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"He Loved Me More Than I Loved Him"

My precious treasure that holds my precious memories

By NoonajPublished 9 days ago 18 min read

With the sounds of the sea and the breeze gently rustling, Sarah was sitting with her child, watching the waves crash against the shore. The warm sun beat down on them, casting a golden glow over the entire scene. It was a peaceful moment, It was a peaceful moment, one that Sarah always enjoyed.

She always loved coming to this beach, because it held so many precious memories. Her seven-year-old child played beside her, oblivious to the turmoil that had been brewing in her mother's mind. Around her neck, a beautiful necklace caught the light, its shape a tear. Inside, a heart-shaped lock with no key seemed to hold a secret.

"What is this, Mother?" her child asked.

"It is my necklace" the mother said.

"Why is there a heart-shaped lock inside the tear? Where is the key to the lock?" her child asked, curiosity getting the better of them.

The mother replied: "It is my precious treasure."

The child was surprised and asked:, “Wasn’t I your precious treasure? You always say that I am your precious treasure.”

She answered, "Yes, you are the most precious thing I have in my life. But what is around my neck is a precious treasure. Unfortunately, I lost the key. All that remains are the tears of this treasure that will not open."

The child didn't understand, so the mother said, "I will tell you more when you grow up, my little one."

Then the mother looked at a balloon in the sky. It brought back memories from the past that flowed through her head about the beginning of everything that happened to her and about her regret.

The beginning was when Sarah was 21 years old. She was studying at a university majoring in jewelry design. She loved design and it was her passion. She was from a wealthy family and was the only daughter of her parents. One day, her mother told her that her father wanted to talk to her about an important matter.

She went to him and he told her that she was at a suitable age for marriage and chose a life partner for her who was from a wealthy family and suitable for their family. Sarah was shocked and did not agree and told her parents that she was still studying and was not ready yet, but to no avail. They were determined on that. Sarah begged her father, but he was determined because he saw in him a young man of good morals and discipline and felt that he would make his daughter happy and take care of her. He was a suitable life partner for his daughter. This was not a marriage for any interest, but rather for the future of his daughter.

Sarah did not accept and called her dear friend Sophia and told her everything that saddened her. However, her father reached a decision that satisfied her. Her father agreed with her that she would accept the marriage for a year, and if she did not love him and did not want to live with her husband after a year had passed, then she should separate from him.

Sarah accepted and it was the day of the family reunion and the day she met her future life partner. She met the life partner that her father had chosen for her. He was four years older than her, a handsome, polite, intelligent and attractive young man and the director of a leading company in the jewelry industry. His name was Alex.

That day, she loved him. And he loved her at first sight and she forgot the agreement that was between her and her father at first sight when she saw her life partner they did not wait more and decided to get married he was understanding and supported her and helped her complete her studies and was even more determined than her to complete her studies because he loved her design and after graduation he founded a jewelry company in her name and launched her designs he loved her work and they lived together ten years a beautiful life with love and harmony.

And one day when they were walking on the beach together he suddenly stopped her and gave her a gift which was a very beautiful tear inside it a lock in the shape of a heart and it contained a key so he took a key from the lock and said, "I will keep the key my love and you keep the necklace."

The necklace symbolizes their love and he is the one who holds the key so that their love will remain sealed and sealed forever. He told her that she will always be the love of his life and that she is the one who owns his heart and that only death will separate them and that she must keep the necklace around her neck forever so that their unforgettable love will remain sealed in her heart. Alex said, "I want you to be happy and strong always, my love."

Sarah admired the design and loved it a lot and cried with joy Alex released many balloons after he gave her the necklace and the balloons were shaped like birds because he knew that she loved birds. He knew everything about how to make her happy, what she liked and didn’t like, in the smallest details. It was a beautiful event that she will never forget. It brought tears to her eyes with joy and a surprise that she will never forget. She was lucky with him, but after that her husband changed. He became a little cold with her. He never mistreated her, but his treatment of her changed.

As if he was no longer interested in her and she thought that the reason was that they did not have children and Sarah loved children and dreamed of being a mother but it was not destined for them. All the doctors were saying the same thing that her husband could not have children. The couple was sad but they overcame difficulties together.

One day Sofia, Sarah's best friend, came to visit her and asked her why she looked sad. Sarah told her what was happening between her and her husband Alex and that he had started treating her coldly. Sofia suggested that she tell him about the idea of ​​adoption since Sarah loved her husband very much and wanted to become a mother.

