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Greedy is big loss

Olivia, on the other hand, was a freshman to the megacity, her wide- eyed innocence and contagious sanguinity a stark discrepancy to the Machiavellian world of high finance. Fresh out of council with dreams of making it big, she had landed a job as Emma's adjunct, eager to learn from the stylish and sculpt out her own path to success. At first, Emma took Olivia under her sect, guiding her through the complications of the fiscal world and tutoring her the tricks of the trade.

By vinoth kumarPublished 24 days ago 3 min read

In the bustling megalopolis of Cityville, where towers towered over the thoroughfares like titans and the air hummed with the constant buzz of exertion, there lived two women whose lives were intertwined by fate and ambition – Emma and Olivia. Emma was a rising star in the world of finance, her sharp mind and keen instincts earning her a character as one of the megacity's top investment bankers. With her steely determination and unwavering confidence, she had clawed her way to the top, leaving a trail of fractured glass ceilings in her wake.

Olivia, on the other hand, was a freshman to the megacity, her wide- eyed innocence and contagious sanguinity a stark discrepancy to the Machiavellian world of high finance. Fresh out of council with dreams of making it big, she had landed a job as Emma's adjunct, eager to learn from the stylish and sculpt out her own path to success. At first, Emma took Olivia under her sect, guiding her through the complications of the fiscal world and tutoring her the tricks of the trade.

But as time went on, Emma's mentorship began to take on a more minatory tone, her ambitious nature driving her to exploit Olivia's ingenuousness for her own gain. Under Emma's education, Olivia snappily learned the art of the deal, her formerly bright- eyed sanguinity giving way to a hunger for success that imaged her tutor's own inextinguishable appetite. Together, they navigated the unfaithful waters of the fiscal requests, their cooperation fueled by a participated desire for wealth and power. But as their fortunes grew, so too did the seeds of rapacity that had taken root in their hearts. With each success, Emma and Olivia came more consumed by their desire for further – further plutocrat, further power, further prestige. And in their grim pursuit of success, they lost sight of the effects that truly signified – fellowship,

integrity, and compassion. Their downfall came fleetly and suddenly, a cruel twist of fate that would leave them both reeling from the consequences of their conduct. It began with a parlous investment scheme cooked by Emma, a adventure that promised innumerous riches but carried with it the threat of fiscal ruin. dazed by the appeal of wealth, Emma induced Olivia to go on with her plan, painting a rosy picture of the riches that awaited them on the other side. And for a moment, it sounded as though their adventure had paid off – their investment soared, their bank accounts swelling with each passing day.

But also, disaster struck. A unforeseen downturn in the request transferred shockwaves through the fiscal world, leaving Emma and Olivia's investment portfolio in tatters. Overnight, they went from being the toast of the city to lepers, their formerly promising careers reduced to debris in the blink of an eye. As they watched helplessly from the sidelines, Emma and Olivia's fellowship atrophied under the weight of their own rapacity. treason rotted between them like a bane, each condemning the other for their mischance while refusing to accept responsibility for their own conduct. In the end, they were left with nothing – no plutocrat, no power, and no bone

to turn to but each other. And as they stood amidst the wreckage of their dreams, they realized the true cost of their rapacity – not just in terms of wealth, but in the loss of everything that had formerly signified to them. But indeed in their darkest hour, there was a hint of stopgap – a chance for redemption, for remission, for a alternate chance at chancing happiness in the effects that truly signified. And as they walked down from the remains of their history, Emma and Olivia pledged to noway let rapacity pall their judgment again, to cherish the bonds of fellowship that had formerly held them together, and to rebuild their lives with modesty, integrity, and compassion.

Young AdultShort StorySeriesScriptHolidayfamilyClassical

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