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Hidden Paradise, part one

The Dragon Valley Tales

By Amethyst ChampagnePublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Hidden Paradise, part one
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

There weren't always dragons in the valley.

But that is why our nest was drawn to it.

For many years, we had been fighting another nest far away. They had invaded our territory, taking most of the females back to their territory.

Our nest fought the invaders as best as we could, but there were twice as many of them. So while our people fought hard and bravely, we knew we couldn't win.

So one night, we abandoned our home in the mountains we searched for many days until one scout found a fruitful green valley for us to inhabit, hidden away from others.

Since then, nobody has bothered us, not even the human village nearby, which is good, because we are a peaceful nest.

And this valley is where I was born; well, hatched would be the more accurate term since we are born from eggs.

But if you looked at me, you would assume me to be an ordinary girl.

Yes, we dragons have two forms, one of them being human. And don't ask me why because no one knows the reason.

Although, one legend claims a beast and a human fell in love thousands of years ago, creating the first dragons, who quickly spread across the lands and created our mighty race.


I sit on a thick branch high up in the tree, overlooking my village. It is calm and quiet, besides the birds chirping their lovely songs. And is one of the few places where I can get away from the loud voices.

I rummage through my satchel, pulling an apple out. Then I grab my knife and start slicing it into pieces before eating. It's one of the few types of food I can eat without drawing much attention from the animals.

I look up at the sky, watching as the white clouds move and form different shapes. Too bad you can't bounce or sleep on one, having tried it when I was a young hatchling.

'Bronwyn, are you hiding again?'

I sigh, 'Is it really that wrong to want some alone time?'

'Only when you bail on chores.'

'Fine, Mother. I'll be right there.'

Finishing my snack, I sling my satchel over my shoulders and walk out on the branch, the wood supporting my weight until about halfway, when it lowers under my feet.

I take two steps back, ensuring I have plenty of space, then extend my wings before taking flight.

I grin as the cold air slaps my face and wings. I wish I could stay there all the time. There is no better feeling than those first ten seconds of flight that takes your breath away.

I hover above the rooftops of the houses for a few minutes before landing in the field behind my home.

Mother quickly finds me. "Why must you run away?"

"I don't run away," I stride to the back door, "I simply need space from everyone."

She frowns at me. "I didn't ask to be corrected."

I walk inside, setting my bag on the table, "I wouldn't come back if I intended to leave."

"Oh, Bronwyn."

"Oh what, Mother?"

She shakes her head, "What am I going to do with you?"

Grabbing the broom, I start sweeping the floor, "You say that as if I'm a problem, which I don't think I am."

"Then why can't you behave like your sister?"

I make a face. "I'm not a people-pleaser, and I have my own opinions and wants."

"Who's a people-pleaser?" Braelyn walks through the front door, glaring at me slightly.

"You are." I continue sweeping, collecting the dried-up dirt and grass into a pile by the back door.

I usually use my magic to do my chores when I'm alone, but Mother doesn't approve, saying I should know how to do everything by hand. And she's probably right, but I doubt I'll ever admit it.

Before Braelyn can respond, the sound of flapping wings and the smell of smoke fills the air. I smile. Father and the other hunters are home.

I run outside, watching them carry various animals in their claws, each dragon a different color. We're going to eat well tonight.

Oh, how I long to join them on one of their hunting parties.

But as one of the few female dragons in the village, I'm not allowed to put my life unnecessarily at risk.

There are hundreds of dragons in our nest, but only fifty of us are women, and only twenty of us are at prime age, the rest either being children or elderly.

As a twenty-one-year-old, while I'm young and will live for centuries, I'm at the prime age to find a mate and produce hatchlings. But I want more for myself than being stuck in one place for my whole life.

I follow the hunting party, taking flight once more. Mother calls my name, but I ignore her.

They land in the village center, shifting back into their human forms. I quickly land, pulling my wings back into myself as I approach the men.

They lay the animals on the tables, using their claws to slice through the skin and cut the flesh so our people can consume it later.

Father notices me, striding in my direction. "You never fail to show." His mouth curves upward.

"I like watching the hunters."

"I know you do."

Another male dragon approaches, "Hello, Bronwyn."

I face him, "What do you want, Jarret?"

"Only to speak with you in private."

I sneer as his pheromones assault my nose, Father growling behind me. "I know your intentions, and my answer is no."

Jarret growls, smoke billowing from his hands, "I try to be cordial, but you make it impossible."

My inner dragon rises to the surface, "I said no."

He reaches for me, but Father stops him, grabbing his arm, "Don't you think about it."

Jarret growls but backs down and walks over to the group, probably to complain and say bad things about me.

"Tell Mother I'll be back later."

I don't wait for a response, flying toward the forest again. It's the only thing keeping me from wrapping my hands around Jarret's tiny neck and snapping it in half.

But as I land, I hear and smell something else, someone else. Odd. No one normally ventures on our lands. But it isn't anyone from our nest.

Maybe it is another supernatural being who's lost or hiding. I've only known dragons, but I know there are many non-humans around, such as angels and fae.

And if that's the case, I will help them.

So, I follow the scent trail, ready to defend myself if needed.


About the Creator

Amethyst Champagne

I create fiction, short stories, poetry, and more!

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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (2)

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran2 years ago

    This was an excellent story! Loved the name Braelyn

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago


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