Sarah tried to convince her husband and that her husband might become affectionate again. However, what he told her shocked her. He told her that he wanted a divorce and that he wanted to marry someone else. Sarah was shocked. They argued and tried to convince her husband about this crazy decision. She knew that he loved her and she loved him.

She could not accept this shocking decision from her husband, but he told her that he was tired of her, the same routine, the same life, and this hurt her a lot, but she did not agree to the divorce and her husband left the house and before leaving he put divorce papers and told her that the court after six months. Sarah cried a lot and called her friend Sofia. She came to her and comforted her and told her to be patient, he might change his mind, but days and months passed and he did not return and did not accept her calls or messages.

She went to the house of Alex’s parents and they told her that they were sad about Alex’s decision and could not change his mind. Sarah was shocked, cried and collapsed. She felt that her world was collapsing and went to her parents to help her change his mind, but to no avail. Alex traveled and cut off all ties with her.

After six months, Alex returned and called Sarah. Sarah was very happy with the call. She missed his voice and was eager to see him. But what shocked her when she went to see him was the presence of Sofia, her best friend, next to him.

She was surprised, and what shocked her even more was the decision of the two of them to get married. Sarah did not understand what he said. She screamed and told them that they were joking. She became very angry and sad. She could not believe what was happening in front of her.

Her best friend and her life partner are getting married. She couldn't believe it and screamed and collapsed, but what made her sure of her husband's desire to marry Sophia was that he held a press conference and announced the news in front of her that he would marry Sophia after her divorce from Sarah. It was sad, but she knew he was serious and she couldn't stop him. She felt sad, betrayed and resigned.

On the day of the court, the divorce was announced and the couple who once loved each other were separated. She asked him before leaving the court about the reason that happened to change his feelings like this. He looked at her coldly and didn't say a word. Sarah called his name and told him to wait. She removed the necklace from her neck and told her that she didn't want anything that would remind her of him. He looked at her for a while and she couldn't figure out what he was thinking. He took the necklace and went with Sophia to complete the marriage matters with her.

Sarah was sad and couldn't bear it, so she left the country and traveled. She hated her friend and cut off her relationship. She hated her husband to the point that she no longer wanted to live with him in the same city he lives in. She cut off her relationship with them and any news about them.

She started a new life in a new city and worked hard from scratch because she wanted not to depend on anyone. She succeeded and became one of the famous designers without anyone's support. She achieved great success and founded her company with a partner in a company named Thomas.

He was polite and wonderful. He was the father of a four-year-old child. He used to bring his child to work when he couldn't find anyone to take care of him. He took care of his child and Sarah loved the child very much and was helping in taking care of Thomas's child.

Sarah loved the child and knew that the child lost his mother during birth and felt sad because the child did not feel the mother's tenderness, so she took care of him and Thomas felt that she was indeed the best mother for his child because Sam was very attached to Sarah and loved her, so Thomas proposed to her and asked her to marry him and be part of his family.

He loved her and felt that she would be a great mother for his child and was afraid to reject his offer, but Sarah accepted the offer because she really loved him.

Sarah wanted to have a beautiful family like this and felt that Thomas was a wonderful man and they got married. She told her parents the good news and they were very happy for her.

Two years passed and they lived happily she was happy every moment but she wanted Sam to have a little sister but she did not get pregnant she went to a doctor with her husband Thomas but what shocked her was that he told her that she could not have children she was surprised he was the first doctor to tell her this she went to more than one doctor and he said the same thing and told them that in the past she was married to a previous husband and she went to a doctor with her previous husband and they told her that her husband was the one who could not have children she was surprised how she could not have children she thought that the problem was with her previous husband and not with her she was sad and yet Thomas and Sam were here for her and never left her and tried to make her happy in every way because they three will be together in everything in this life Sarah felt that she was the happiest person to have these two people by her side her child is beautiful and her husband is handsome and affectionate.Months passed, and one day suddenly, an unexpected and unwelcome visitor came to Sarah's house it was Sophia.

Sarah wanted to throw her out and tell her with what face she came to her she wanted to enter, but Sarah prevented her, and Thomas came and told Sarah to let Sophia in.

