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Hero's Cunundrum/Chapter 7

- Despair -

By Angel DelgadoPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
Hero's Cunundrum/Chapter 7
Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash

They left and left me there alone, I’m really starting to think that is futile to try and kill Bansao. What was he talking about, does he knows the future too? Right now constantly moving from place must to be the only way to survive, but I don’t want my people to survive forever, I want them to live. I went to search for my crew, I really don’t remember where they must be now so I’ll go from the last camp place I remember. On my way, I found a small cabin covered with bushes that I have never seen before. The cabin has a bed, a desk, several military uniforms and there are lots of books. The uniforms have a name tag, the name on the nametag is Bansao and there are also some of the papers are awards and recognition to Bansao in his military achievements. Maybe this is where he used to live, I could learn about him here, his origin or how to defeat him.

Is says that he was born in Vietnam, and became a great military leader. I read everything I found about him and the books he read, but this doesn’t seem like him at all. All I read here is the story of a war hero that saved thousands of lives preventing conflicts. He usually joins forces with his enemies and won a great war almost single handedly. But Bansao wants to join forces to rule the world, if I join forces it will be to end this conflict. This Bansao I’m reading about is a great example to follow, perhaps this is our Bansao’s inspiration, but he twisted the purpose.

I spent days trying to come up with a strategy to defeat him, but since not even death can defeat him I need to think outside the box. Maybe Sammael was right we need to join him, it’s time someone follow the Vietnamese Bansao example the right way, next time I see Bansao I will try and talk to him about joining, but on my terms.

One of the books I saw there was a Vietnamese – English dictionary, exactly like the one I found under the tree, they were identical except that the word truth is not written on it. I took the dictionary and left the cabin. I went to try and find my crew and ended up at the place of the last camp I remember, they are about to make camp here after I injured my foot with the bear trap and someone knocked me out while hunting. I need to tell them about the new plan, we need to keep moving until we discuss a plan on how to join Bansao and end the conflict. The thing is, that I just remember that I can’t show up while the other me is with them, so I went the tree were I found the book. Strange, there is nothing written on the tree, and me and my people will walk by this tree tomorrow after I wake up and tell Sarah to move. The book is not here either, it means that if I wait here, I will see the person who puts the dictionary there.

I waited hours and though that maybe I changed something, and that person is not coming now, but if he doesn’t put the book there the things leading to where I am now wont happen. So I took the dictionary and wrote the word truth on it and then carved the same word on the tree. I can’t explain it but I just noticed that it was me and it’s time for the other me to start learning the truth. So I put the book at the roots of the tree and hid.

I went to get some food and some rest to wait until the other me goes trying to hunt something. It’s strange that there is always enough food to hunt, so I prepared a bonfire, ate and rested for a while, then I saw myself. I remember that was wounded at that time, feverish even, then I saw myself limping trying to hunt something. Is painful to see myself like this, but all I can do is try and warn myself and hope that this time he listen. So I sneaked up behind the other me and told him

“Stay still and listen to me, there is something you need to know, stop trying to kill Bansao, he will keep coming back, there is no stopping it. He has too many people and your best chance is to keep moving.”

“Who are you” he asked, trying to get loose from me.

“There is no time for questions, there be enough time for that later.”

“I don’t know if you noticed pal, but I don’t have much time, I will die any second.”

“Don’t worry about that, you’ll be fine trust me, listen, I’m sorry but there is no other way and you will find out the truth soon enough. Right now you need to go back to the camp and tell them to move, Bansao is on his way.”

I pushed him away, I knew he couldn’t follow me on his condition.

I don’t know what will happen when my people see that they are two of me, so I’ll try to sneak in and leave my other self somewhere. But when I got there, Samael was guarding the camp and saw me, then pointed his gun at me and asked

“What are you doing here? I told you, that you were no supposed to be seen together, go before someone else sees you.”

But it was too late they saw Sammael pointing the gun at me and came to his aid. Sarah asked,

“What is going on Sammael?”

“Is a trap stay back. Joseph take Marduk from him and lay him on his bed, everyone else help Joseph and I’ll deal with this guy.” But John said that he was not leaving while Joseph took the other me from my hands while looking at me strange. Do I look different? “Sarah it’s me”

“Don’t listen to him Sarah” Said Sammael

But Sarah pointed his gun at Sammael and said, “Explain this to me now”.

No this can’t be happening, everything is turning for the worse, no matter how much I try I always end up injured, I don’t know how I’m alive and earlier in time. I have more questions than answers, even when I came back in time, everything still moves as it moved before, I couldn’t change shit and now my people betray me? This is it for me, despair got the best of me and I don’t have anything to keep me going so that’s it. This is the end of the road for me, so I told her “No Sarah is ok, I’ll leave, listen to Sammael” so I left and while I was walking away I heard Samael shouting “NO! DON’T SOOT!” and before I could turn around I was shot in the back and woke up again covered in blood, with a knife in my hand. Fuck, why doesn’t it ends?

