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Ghost in the act

By Sandra’s cornerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The white lady

The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years but one night, a candle burned in the window. Nobody lives there. No humans at least. Not even my grandma, who is the oldest person I know knew, what happened there. Folks around town whispered tales about the cabin in the woods. Always in a quick brush off don’t go there tone, coupled with a sign of the cross to ward off any evil spirits. For a weak puny mind like mine, this is something I cannot ignore. The days can last so long during the summer but when the lights go out and the darkness wants to be your friend, there is that place that summons me. Sleep always creeps in. But in it carries disturbing dreams. Dreams of a white lady floating in and around the cabin. A white lady that has no eyes and no feet. It looks at you but not really. It walks, it floats but not really. It talks but there’s no words. Only lets you feel that she’s there. I asked around but no one knows. I went up there one day. It was a long walk but my legs got me there. The path became narrow as I climbed up a hill. A hill that goes up and around as if, it’s telling you to stop and turn back, or get lost. It was so remote that I did get lost. By then, it was too late for me to go back. So I trudged on. The sun was hot on my back. And I fear I might actually die up there, alone and weary. Just as I was ready to collapse, I stumbled upon the cabin. Or rather it found me. It was hidden in a high pile of rocks among a swarm of trees. I didn’t noticed I had gotten side tracked off coarse while I was rounding up in circles. The trail I followed slowly disappeared and I, like a stupid fool that I am, continued to put one foot in front of the other. It might have been like a heat stroke or something because I, literally felt like dying. It was by pure luck that I stumbled upon a big chunk of cement that looked like a grave at first. It was the gate that led to the cabin. I dare not open the door. It looks to be as old as they said it would. White dust swarmed the place as it covering the secrets hidden beneath. Cobwebs hanging on the ceiling. Trying to trap whatever that goes inside. Even the birds know not to linger. As if avoiding the dark stories it holds. At last, my courage can only go so far and with one last attempt, I ran back to the path I came. I didn’t know where I was going, I only knew I had to get out of there. The town welcomed me with open arms. My grandma’s embrace were the greatest source of comfort, and the safest haven for me. I could conquer any mountains as long as I have grandma’s embrace. I kept telling her about the cabin. And she quickly shuts me off. Murmuring something about a lady dying there a long time ago and that she died on her sleep. Died on her sleep? And then she quickly ends it with a sign of a cross and then puts her finger on her lips . I have never been more puzzled or more scared in my life. Who ends a tale like that? It was a white lady that lived there and died quietly on her sleep. God bless her soul. Peace to the world!

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Sandra’s corner

I got stories to tell, don’t know where to start. Who knows where this road is gonna take me. All I know is the time is now. Come join me in my journey.

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