasm than confusion which infuriated Sticks. He turned back around in the seat and replied,

“Yes Motherfucker Goddaughter! And I know what your ass is thinkin; what does someone like me know about God? And you know what Dell, I’ll even answer that for you-- nothing! I don’t know shit about God, church, or praying. But I do know a thing or two about responsibility. I was responsible for Dre getting into the drug game I was responsible for Tori’s mother dying. Shit, it was my dope that killed her. I was responsible for Dre getting arrested and almost charged in Dee’s death then being stowed away like a prisoner in a city he doesn’t know nothing about. My dumb ass talked too loud one day and you overheard me talking about who and what Dre is.”

Sticks stopped speaking and commanded Man to pull over. After the truck stopped on the shoulder, Sticks jumped out and then forcefully opened up the back door causing Dell to instinctively jump to the other side of the back seat, damn near pushing himself through the door. That didn’t stop Sticks from gripping him up by his collar. He pulled Dell’s face about an inch away from his and hissed at him.

“But you just had to open your big ass mouth and sweet little Tori, who always thought she was an orphan, went to her grandmother and asked her if her daddy was a drug dealer. Trudy called me. I had to call Dre who pretty much demanded to see your ass. I had to give up almost two weeks of my life and go to dumb-fuck Illinois all because you wanted to be big pimpin over the summer.”

With that Sticks let go of Dell.

“So you will get your damn cell phone back when we reach the city. What is the first rule Dell?”

Dell replied with his voice shaking, “I must never breathe a word of any of this to Tori or anyone else who would say anything to her.”

“Oh so your dumb ass can be taught?” Sticks quipped and then sucked his teeth,

“And since the other rule is you ain’t really supposed to deal with me unless it’s on some holiday or family dinner shit, don’t say shit else to me until we get home. You need something, ask Mann.”

Again Dell looked up to see Mann’s eyes peering at him in the rearview mirror, but this time it looked as though he was looking right through him. Dell wanted to apologize to Sticks but right now he was so pissed off at him, he just kept his mouth shut.

I can’t say shit about Chicago and where I was.

If I lied to her, Tori would see right through that shit. She always did. So, what am I going to do?

As if on cue, Sticks began snoring which made the light bulbs go off in Dell’s head like paparazzi at the Grammy’s. He had a plan that wasn’t completely a lie. But more importantly, it would work. He had about eight and a half more hours of driving time to perfect it.

Dell, unfortunately, slept for six of those hours. He only woke up when he heard the truck doors slam. Startled, he peered out the window and saw Man and Sticks headed into the busy rest area. That’s when his head started hurting. He hoped they wouldn’t be too long. He also hoped they were kind enough to bring him back something to eat. When the pair returned to the truck, Sticks handed Dell a Popeye’s bag full of food and a strawberry soda. Dell’s face expressed his gratitude and Stick’s chuckled a you’re welcome under his breath.

As Dell reached further into the bag he felt something cold and hard. After feeling around, he realized it was his cell phone. He sighed a huge sigh of relief when he turned it on and saw it was still charged. Sticks was now watching Dell through the rearview mirror as he fumbled through the text messages.

“You can say thank you now; I won’t choke you out.”

Dell chuckled which caused his uncle to chuckle as well,

“Text her first. Feel her out, then call. She probably won’t respond for the first three texts anyway. When she does respond then call,” Sticks explained as if he was teaching a seminar on how to handle pissed off women.

Dell laughed, “You been through this before?”

Sticks nodded, “Unfortunately many times. Jasmine hates when I don’t return her texts.”

Dell’s voice almost squeaked he was in so much shock,

“Wait! What? Jasmine? I thought…”

“You thought she was Dre’s girl? I see how you would think that. She is quite free in a hippy, peace and love kind of way, but nah, Dre will probably never live with a woman he loves again. What happened with Dee fucked him up. Changed everything.”

There was an uncomfortable lull of silence on a long and boring stretch of highway, so Dell took a deep breath and scrolled through the text messages. Tori must really be pissed. For the first few days she yelled at him. But the very last text message said:

I thought we were better than that; I give up.

And give up she did.

The remaining period of time they were in what Dell thought was Chicago, Tori didn’t respond to him. Dell had to make this right, but he sucked at it.

Apparently it ran in the family.

“So what do you say to Jasmine, Unc?”

“Nothin but the truth Nephew. She understands most of the time, and she is the one who told me this, so listen close. Men and women are wired differently. Men, even the best of us, are focused, task oriented creatures. Which basically means we can only take care of one issue at a time. When one issue is solved, we move onto the next issue, solve that and so on.

Women aren’t like that. They are queen multi-taskers. They can work, go to school, raise children, cook dinner, clean the house, and still find enough time to be pretty, put on fuck me pumps and call our remedial asses, check if we’re okay and make our day. And how do we repay them? Our dumb asses forget to text or call them and say thank you for all that you do, I love you. That shit pisses them royally the fuck off. Do you want to know the difference between a good woman and a bum ass bitch?”

“I’m afraid to ask Unc.”

Sticks laughed, “The difference is how she treats you after you provide her with a sincere apology. Oh she will be cautious at first because as Jasmine always tells me, an apology without a permanent attempt to change the behavior is as about as useless as a pen with no ink. But if she still acts a monkey if you apologize and change, cut the bitch loose.”

“Sticks, man can I be honest with you?”