They left and left me there alone, I’m really starting to think that is futile to try and kill Bansao. What was he talking about, does he knows the future too? Right now constantly moving from place must to be the only way to survive, but I don’t want my people to survive forever, I want them to live. I went to search for my crew, I really don’t remember where they must be now so I’ll go from the last camp place I remember. On my way, I found a small cabin covered with bushes that I have never seen before. The cabin has a bed, a desk, several military uniforms and there are lots of books. The uniforms have a name tag, the name on the nametag is Bansao and there are also some of the papers are awards and recognition to Bansao in his military achievements. Maybe this is where he used to live, I could learn about him here, his origin or how to defeat him.

Is says that he was born in Vietnam, and became a great military leader. I read everything I found about him and the books he read, but this doesn’t seem like him at all. All I read here is the story of a war hero that saved thousands of lives preventing conflicts. He usually joins forces with his enemies and won a great war almost single handedly. But Bansao wants to join forces to rule the world, if I join forces it will be to end this conflict. This Bansao I’m reading about is a great example to follow, perhaps this is our Bansao’s inspiration, but he twisted the purpose.

I spent days trying to come up with a strategy to defeat him, but since not even death can defeat him I need to think outside the box. Maybe Sammael was right we need to join him, it’s time someone follow the Vietnamese Bansao example the right way, next time I see Bansao I will try and talk to him about joining, but on my terms.

One of the books I saw there was a Vietnamese – English dictionary, exactly like the one I found under the tree, they were identical except that the word truth is not written on it. I took the dictionary and left the cabin. I went to try and find my crew and ended up at the place of the last camp I remember, they are about to make camp here after I injured my foot with the bear trap and someone knocked me out while hunting. I need to tell them about the new plan, we need to keep moving until we discuss a plan on how to join Bansao and end the conflict. The thing is, that I just remember that I can’t show up while the other me is with them, so I went the tree were I found the book. Strange, there is nothing written on the tree, and me and my people will walk by this tree tomorrow after I wake up and tell Sarah to move. The book is not here either, it means that if I wait here, I will see the person who puts the dictionary there.

I waited hours and though that maybe I changed something, and that person is not coming now, but if he doesn’t put the book there the things leading to where I am now wont happen. So I took the dictionary and wrote the word truth on it and then carved the same word on the tree. I can’t explain it but I just noticed that it was me and it’s time for the other me to start learning the truth. So I put the book at the roots of the tree and hid.

I went to get some food and some rest to wait until the other me goes trying to hunt something. It’s strange that there is always enough food to hunt, so I prepared a bonfire, ate and rested for a while, then I saw myself. I remember that was wounded at that time, feverish even, then I saw myself limping trying to hunt something. Is painful to see myself like this, but all I can do is try and warn myself and hope that this time he listen. So I sneaked up behind the other me and told him

“Stay still and listen to me, there is something you need to know, stop trying to kill Bansao, he will keep coming back, there is no stopping it. He has too many people and your best chance is to keep moving.”

“Who are you” he asked, trying to get loose from me.

“There is no time for questions, there be enough time for that later.”

“I don’t know if you noticed pal, but I don’t have much time, I will die any second.”

“Don’t worry about that, you’ll be fine trust me, listen, I’m sorry but there is no other way and you will find out the truth soon enough. Right now you need to go back to the camp and tell them to move, Bansao is on his way.”

I pushed him away, I knew he couldn’t follow me on his condition.

I don’t know what will happen when my people see that they are two of me, so I’ll try to sneak in and leave my other self somewhere. But when I got there, Samael was guarding the camp and saw me, then pointed his gun at me and asked

“What are you doing here? I told you, that you were no supposed to be seen together, go before someone else sees you.”

But it was too late they saw Sammael pointing the gun at me and came to his aid. Sarah asked,

“What is going on Sammael?”

“Is a trap stay back. Joseph take Marduk from him and lay him on his bed, everyone else help Joseph and I’ll deal with this guy.” But John said that he was not leaving while Joseph took the other me from my hands while looking at me strange. Do I look different? “Sarah it’s me”

“Don’t listen to him Sarah” Said Sammael

But Sarah pointed his gun at Sammael and said, “Explain this to me now”.

No this can’t be happening, everything is turning for the worse, no matter how much I try I always end up injured, I don’t know how I’m alive and earlier in time. I have more questions than answers, even when I came back in time, everything still moves as it moved before, I couldn’t change shit and now my people betray me? This is it for me, despair got the best of me and I don’t have anything to keep me going so that’s it. This is the end of the road for me, so I told her “No Sarah is ok, I’ll leave, listen to Sammael” so I left and while I was walking away I heard Samael shouting “NO! DON’T SOOT!” and before I could turn around I was shot in the back and woke up again covered in blood, with a knife in my hand. Fuck, why doesn’t it ends?


About the Creator

Angel Delgado

Amateur writer, fiction lover. I hope you enjoy what you find here.

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