Sarah was surprised and asked how she knew Sophia. Thomas told her that because of work that brought them together, he met her. She looked at him and felt a strange feeling and looked at Sophia and could not know what she was thinking, so she allowed her to enter and told her to cut the conversation short because she was not welcome in her house.

Sophia presented property papers. Sarah looked confused, and the first thing Sophia said was, "I am sorry that I hid this secret, my dear friend." Sarah laughed and said, "Now I am your dear friend who still feels pain from betrayal, and you come to me and say sorry after years!" "Get out of my house." I said to her. I told her to leave my house, and I don't want to know what secret she's hiding from me, so Sophia cried, and Thomas intervened and told her to listen to Sophia.

Sarah was surprised why Thomas is defending Sophia and why he seems sad. Sarah asked, "Why are you sad and want me to listen to Sophia? What is wrong with you?" he begged her, and she accepted it and sat and listened to the most shocking thing in her life.

Sophia said, "I didn't marry Alex. It's all an act. Alex said that to the press that day to get you to agree to the divorce. He tried to make you believe everything in order to break up with him. I'm sorry."

Sarah didn't understand what she was talking about. What she means. why she came after years. Why now and what is this strange talk.

Sofia screamed and said, "I can't bear this pain anymore. You are my dear friend, and I am tired of the torment of conscience. You deserve to know the truth."

Sarah screamed and said, "What is the matter? What is wrong? What is the truth? What is the secret you hid from me?"

She was feeling severe pain in her heart Sofia said, "Alex asked for my help to act and to make you agree to the divorce and begged me and told me that it It's better for you not to know about it. I was worried about you, so I accepted his request." "I didn't want to see you broken down and sad, but you deserve to know how much he loves you. He suffered a lot, and because I participated in acting and keeping him away from you, even if it was his request, I felt guilty and responsible, so I stayed with him until the end."

Sarah was surprised and said, "What do you mean Sofia."

Sofia said, "Alex was sick after ten years of your marriage. He got sick, and he did not find it easy to tell you, and when he knew that there was no hope. He insisted on not telling you. He wanted to see the happiness in your eyes. He just couldn't imagine seeing your face sad and crying."

Sarah listened to Sophia's revelation. She felt her world spinning out of control. She couldn't believe that Alex had been sick for so long and she didn't know about it.

She felt a mixture of indescribable sad emotions. Sofia continued and said, "He didn't love anyone after you. You were the love of his life. He was just pretending to make you hate him."

Sarah said, " Why why didn't he tell me I don't understand."

Sofia said, "His illness was making him forget his memories,"Sophia said. "He didn't want you to suffer by his side. You were the love of his life, and in his worst suffering, despite losing his memories, he kept repeating your name." "You were in his mind. He was calling you, and he was holding on to the necklace you took off from your neck. He was in pain, Sarah."

Sarah shook her head, her eyes welling up with tears. "I don't understand how I could have been so blind," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "How did Alex keep this secret from me?"

Sarah cried and said, "What happened to him?"

Sophia took a deep breath, her eyes filled with regret. "I'm so sorry, Sarah. Alex is dead, I shouldn't have kept this secret from you. But he didn't want to see you sad and alone after him, he wanted you to have a happy life even if that meant that you separate and marry someone else, his happiness was for you to be happy, to see your smile, you were his life, he only thought of you when he knew that he had no hope, he wanted your happiness so that you wouldn't be alone after him and wouldn't suffer, to have the family that you dreamed of, he couldn't make you alone after him, he knew that you would suffer after him, he thought of you only and wanted you not to be alone after him, he wanted you to have a beautiful family.

As Sophia finished speaking, Sarah felt like she had been punched in the gut. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't feel anything except a numb, hollow sensation. It was as if she had a nightmare dream. She stumbled backward, her hand reaching out to steady herself against the wall. Her heart was racing, and her mind was spinning with questions.

Sarah was crying and said, her voice barely above a whisper. "No, it can't be true?"

Thomas looked at Sarah. He saw the tears streaming down her face. He saw the pain in Sarah's eyes and sadness. He sat down beside Sarah, his hand gently touching her arm. "Sarah, I'm so sorry," he said softly. "I know this is a lot to take in."

He said, "Sarah, don't be sad. Alex wants you to be happy. I know how much he loved you."

Sarah looked at him confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

Thomas said, "I wanted to tell you from the beginning but I was afraid of your reaction, Alex was a dear friend of me and he knew my' condition and how I lost my wife and how I grieved over her, he comforted me and helped me and didn't want you to suffer and feel the pain of loss."

