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Hood Ornaments

Episode 60

By Majique MiMiPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Dell understood what was happening, but he wasn’t really pleased about it. The only thing that seemed to cheer him up was the fact that he had full access to room service and a spa he probably wasn’t going to use because his room had a Jacuzzi.

He really didn’t have to leave.

He could check out the sites, but he was in Cleveland. What was there to see? Besides, his mind was too preoccupied on getting Dre back to the city and the plan that was going to follow.

He probably was worried about things he really shouldn’t be worried about. How Sticks and Dre could be pent up in a room with women when Tori was more than likely in a cell.

Dell was sick about her. He knew she was street smart and tough. But jail? In a strange city? That would be nerve wracking for a career criminal, let alone her.

The worst part about all of this was the worst part wasn’t even over.

It couldn’t have happened at a worse time. Tori was doing so well in school. And although Dell wasn’t thrilled about it, she even found herself a friend to keep her company. All he really cared about was that Tori was going to be successful, happy, and make a name for herself.

He never guessed that she would be infamous and not famous.

Dell just prayed the plan that was constructed to shelter her from the world of infamy wouldn’t backfire in her face.

Then change her.

Which meant he had to stay on the ball. Stay clear headed.

Stay calm.

Stay focused.

Stay in the now.

And he needed to eat now.

Last semester, one of the classes he liked the most was food and nutrition. He learned how to balance his meals and what he needed to eat for certain activities. He regretted eating the chicken and biscuits earlier in the trip, so to make up for it, he ordered a veggie omelet, fruits and plenty of water. After breakfast, he decided to try and find a gift shop.

He wanted to get Tori something for when she got home. Because she was coming home.

The more Dell said it in his mind the more he believed it.

The more he believed…

He found the gift shop and started looking around for something suitable. There were many souvenirs tagged with “The Buckeye State”. But Dell knew a souvenir wasn’t appropriate. Who would want to remember this whole experience? All he wanted was to let Tori know he never once stopped thinking about her.

That she is his best friend.

That he is proud of her.

That he will always be there for her.

A water globe with a baseball team insignia didn’t express that.

He was headed out of the glass doors of the shop when he saw it. There was a good sized teddy bear wearing a Cleveland Cavalier t-shirt. But it wasn’t the stuffed animal Dell was interested in.

It was what the bear was sitting on.

It looked like a book, but as he got closer to it he read the spine. It said --memories.

He moved the bear and grabbed what he realized was a journal. It was leather and closed with a magnetic snap.

It was lavender.

It was perfect.

He was walking back to the room when he inadvertently came upon the entrance of the hotel spa. In the back there was a room with people sitting cross legged on the floor. He was drawn to the room, so he entered the spa and walked to the back. The closer he got to the room, he heard what sounded like elevator music.

No, less intrusive.

He closed his eyes and caught the scent of lavender.

The music was soft.


The he heard the sound of water and realized that the whole back wall of the room was an infinity waterfall. Dell had only seen those in movies, but he always thought it was peaceful.

Like the music.

Like the scent of lavender.

He must have been lingering at the entrance a little longer than was comfortable for the guests of the spa because a woman suddenly appeared at his side.

“Would you like to join our meditation?” The woman with the long dark hair and almond hued eyes asked.

“I...don’t think I can.”

“If you are a guest here at the hotel, the sessions are of no cost.”

“No, no that’s not what I meant. My father is a reverend.”

“Does he not pray before his sermons?”

“Well yeah but…”

“And I am sure he relaxes before church as well?”

Dell nodded.

“That is all we are doing. Breathing, praying and relaxing.” It is a wonderful way to relieve stress.”

Dell followed the odd woman back into the room. She delicately pointed at the wooden shoe holder, and he followed her silent directions. Soon enough he was sitting on a mat in the back of the class. First he was casually observing. The people around him ranged in age from grade school children to active seniors. All of their eyes were closed, and their breathing rhythmic. Then the woman took her place at the front of the class, sat on her mat and began speaking softly.

She was instructing the class on how to breathe.

The class followed suit.

Some of the class began to make hand gestures that changed after each set of deep breathing. Dell didn’t want to be obvious and stare, so he would occasionally peek. He was a little intimidated because he didn’t know what he was doing, but mostly he felt calm and at peace which was exactly what he needed. Soon enough class was over, and he went over to thank the instructor.

She took his hand and cupped them within hers. “Your name?”


“Thank you for coming Rondell, my name is Enid.”

He was led to not let the conversation end. “I actually came to thank you. I mean, I felt a little strange not knowing all of the hand things”

Enid smiled warmly, “Once you study, it will flow as naturally as your breath. You’re welcome at any time Rondell. She nodded gently, “Namaste”

Dell was confused, but he didn’t want to be rude so he nodded back, grabbed his shoes and left the spa. He didn’t want to go back to his room because he felt invigorated.

He didn’t want to that energy to be wasted in the room. Amazed with himself and the idea that followed, Dell asked the concierge for directions to the library. Once he arrived, he went straight to the computer to look up books on meditation and spirituality. By mid-afternoon, Dell was at a table by the window reading and studying the small pile of books he gathered. He got up and went over to a computer stand to grab a piece of scrap paper so he could jot down the names of the books. Since he probably wouldn’t be in Cleveland again, he decided that we was going to buy the books once he got back home. After he slid them into the return bin, Dell felt his pocket vibrate.

“Sup Unc?” He answered quietly.

“Where the fuck are you?!!” I have been callin you for the past two hours.”

Dell checked his phone and realized his signal was weak.

“My bad, Sticks. I’m at the library. I guess where I was sittin was a dead zone.”

“Dead zone. Yeah you gonna be in a dead zone, aiight. Bring yo edumacated ass back to the hotel so that we can have an early dinner and bounce. There’s still a lot to be done.”

“Aiight, I’ll be there in a few.”

Young AdultScriptSeries

About the Creator

Majique MiMi

You can call me MiMi. I’m a Brain Aneurysm & Stroke Survivor & Former English Professor. I write to stay sane, and to keep gratitude in my Spirit & Praises in my mouth.

Check out my series starting with Hood Ornaments

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Majique MiMiWritten by Majique MiMi

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