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To Monitor a Fairwind's Journey

By Kent BrindleyPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Jamie Morrison on Unsplash

The fighting atop Highcliff was over now. The heroes had won a great victory by surprising the Tarnakian Army in their own slave encampment. The prize for victory was more than to win a plot of land for humanity; to ambush the Tarnakian savages at their own camp had liberated the slaves as well.

Ki-la (KEE-LAH), the youngest Princess of the House of Vandar, should have been proud. Her kingdom had arranged the successful raid and ambush. The Tarnakian slugs had scattered due to the efforts of Vandar's greatest champion, Eber0n. However, even Eberon could not emerge from such a battle unscathed.

The Tarnakian demons hadn't scattered without bloodshed on both sides. Many great soldiers from Vandar and neighboring kingdoms had suffered needless injuries as well. There were few fatalities to humanity; it did not erase the reality bold men and women living with injuries.

Ancar, the Sailor, arrived with The Fairwind, Vandar's best transport vessel for their own injured. He solemnly helped to load the weathered and beaten body of Eberon, the Strong, aboard the ship. In that moment, Vandar's mightiest hero almost looked like any other poor soldier whom had been ambushed from behind. King Laus stood aboard The Fairwind and quietly watched as his own warriors were loaded to return to port and be mended. Danel, the Eldest Princess and Eberon's childhood companion, had access to healing magic and would, naturally, travel with The Fairwind in hopes of beginning the repairs on some of the worst bruised heroes before injuries should become fatal. Ki-la, the youngest, was to remain at Highcliff, secure the barriers around the former Tarnakian stronghold, and tend to the ex-slaves over the protection of a place to sleep and a hot meal.

Ki-la could not bring herself to turn to her duties just yet. Her staff was forgotten for the moment as she looked out over the waters beyond the cliff's edge. Danel sensed them being watched and glared up at the cliff face to find her younger sister gazing sorrowfully upon them. The older princess shot a smug glare at Ki-la, then made a huge show of caressing Eberon's hand as her attitude shifted to concern. Neither King Laus and Ancar had noticed as The Fairwind began a slow, peaceful sail off into the horizon. Ki-la had, naturally, noticed the intended vibes and couldn't blame her sister...

Ki-la had been young and foolishly in lust over the older warrior. Who in the kingdom had seen Eberon's physique and WASN'T lost to thoughts of impurity in women or blind idol worship in men?

She should have recognized Eberon's character from the moment that, dead in the middle of a relationship with a Princess his own age and his lifelong companion, he had turned to the younger sibling in the request of an affair. He should have revealed the true character of Eberon, the Strong, then and there and Ki-la should have turned her affections elsewhere.

She saw nothing but his physique and she couldn't turn off her emotions. It had generated a rift in the royal household (though, how swiftly had Danel forgiven Eberon over the true offense?) The drama of a rift in the kingdom was a distraction from a warrior's duty. Where was Eberon now due to a distraction just before an important raid? Furthermore, didn't the great hero deserve no less for his true revelation of character...?

"Princess Ki-la."

A voice chose this moment to still remember Ki-la, the youngest, by a royal title. She turned to face the speaker and an Elvish looking woman dropped down from the trees. She was Birdsei, the Archer and Watcher, and Ki-la's oldest childhood friend.

"Friend Birdsei." Ki-la replied, beckoning that she speak.

"Your mind, eyesight, and royal lineage are needed here in leadership over this nurturing haven for the former captives." Birdsei lightly chided her. "My eyesight is better suited for watching The Fairwind's voyage anyway."

Ki-la couldn't help herself and, for a moment, she and Birdsei both faced out over the water. It was pointless now anyway; Birdsei was right and the The Fairwind was little more than a tiny shadow on the horizon to Ki-la's untrained eyes.

"Right." Ki-la answered. "Maintain your treetop position to watch for an ambush. There are more enemies than just The Tarnakian savages in our realm."

"Of course, Princess." Birdsei answered; then, in understanding: "I shall watch and alert you for The Fairwind's return as well."

"I thank you." Ki-la answered. "You are now and always were a true friend."

Birdsei struck a curtsy to the younger princess and bounded to where a hand athletically caught the lowest tree branch to hoist her up. Ki-la then turned her attention to a nearby campfire where the newly freed citizens were resting their weary bones and being catered to by the remaining troops and their families. Before Ki-la could declare how well they were doing, however, she heard a "PSSST" from the trees.

The princess pivoted once more and Birdsei was hanging upside down from a limb if only to show off that she could.

"I know that Danel forgave Eberon for his misdeeds," the archer declared, "but are you so certain that you want to see him well again?"

For who Eberon revealed himself to be as a person, there was only one appropriate answer to that question. However, his heroic escapades were just too important to the free people. Besides...

"" Ki-la answered, softly. "I...wish to see him well again and as a continued presence around the palace."

Ki-la then walked over to the campfire to oversee her current responsibilities; which had initially been just what Birdsei had asked of her. Today, she had to care for her people. Danel was in the better place to mend Eberon's wounds before the pain should become fatal. Eventually, the two princesses could mend their relationship one day. Maybe even the day could come when Eberon was re-earn Ki-la's trust and respect...

By Eduardo Santos on Unsplash

By Joshua Newton on Unsplash

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About the Creator

Kent Brindley

Smalltown guy from Southwest Michigan

Lifelong aspiring author here; complete with a few self-published works always looking for more.

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