“Of course, you still family.”

“This shit wasn’t my fault though.”

Sticks sucked his teeth, “Why cause I took your phone?”


“Well shit, like I told you before you never should have opened your mouth. But I’ll tell you what. This time only, you can blame me.”

Dell laughed, “Well since we are being so honest with one another and shit, I kinda already planned to.”

Dell completely forgot Mann was driving until he erupted in laughter so hard he started choking on his own breath. Because sometimes laughter that ferocious is contagious, Sticks joined in

When they stopped laughing, Sticks whipped his head around to speak as Dell’s text alert went off. His throat felt like it closed, and it was hard for him to swallow. His pulse accelerated and he swore he felt beads of sweat begin to pool at his temples. He glanced at his phone at saw the following words:

Gotcha; Man up!

Instantly Dell’s face squished up with anger which ignited more laughter.

“C’mon Unc, that shit ain’t funny man.”

“Depends on which side of the text you on Nephew. We will be home in less than forty five minutes; what chu gonna do Dell?’

Dell sucked his teeth, “I think I figured it out.”

“Word to the not yet wise, with women you may never have it all figured out.”

“I’m good Unc.”

He wasn’t good, but he would be. When it appeared Sticks and Mann were engrossed in a banal conversation about pro wrestling being scripted, he texted Tori.

I am about a half hour away. Meet me at the waterfront. I’ll explain everything.

He then took a deep breath and waited for a response. That’s when all kinds of thoughts started to invade Dell’s mind.

Did his parents know where he was?

Were they angry because he was with Sticks?

Did Tony and Malik know?

Shit, did they even care?

He scrolled through his missed calls and noticed that there were a few from Tony’s grandma’s house, but none from Malik at all. But that wasn’t unusual since Malik’s people’s phone was off most of the time anyway. But now, for whatever reason, Dell was concerned about his own people.

Dell shouted over the rather loud debate over who was the smarter wrestler Hulk Hogan or Rick Flair.

“Aye Yo Unc, does my mom and pops know where I’m at?”

The truck got quiet and Sticks’ eyes were wide when he turned to look at Dell. He stared at him for a few seconds.

“My bad Unc, excuse me.”

Sticks sighed and answered his nephew in a voice that sounded like a voice over for a commercial.

“I did, in fact, call my brother, Reverend Luke, and informed him of your whereabouts and safety. You still are welcomed to live there.”

“Aiight bet, thank you,” Sticks didn’t even acknowledge his gratitude and went right back to his debate with Mann. This led Dell’s mind right back to racing about what he was gonna tell everyone once they realized he was home. Whatever it was, it would have to coincide with the story he was going to provide Tori

Dell started thinking about how isolated and boring Dre’s life must be. Yeah, he had a dope crib but he would have to since he wasn’t allowed to leave it. Maybe he did go out in Chicago, but that had to depress him more when he had to come home. Not to mention, Dre left his mother and daughter behind. He hadn’t seen Tori since she was a little toddler, and now she was making plans to go to college.

That must hurt.

Like hell.

Thinking about Dre’s house, it dawned on Dell that he didn’t recall seeing any photographs displayed anywhere. No family mementos. At least there weren’t any in the common areas of the house. Maybe Dre had them somewhere in his room.

In a box

Like a coffin

Sealed shut to keep light from fading the memories

Of a life once was

His thought were broken by Stick’s loud, intrusive laughter, and for some reason that laughter made the bile curdle in his stomach. He swallowed hard as if to force it back down. But the truth became a lingering lump in his throat.

Contempt was then conceived.

His uncle singlehandedly destroyed many lives. Most of them knew what they were getting into, but many did not.

Dee murdered by Stick’s heroin then disposed of like garbage.

Dre tricked into taking responsibility for crimes he didn’t commit forcing him to become a recluse.

Tori made an orphan for no damn reason other than his greed.

And that’s just the shit Dell knows about.

His text alert went off, but Dell picked it up and put it on vibrate. For now on, his business was no longer Stick’s concern.

Surprisingly, it was Tori. It made him smile she responded.

Glad you’re alive. I’ll be there, but this is your LAST chance.

Sticks and Mann were still having their loud wrestling discussion, so Dell had to yell just to be heard.

“Aye yo Unc, apologies for interruptin, but can y’all just drop me off at the waterfront?”

Man looked at Sticks as if waiting for approval. It looked as if he were pondering his reply before he shook his head yes.

“Thanks,” muttered Dell half-heartedly. Just then he felt another vibration in his pocket. He picked it up and his jaw dropped when he read the text.

Remember what I said. Not one word to ANYONE!!! This is my number for emergencies only.

Be safe, youngin.

Dell was goin to reply, but after thinkin about it, there was no need. All he needed to do was get to Tori, make things right, and start his new life. He took a deep breath, put his cell back in his pocket, and watched the river’s edge approach in the horizon. He asked God for forgiveness for his past, guidance for his present and blessings for his future.

Dell can’t remember the last time he prayed.

As if on cue, Sticks choked on his own breath.

Luke would be proud.

Young AdultScriptSeries

About the Creator

Majique MiMi

You can call me MiMi. I’m a Brain Aneurysm & Stroke Survivor & Former English Professor. I write to stay sane, and to keep gratitude in my Spirit & Praises in my mouth.

Check out my series starting with Hood Ornaments

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    Majique MiMiWritten by Majique MiMi

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