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the bull with the raging hormones

By carole lee guslerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
the scottish highlander far from home

June 8, 2021. Livestock auction day. Many cattle in and out of the sale barn ring. This one caught the eyes of all those farmers sitting around as the cattle are run through for sale.

Small in stature from the other cattle and unique in his appearance, gentle as a lamb. Reminds one of the stories of Ferdinand the bull that loved to smell the flowers. The auctioneer is calling number after number and we thought the price was low. To our surprise we won him. But the biggest surprise was when it came to paying for him because we did not understand the rules of the auction game. What we thought was $50.00 dollars turned out to be $500.00 dollars and we were stuck with that price for a raging bull with a rack of horns that could gore you through and through if he had a mind to.

Hector comes to the new home, lost and afraid. But wait, he has a friend with him a young heifer. A Brown Swiss dairy cow. He decides life is not so bad after all. But still not satisfied Hector raises his nose and smells the air and on both sides of his new home he smells "girls". Lots and lots of new girls. All desirous of his good looks. So Hector jumps over the panels of his enclosure and clears his balls from getting damaged because he is going after the smell of all those fine young ladies on both sides of his new found home land.

Never stopping to think he is not wanted by the owners of the new fragrant ladies in the other fields. Herefords to the right of him and he goes visiting them. The cattleman is not happy with Hector the handsome red-headed stranger. So Hector is rounded up and sent home. Watching and waiting for his next escape opportunity and over the panels, he jumps again. clearing another almost 5-foot jump.

Now Hector decides to find the smell of the next group of fine ladies. This time a field of beautiful enticing Angus cows just falling all over themselves to be noticed by that beautiful red-headed bull with the fine mane of hair over his forehead.

I can just imagine the conversations among all those beautiful Black Angus female cows now. "Oh, honey look at that gorgeous hunk of bull". "Do you think he will notice me"? "Oh, he is so gorgeous". "He is so sexy"! "Do you think he is looking my way"? All the female cows are tripping over themselves in an effort to be the first in line for his attention.

Damn! "Here comes that old farmer man"! "He wants to ruin everything"! "He doesn't want us to have any fun"! "Come on girls, let's get Hector before he has to go home".

Poor Hector! He is in his 7th heaven with all those female cows who have fallen in love with him.

"But the old nasty farmer doesn't understand we are tired of the old Angus bulls that are so dull and unexciting". "There he goes taking Hector away from us and putting him and his pretty girlfriend in a separate holding pen". "And look that mean old farmer has a gun"! "But ladies, we have been going over in Hector's fields for weeks now, why can't he stay in ours with us anymore"? "We will have lots of beautiful red babies next year". "Damn, that old farmer man"! "He takes all the fun out of being a cow".

That gun is charged with tranquilizers to put him and his sweet Brown Swiss milk cow to sleep so they can be taken home and put in their pen again.

Hector and Beauty just got lonely for a herd and were brand new to their new home. They just got lonely for their old home and wanted to explore. Once they get back to their new home, maybe they will settle in better and not go roaming again. We will just have to wait and see what new adventures and exciting episodes they have in store for us. Hector and Beauty. the Scottish Highlander bull and the beautiful Brown Swiss dairy heifer cow.


About the Creator

carole lee gusler

i was born christmas day 1942, am 78 years old. a retired and disabled registered nurse. i have 3 chidlren, raised 4 and have 18 grandchildren and 10 great on 44 acre farm and opening it as a campground 4 extra income.

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    CLGWritten by carole lee gusler

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