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Gut Instinct

Amelia Reads the Room

By Kenn LyonPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Air Marshal Chloe Lawson maintained her vigilant watch over the passengers as the airplane taxied down the runway, a routine she had performed on countless flights before. Yet, this time, a sense of unease gnawed at the back of her neck, alerting her to the presence of an impending danger. Her sharp eyes caught sight of a distressed woman, and she approached her with caution.

"Is everything okay, miss?" Chloe inquired, her tone measured and composed.

"No, it's not," Amelia replied, her voice tinged with urgency. "I'm Amelia Robertson, a local podcaster in the San Francisco Bay Area known as Amelia Reads the Room. I'm a psychic."

Chloe arched an eyebrow, intrigued yet skeptical. She was not one to readily embrace the supernatural, but years of experience had taught her to trust her instincts.

"I just had a vision," Amelia continued, accustomed to skepticism. "There's a man on this plane who's planning to bring it down with an electromagnetic pulse."

With Chloe's suspicions about impending danger confirmed, she pushed aside her natural bias against the paranormal. She took a seat next to Amelia, keen to hear more.

"Tell me everything you know," Chloe urged, her tone commanding.

"Most visions are vague, but this one is exceptionally specific," Amelia began.

Chloe nodded, her attention fully captured by Amelia's words.

"His name is Jacob. He's an airplane mechanic and identifies himself as a militant right-wing activist. I saw him attaching an EMP device to cripple the plane," Amelia divulged.

Chloe furrowed her brow. "But why would he do that? It doesn't make any sense."

"Revenge," Amelia replied simply. "Jacob seeks vengeance against the airline industry's mechanics union. They refused to pay for his terminally ill wife's medical needs."

Chloe's heart sank at the revelation. "That's tragic," she said, her voice tinged with empathy. "And it’s something I can confirm to corroborate your story.” She paused. “I mean, your vision."

"Jacob sees this plane as a symbol of the industry's oppression," Amelia continued. "He plans to cripple it as a form of protest. He's determined to take it down, even if it means sacrificing his own life in the process."

Amelia closed her eyes momentarily, collecting her thoughts to focus on Jacob. "He feels hopeless, like there is nothing left to lose."

"I'll be right back," Chloe said, rising from her seat and making her way to the cockpit at the front of the plane.

Chloe knew she had to act swiftly and discreetly. She briefed Captain Thompson on the situation, although he expressed skepticism about Amelia's psychic abilities.

"Captain Thompson," Chloe acknowledged, "I'm not a believer in psychics either, but we can corroborate part of her vision. Find out if there is a mechanics union member named Jacob aboard this plane. If he has a terminally ill wife and was denied medical coverage for her condition, we need to take Amelia very seriously."

Amelia composed herself with breathing techniques, trying to discern Jacob's physical appearance. She sensed the trigger device had been brought in with his carry-on bags but now he was holding it. Beyond this, she hadn't gleaned much else when Chloe returned.

"The captain was able to corroborate part of your vision," Chloe said. "If you got that right, we have to take the chance the rest is accurate as well." She regarded Amelia with newfound respect. "You might just make a believer out of me yet."

"Crisis can create unexpected alliances," Amelia replied with a reassuring smile.

"Would you be willing to help me apprehend him?" Chloe asked. "You seem to have a sense of what makes him tick."

“Of course,” Amelia answered. “He’s holding the trigger devise in his hand right now.”

Chloe nodded. “Follow me,” she said. “We have his seat number.”

They located Jacob sitting calmly in his seat, and Chloe approached him.

Chloe's voice carried an air of authority, her tone measured and composed as she addressed Jacob. "Mr. Jacob Richards," she said softly, her words carefully chosen. "I'm Air Marshal Lawson. Would you please come with me for a moment? I understand you are a flight mechanic?"

Jacob nodded nervously, his eyes darting between Chloe and Amelia. "Is something wrong?" he asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"Just come with me, please," Chloe urged, her calm demeanor soothing. "We don't want to create a panic with the other passengers."

Together, they made their way to the front of the plane, behind the cockpit in the first-class attendant's area, and pulled the curtain shut. Captain Thompson stepped out of the cockpit to join them, his expression grave.

"I've been informed of your plan," Chloe revealed, her gaze steady. "You need to understand that using an EMP on this plane would endanger everyone on board."

Jacob looked startled; his emotions evident on his face. "What are you talking about?" he asked, his voice wavering.

Amelia stepped in, her psychic abilities emanating waves of calming energy towards Jacob. "I understand the pain, the frustration, the betrayal," she said, her words reaching out to him on a deeper level.

Jacob's contempt was palpable as he shot back, "You don't understand. This is the only way to make them pay for what they've done to my wife!"

Chloe's voice remained measured and composed as she sought to reason with him. "There are other ways to seek justice without putting innocent lives at risk," she said, her tone earnest. "Let's talk this through."

