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Men of Beasts

Prologue (Chapter 1)

By DakTHPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
photo by: Philip Myrtorp (unsplash)

“There weren’t always dragons in the valley…” Adamson reminded the other three. Looking them all dead in the eyes as they gazed back. All were mesmerized by the shadows dancing amongst his darkened face while curious of what his point was. Adamson looked back into the inferno of the fire and continued. “Ever since that French man, crossed over the great land there has been nothing but further trouble amongst our people when he died. A ruler against his own people with a strict and steadfast blade, just to pass on. Leave the throne and villages in ruins for the once tamed dragons to now fly free, huh?”

“Mind your words traveler, these be words that shall stay unsaid. Yee does not know the truth in order that Vauquelin has bestowed upon us unfortunate weary men and woman. The life he hath lived so that we may once again take the fruits we deserve.” Amiles Implored Adamson. His brute like figure slightly trembled with rage. Towering over the boulder behind him, which he was leaned against. He then adjusted his position into one that was more ready for anything to come. His glaring eyes fixated onto Adamson, but he paid no further attention to Amiles regardless of defense that was brought forth.

Aalis, a fierce female warrior yet gentle, shivered beneath her thin attire. Blinded by the sudden detour that brought her and her group of fighters to a hillside. The warmth of the fire did no justice and Hop saw that. He leaned over, throwing wood into the dim lit fire. Disrupting the coals and igniting sparks that fluttered into the night sky like fireflies. Both Hop and Aalis glanced at one another and nodded. Hop sat back onto the grass and against the fallen tree. Taking a bite out of his piece of bread, he motioned quickly to Adamson before asking.

“What does one know about our once king, Vauquelin?”

Silence took hold of the group in that disconcerting pause. All the attention was on Adamson as he treaded carefully with what was said next.

“He held magnificent powers in time of living. Death by the hands of an ordinary traveler that has taken his own power back as a common man.” There goes one fatal mistake, so he thought, but continued with his morals and dignity intact.

“He guided the Beasts above, many call dragons. Now that he has passed on they roam free, wreaking havoc on the innocence of many. Talk has it, that whosoever seeks shall one day find the same powers that Vauquelin once held. I take it that is why you three are on your travels, for the lost power? Reason be for your armor… blades and unmoved might?”

Aalis laughed with a shaky tone, still not adapting to the crisp air. She spoke out in disbelief and in a curious tone.

“Is that what you have come to believe? He had powers? That he has been slayed by an ordinary man who has reclaimed his manhood? How foolish. Who have you heard these intriguing talks from?”

“Villages and folks speak.” Adamson quickly said in response.

“Well, these yaldsons know no truth. Like Amiles has mentioned, we are here in according of the order that Vauquelin has blessed us with. In preparation for a world filled with fruits that we, his followers, shall one day taste. Now that he is gone, someone is already in place for the throne. We are yet to inherit this forsaken land.” Aalis grinned and continued. “We are not ones to go against the promises that come with this land. So, there is no seeking of wonders in our midst’s, but vengeful for the one who has slayed our king. Unmoved might, Yee.”

Adamson studied the group and took note of what was around as well as their attention towards him. He stayed calm and collected but felt quite recklessly brave.

“It’s a shame he was slayed by the hands of a common man, perhaps a weary traveler. Abandoning you fine warriors to do his bidding. may I join if the “order” sees fit?” there was another fatal mistake, this time it will have eyebrows raised in suspicion.

“His? Join the order?” Hob asked while perking up. At this point the other two perked up as well, slowly placing their hands on their weapons.

“Yee, Larkin… the one who is next for the throne.”

“No one knows thou name other than the order!” Amiles growling.

“I know… the scouts before you did, before I slayed them just as I have slayed your king.” Adamson grinned and lightly chuckled. Mocking and taunting the three. “I just want to confirm that name, if it may be true.”

There was a long pause that sat still just like the seconds in that moment. Hob then jumped out of his position, rushing towards Adamson. Before he reached him, Adamson threw a dagger that pierced Hop deep into his throat. Going down lifeless amongst the dirt and grass. Amiles got up before giving out a mighty yell as so did Adamson. Aalis gathered her belongings quickly and slowly moved down the hillside in the East. To warn the other scouts of their encounter. Adamson charged Amiles, ducking his swinging grasp before focusing his attention on Aalis. He stood up on the high ground, looking over her. Unsheathing a smaller sword, he threw in hopes to end her life but managed to cut her calf in the process. by the time he was swiped by Amiles and thrown towards the fire. Both men with vengeance and honor in their spirits and eyes moved around the fire, not breaking that contact. No attention was paid towards the screams of pain coming from the bottom of the hill. Amiles then leaped over the fire grabbing Adamson by the throat where he eventually pinned him down on the ground. To choke Adamson, he managed to grab a sharp-edged rock, puncturing Amiles in the side of the ribs. His grasped loosened, leaving Adamson to wiggle his way out of his grasp. He then brought his knee into the jaws of this goliath like man, badly putting him into a daze. Adamson looked into the eyes of Amiles with sadness that he had to end his life, but regardless he drove the dagger that was from Hop’s throat into the heart of Amiles.

Heavy panting was still heard in the dark, giving away Aalis’s location. With Adamson casually walking down to the hillside he grabbed her by the hair, dragging her back up to the campfire. Her kicking and screaming did nothing to become free. Once at the fire, her expression became frightened, as she thought her fate would be the same as the others. Adamson leaned over Aalis and hushed her to be quiet. She obeyed with anger and tears in her eyes.

“I’m not going to harm you; I give you my word. Speak truth and no other. Where might I find Larkin. To end this crusade of beasts and treacherous men?”

She chuckled and spat in the face of Adamson. As he wiped it off he shook his head in disappointment. He walked over to Amiles, grabbing the dagger out of his chest and stabbed Aalis in the leg. Louder screams came from her. But from a pause in him, he remembered the direction she was heading, East. To him that direction had to have some significance. From then on there he knew where his destination was for his questions. With his back against Aalis, overlooking the darkened hills and the open land, Adamson jolted up with a pain in his back leg. Looking down in shock he saw the dagger, which was thrown from her. He then took it out and threw it back at her. This time not missing, ending her life in a fatal thrown. Adamson sat down, panting, attending to his wound on the back of his leg while looking out into the horizon. He thought over the reasons on why he was on his journey to end the throne and the beasts that flew freely. From there it would become a life of bringing back order to the once innocent land he once lived freely on.


About the Creator


"Poeta nascitur, non fit"

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  • Waldo2 years ago

    Totally envy the way you move the story along. You command action and its awesome. Really strong verbs and your dialogue is on point, as always. Looking forward to more.

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