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Hidden Paradise, part three

The Dragon Valley Tales

By Amethyst ChampagnePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Hidden Paradise, part three
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

Laying on my cot outside, I stare up at the glorious night sky. That black canvas sprinkled with thousands of lights is amazing. But what are stars, actually?

I rarely sleep indoors unless there's a storm or it's frigid. I just can't handle being in a cramped space with my mother and sister for long spans of time.

The dinner ended hours ago, yet my stomach is still stuffed to the brim. If only that human village felt the same. I still want to help them.

I hear everyone getting ready to sleep, Mother and Father murmuring. It's probably about me again. It's usually about me. I can't help but overhear the conversation.

"I don't understand why you enable her behavior!" Mother hisses.

Father sighs, "I don't enable anything. Besides, she's grown and wants to go beyond the valley."

"Grown? She's still practically a child!"

"No, she isn't, Embra." Father growls, "And you need to see that. Everyone else does."

"That's ridiculous."

I imagine Father rolling his eyes, "You're the one holding Bronwyn back."

"She needs to take care of the nest!" I hear footsteps. "I think it's time for her to do a binding ceremony."

My stomach drops. What the hell is she thinking? There's no way I'm binding myself to any of the males here. They all think they're so special and should be treated like gods.

"No way in hell is that happening!"

"Yes, it is."

Okay, I've heard enough nonsense coming out of her mouth.

Getting up from my cot, I storm over to the house, kicking the door open. "You are not forcing me to bind myself with anyone!"

Mother glares at me, "This is a private matter."

"Not when you're discussing my future without considering what I want!" my hands heat up.

"And what do you want."

"Father already told you what I want." I look at him, "And he's the only one who actually supports that."

"You need to take of your nest."

"And I want to," I put my hands behind my head, pacing, "but I don't want a forced mating or be required to lay eggs for the rest of my life!"

The mere thought makes me nauseous. But I glance over to where my unhatched siblings are being held, the fire warming them. Maybe someday, but not for a while, and definitely not now!

I look back at my parents. "I think it's time to talk to our nest leader."

Mother goes pale, but Father tries hiding his proud smile.

Most of my nestmates are terrified to even look at him, but being trapped in the same place for the rest of my life scares me much more than any dragon can.

I walk out before either of them can respond. My brain's too drained to continue arguing.

But instead of returning to my cot, I go deeper into the forest, inhaling the fresh, cool air. It helps calm me, and my dragon calms down. We both love the peaceful quiet it brings us.

I find a rock, use some of my fire to dry it off, then sit on it.

I know there will be gossip about me tomorrow, either through the nest mind-link or spoken aloud. It doesn't bother me. I've been talked about since the day I hatched.

However, I know Mother and Braelyn will be mad at me. And my aunties will call me rebellious and unladylike, like when I stopped wearing a skirt and dresses.

I also know Jarret and many of the other males will double their efforts to seduce me. I am not looking forward to that, my mouth already frowning.

I hear rustling in the woods, extending my claws and fangs.

"Whoa, calm down, it's just me."

I relax, "Grey, what are you doing?"

Grey, my best friend, walks toward me, "I know what you're planning."

"I want to hunt and explore," I throw my arms up, "Why does everyone think that's a crime?"

He shakes his head, "No clue, but I don't."

I sigh, "That makes two of you."

Grey sits next to me, his amber eyes glittering in the moonlight. "And I don't want to hunt."

I smile. "I know."

Grey is a big softy who can't even hurt a fly, much less kill a deer. Of course, the other males make fun of him for it, but it's one of the things I love about him.

We've been friends since we were old enough to leave our nurseries. We were always getting into trouble together. And he's one of the very few people who accepts me without trying to change me.

"Maybe we can both talk to the nest leader."

"Yes, we should do exactly that!" Grey grabs my hands, "Maybe swap our roles!"

That might work. The nest leader may see that as a tradeoff. And he isn't an unreasonable male. Just a little stuck in the old ways.

Butterflies form in my stomach, "Okay, let's confront the nest leader tomorrow."

He stands, grinning, "Wanna stay at my house tonight?"

"Oh definitely." The last thing I want to do is see Mother, and his parents are so lovely, how could I say no?

I feel the tension in the nest as I follow Grey to his home, sensing nest members staring at me. But I keep my chin up and back straight. There's no way I'm backing down now.


About the Creator

Amethyst Champagne

I create fiction, short stories, poetry, and more!

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