Sarah said," Did you know about it too?!" Thomas said, "Yes, my love, forgive me for keeping that from you." Sarah felt a mix of emotions: anger, sadness, and betrayal. How could he keep that from me.

Sophia than said, "Alex decided to separate from you, he knew that Thomas is the best person for you, he didn't want you to be sad and alone, he knew that you wouldn't want to marry anyone after him, so he convinced Thomas that his child needs a mother, not to be selfish and deprive his child of a mother, and he told him that if he was looking for a mother for his child Sam, the best mother is you, and he told him to take care of you, he loved you very much, he knew that you wouldn't be able to have children, so he forced doctors to make him the one to blame so that you wouldn't be sad, he knew that if there was a child in your life, you would be the happiest person, and if you knew that you were the reason, you would blame yourself and prefer to live alone, so he didn't tell you so that you wouldn't blame yourself, and he was the official sponsor of your new company, Sarah."

Sarah was shocked, she couldn't breathe, she felt upset from all the news, she turned her head upside down, it was difficult to breathe, she cried and her husband hugged her, Sarah screamed and said, "This is a lie, it's all a lie" and she said, "go away," but Thomas kept telling her I'm sorry my love, I'm sorry, but it's all true, he was all saying that While crying he confessed that he was Alex's dear friend and that he didn't want to marry her except because Alex asked him to, but when he got to know her he really loved her.

She was a great wife and a great mother indeed. Thomas said, "I owe Alex because he encouraged me to marry you. He was the reason I got to know the most beautiful and best woman I have ever met in my life, and because I owe him, I decided to tell you about Alex. His request was that you not know anything about the reason for his change and the reason for the divorce, but I owe him. You have to know how much he loves you. I feel that I owe him, so I will tell you how much he loves you. There was no woman in his heart but you, Sarah. I am sorry. Alex loved you so much that he didn't dare tell you about his illness. He didn't want your sadness. He only wanted happiness for you, even if it was by hurting your heart. He was devastated by this, but for the sake of your future, he endured this. I was with him in his last days, even if he had forgotten everything. He was still holding on to the necklace that he gave you and said your name. I felt wrong and sad. I had to tell you how much he loved you, even if this meant breaking my promise to him not to tell you anything about his suffering and his illness." "I felt that I had to tell you. He was supposed to tell you that he was sick and that you were together in a difficult time. He was supposed to know that you were strong and would stay with him until his last breath, but he was worried about you."He told me that one tear from your eyes was harder than his suffering and that just losing his memories with you with him would be a tragedy for his life."He wanted the love of his life to be happy in his mind, as he remembered her."

Sarah cried, and she cried a lot. "How did he do that?" Sarah asked. Thomas cried beside her, and she asked again, "When? when did he go? When did we lose him?" He said with great sadness, "It was a month ago." She was sad and cried.

She was crying and said, "No. My heart can't take it." Sophia said, "I'm sorry, my dear friend, but you are strong. Alex wants you to be happy that he arranged everything for you, Sara. He wrote the jewelry company that he founded for you. It was yours from the beginning."

"He would be happy if you launched new designs in the company that you founded together. He loved your designs a lot and I think that this necklace would be happy if you took it because he wanted you to remember it. It is true that it will not be with you but the beautiful memories that you made together are in the heart of the one locked on it. Your love will remain a beautiful memory and engraved in your heart and seal it, and live your life happily. This is what he always said before he left this life. I felt that it was my duty to tell you this, Sara. Even though he forgot a lot, he was still repeating these words I am sorry." Sophia cried and hugged Sara.

Sara cried a lot. She remembered her days with Alex. How did he do this? Why did he not tell her? Why was he so selfish and generous in his love?

He loved me more than I loved him. And he sealed this love in a lock that will not have a key. Because I lost the key. I lost my precious treasure, who gave me a lot and a lot of love.

And yet I will live as happily as he wanted. I will be a good wife to my husband and a great mother to my child. I will not disappoint him. He loved me more than I loved him and he gave me more than I gave him. I will keep my precious treasure with me forever it holds beautiful, happy and sad memories. I will seal them in this lock that holds my precious memories. Forgive me and thank you for everything you did for me. You loved me more than I loved you.


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    NoonajWritten by Noonaj

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