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Haunted Mirror

bleed into the protagonist's world

By Thy SmartPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Haunted Mirror
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own. At first, I thought it was just a trick of the light or maybe my imagination playing tricks on me. But as I stared into the glass, I realized that the person staring back at me was someone else entirely.

The reflection was dark, twisted, and malevolent. The eyes were black as coal, and the skin was pallid, like that of a corpse. I shuddered as I realized that the mirror was haunted, and this was the spirit that had taken up residence in its depths.

Despite my fear, I couldn't help but be drawn back to the mirror again and again, each time seeing something new in the twisted reflection. The longer I gazed into the mirror, the more I realized that the reflection was not just an image, but an alternate reality.

As I watched, the mirror began to bleed into my world. Strange objects appeared in my room, things that were not of this world. Shadows moved of their own accord, and I could hear whispers that seemed to come from inside the mirror itself.

I tried to ignore it all, tried to convince myself that it was just my imagination, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong. And then, one night, I saw the reflection move on its own.

The twisted figure in the mirror began to reach out towards me, its bony fingers stretching out of the glass as if trying to grab hold of me. I screamed and stumbled back, but it was too late. The alternate reality had merged with my own, and I was trapped in a world of darkness and terror.

From that day on, I could never escape the haunting presence of the mirror. The twisted figure would always be lurking just beyond my sight, waiting to strike. And even now, as I write this, I can feel its malevolent gaze upon me, watching and waiting for me to slip up so it can drag me back into its twisted reality.

As the days passed, the mirror's influence over my world grew stronger. I could see things in the reflection that I couldn't see in real life. It was like a window into another dimension, a world that was just out of reach but always lurking at the edge of my vision.

At first, I was afraid to tell anyone about the mirror and what I was seeing. I didn't want to sound crazy, and I didn't want anyone to think that I was losing my mind. But as the mirror's influence grew stronger, I realized that I had to do something.

I went to a psychic, hoping that they could shed some light on what was happening to me. The psychic took one look at the mirror and immediately recoiled in horror. "That mirror is cursed," they said. "It's a portal to the other side, a place where dark things lurk."

The psychic told me that the only way to break the curse was to destroy the mirror. But when I tried to do just that, I found that the mirror was unbreakable. No matter what I did, it remained intact, like it was protected by some unseen force.

As time went on, I started to see more and more of the twisted world that lurked beyond the mirror. I saw creatures that were both terrifying and fascinating, monsters that seemed to be made of darkness and shadows. I saw landscapes that were both beautiful and horrific, places where the sky was always dark and the ground was always covered in a layer of mist.

But as much as I was fascinated by this alternate reality, I knew that it was dangerous. The things that I saw in the mirror were starting to bleed into my world, and I could feel their malevolent presence lurking just beyond my sight.

One night, I woke up to find that the mirror had grown in size. It was now twice as big as it had been before, and I could see more of the twisted world beyond. I could see dark shapes moving just beyond the mirror's surface, and I could hear whispers that seemed to be coming from the other side.

Suddenly, the mirror shattered, sending shards of glass flying in every direction. But instead of feeling relieved, I felt a sense of dread wash over me. As the pieces of glass fell to the ground, I could see the twisted world beyond more clearly than ever before.

The creatures that had once been lurking in the shadows were now fully visible, and they were even more terrifying than I had imagined. They were dark, twisted beings, with razor-sharp teeth and glowing red eyes. And they were moving towards me, slowly but steadily, their bony fingers reaching out as if to grab me.

I turned to run, but I found that I couldn't move. I was rooted to the spot, unable to escape the monsters that were slowly closing in on me. And then, just as they were about to reach me, everything went black.

When I opened my eyes, I was back in my room. The mirror was gone, and the pieces of shattered glass were nowhere to be seen. But I could feel the presence of the twisted world beyond the mirror, lurking just beyond the edge of my consciousness.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, I started to realize that the twisted world was a part of me now. It had become a part of my soul, a dark and malevolent force that would always be lurking just below the surface.

And even now, as I try to go about my normal life, I can feel the presence of the twisted world, waiting for me to slip up, waiting for me to let my guard down so it can drag me back into its dark and twisted embrace..!


About the Creator

Thy Smart

Thy Smart, is a masked young man who is passionate about creating a better world. Thy Smart is an enthusiastic leader, always eager to broaden his knowledge and understanding of the world. Thy possesses an innate curiosity to ...

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    TSWritten by Thy Smart

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