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Hello Again

An addition to another story

By DakTHPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Photo by: Ethan Hu (Unsplash)

“My vision was blurry. The lights above and around carried their tails to one end to the other. Back and forth just like the chatter amongst voices I could not recognize. It was quite haunting in thought, but I felt warm. The warmth was unexplainable, not the depths of my body but in my spirit. My body felt numb and too stiff to move and when I did, these numb hands would caress and pin me down. I flared around further fear but did so with a smile, I think. I felt closer to home. I laid there fighting the beating of the drum. One after another. It got louder and perhaps more sinister, but the feeling of vibration kept the same. Ringing in my ears became louder with the drums. My eyes heavy but distinct voices became audible at this point, telling me to stay awake. I was afraid to go to sleep, but sleep was what I needed. I’ve had sleep paralysis before, so I didn’t think this was any different. The vibrational feeling became very loud and felt it in the warmth of my body to a point I was going to explode. My eyes then blinked slowly till they closed shut.

A dot of light soon appeared in front with blackness all around. An ohm faint sound and a long noise was heard as warmth filled my spirit. The feeling of floating came to my senses as the light ahead grew larger with a silhouette gradually appearing in the center of the light. I didn’t say any words but had a smile till I spoke with no words.

There was no answer but a blurred vision of a man in a white robe. Smiling back at me, silent, he reached out his hand with the purest of love and acceptance. As I floated towards with a blurred vision of who this might’ve been, I reached out my hand also. Trying to grasp, but before I was able to cusp the silhouettes hand, a sudden loud bang of a drum echoed in the darkness and light that was around.

The feeling of warmth quickly faded as well as the love and acceptance. Falling in a free fall away from the brightness of the light. Still extending out my hand in desperation, the silhouette continued to reach his or her hand out to grab mine. As soon as I fell further away from the light, it became smaller till it was dim. Then gone from out of sight, feeling the vibration intensify once again. Then came the feeling of static jolting back into my own body with my eyes widened.

I woke up on the table in a morgue. Naked and a white sheet over my face. I scared the man beside half to death in disbelief. He sat there in pure shock till he scurried away, slipping on the black and white tiled floor and out of the room. Sitting there confused. I felt cold and cracking my stiff muscles. Looking around I noticed others on silver tables with white sheets of them. I knew where I was but was confused to think of anything else. I just sat straight up feeling the immense pain in my body for the moment but soon went away.

I screamed out for help, but there was no help that came. I screamed out a hello, but no one responded. I wiped my cold confused tears away from my face and sat there motionless as I waited. I then saw a few faces dot back and forth from the glass window on the door. Their eyes in disbelief and absolute terror. I was also in shock and called out once again in confusion. Moments later I heard the door slowly creak open and the man who ran out peaked his head into the room, fixed on my gaze. I know he saw my gaze and so I greeted again. He stuttered his greeting and slowly made his way into the room.

He said this wasn’t possible and asked for my name and like any other person I told. He then slowly walked up, but kept his distance, but the next question shocked me as I probably shocked him. He asked me if I know anything? I told him no, and everything was hazy. Then things went black, met someone, and then came back here. Waking up on this table. I asked him what’s going on because after the haziness I can’t remember a thing. He told me I been in a car accident, blunt trauma to my head and that I was later pronounced dead in the hospital. That I have been gone for three days, reason why I’m here now.

I didn’t believe him. I believed this was some sick joke from a sleep I had. I don’t feel pain, I don’t remember nothing from before, so why I should believe, I don’t know. I came to know some questions he asked. Like what date is it, I was wrong. What do I remember, nothing. What state am I in, I don’t know. Many others but of course you get the idea where all that goes. But eventually I was escorted out and mind you, cautiously. So that’s why I’m here now… talking to you.”

“Jake… this is going to be hard to believe just as it was hard to believe waking up or the others who talked to you. You did get in a car accident and rushed to the hospital shortly after. You were on the operating table and was pronounced dead minutes later. The doctors and nurses tried to help but there was nothing they can do. I’m sorry.” Bailey reassured as she closed her binder of notes which she then held to her chest. She then looked at Jake. She then leaned in and told. “There’s People who want to speak to you. A priest, the news, and my partner Mathew. Mathew is highly specialized in these types of things so don’t worry.”

“I’m sorry but I’m fine I don’t see why I got shipped off to Delve psychiatric hospital! Yea I saw, I saw through that peep hole I only had. I’m not insane, I’m fine!” Jake yelled out.

Bailey walked up to the door without a word and was then let out by a buzz. At the door was Mathew, looking at Jake with curiosity in his eyes. They both whispered something to each other, but Jake couldn’t hear what was being said. Bailey then leaned back in to talk to Jake, but he was to busy fiddling around with the straps on his wrist that were attached to the table.

“I’m sorry… I really am… but no one dies and comes back three days later.” She shut the door slowly with Jake screaming out a long No till his voice became silent. Mathew then stood there, peering into the window, studying. With Jake inside screaming and cussing silently. He watched him trying to get out of his internal shackles. Held hostage for the rest of his life for studying.

AdventureClassicalFan FictionFantasyHistoricalHorrorMysterySci FiShort Story

About the Creator


"Poeta nascitur, non fit"

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