But Jacob remained resolute in his beliefs, refusing to back down. "You can't stop me. This is my chance to make things right!"

Amelia continued to reach out to him with her calming energy, her words pleading. "Jacob, think about your wife. She wouldn't want innocent people to die because of your actions. There are other solutions."

Captain Thompson joined in, his voice firm but compassionate. "Mr. Richards, you're endangering the lives of everyone on this plane. We can't allow that to happen."

Despite their efforts, Jacob remained defiant, his anger and grief overwhelming his reason. "No, this is the only way! You're just trying to trick me!"

Chloe and Amelia refused to give up, their words and actions appealing to his humanity. "Jacob, please," Chloe said, her voice filled with empathy. "We want to help you and your wife. Let us find a solution that doesn't involve harming innocent people."

"We're not your enemies, Jacob," Amelia added, her voice gentle but determined. "We're here to ensure the safety of everyone on this plane, including you."

Captain Thompson's words were measured and authoritative. "Jacob, you have to understand that using an EMP on this plane would be a terrorist act. It won't solve your problems."

Jacob looked torn; his internal struggle evident on his face. Chloe and Amelia continued to appeal to his better judgment, using their words and Amelia's psychic abilities to connect with him emotionally.

"Jacob, think about the consequences of your actions," implored Amelia. "Think about the lives that would be lost, including your own."

"You have a chance to make a different choice, Jacob," Chloe encouraged him. "It's not too late."

After a tense moment, Jacob's resolve seemed to weaken, and he hesitated, torn between his desire for revenge and his love for his wife. The weight of his decision hung heavy in the air; the tension palpable.

"I...I don't know what to do," Jacob

Jacob gazed into the eyes of Chloe and Amelia, seeing genuine concern and empathy reflected back at him. It was a moment of profound connection, as if they were all on the same wavelength, understanding each other without the need for words. Deep down, Jacob knew they were right. He couldn't let his desperation cloud his judgment any longer.

"Let us help you, Jacob," Chloe urged, her voice filled with compassion. "Let's find a solution together."

Amelia, with her soothing voice, added, "We can contact the airline industry's mechanics union and work out a solution for your wife's medical needs."

Captain Thompson, the seasoned pilot, spoke with authority, "We can also ensure that you receive a fair hearing for your grievances. But using an EMP on this plane is not the answer."

Chloe reassured Jacob, "We can help your wife get the medical care she needs. But you need to deactivate the EMP device and surrender peacefully."

Amelia looked deeply into Jacob's eyes, sending waves of calming healing energy, pleading with him, "Jacob, please. Don't let more lives be destroyed."

Tears welled up in Jacob's eyes as he wrestled with his decision. The weight of his choices hung heavy on his shoulders. He looked conflicted, but after a tense moment, he finally relented. With a deep breath, Jacob nodded, releasing the tension in his fists.

"Okay," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I won't go through with it. But I don't know what else to do."

Jacob deactivated the trigger device and handed it over to Chloe.

With a sense of relief, Chloe and Amelia exchanged a glance, acknowledging Jacob's decision.

"Please return to your seat, Mr. Richards," Chloe gently urged him.

Amelia, ever compassionate, volunteered, "If you'd like, I can join you in a moment."

"I would appreciate your company," Jacob answered, a faint smile on his face, as he headed back to his seat.

Captain Thompson praised Chloe, "Great job, Air Marshal Lawson. Thanks to you and Ms. Robertson, we averted a disaster."

Chloe humbly responded, "It was a team effort, Captain. Thank you for trusting us. I couldn't have done it without her." Chloe smiled, grateful for Amelia's assistance. "Her psychic abilities were invaluable," Chloe continued, her eyes twinkling.

Amelia graciously nodded; her expression relieved.

"I'm just glad we could prevent any harm. Thank you both for believing me."

Captain Thompson locked eyes with Amelia before heading back into the cockpit. "You both acted with professionalism and courage. It won't go unnoticed."

Chloe and Amelia smiled at each other, knowing they had prevented a disaster together, and perhaps planted seeds for a new friendship between kindred spirits. As the plane safely landed, Chloe reflected on the events that had unfolded during the flight. She had learned to trust her instincts on an even deeper level, knowing the memory of collaborating with Amelia would be with her for a long time.

The entire ordeal had served as a poignant reminder of the capriciousness of her role as an Air Marshal, underscoring the significance of embracing unexpected alliances and recognizing that the most efficacious solutions can originate from the most atypical and astonishing quarters. It had also reinforced the notion that heroism transcends conventional definitions, manifesting in diverse and unforeseen ways.


About the Creator

Kenn Lyon

Magic is in our everyday lives, in nature, animals, people. I give my characters and stories a "little something extra" to spark your imagination. I hope my stories arouse a sense of wonder in you and kindle the excitement of being alive!

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