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From what binds us.

I will find you.

By AM Ghandour Published 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

To my beloved Ariel,

It’s been three lonely years and my heart aches for you. I never stopped looking for you. Jennifer from the Briar colony gathered a plenty of volunteers to search the badlands. But alas, to no avail. Our homestead is still untouched… for now. I was given word that the spineless tyrant Leo from Cyro is moving his men south in search of more towns to pillage, and women to claim for himself. The Briar colonists are moving west over Janson river in order to miss the raids. They’re ill-equipped to deter them, much less to advance..

The people from Anderson Valley were wiped out from the sickness and the unlucky ones left were picked off and forced into Cyro’s slave trade. My heart breaks for them, as they were true believers. Gentle people. What has the world come to if we cannot lean on our fellow man in times of turmoil. It just created brutes and dictators that try to claim what is not theirs.

We are blessed though, since the plague made headlines we haven’t had our home discovered. You were right to start our family here. You’re always right. Henry is still a healthy heifer, still producing good milk, and the chickens are still laying delicious eggs. I remember your omelets. I would wake up to the scent of freshly chopped chives, peppers, onions, and the popping of eggs and diced bacon sang with the morning flocks.

The nights are cold as they are lonesome. I sometimes have to turn the lamp off by the window when I hear something outside. I don’t want to lose our home to bandits. I still have the pistol you gave me but fortunately I haven’t used it. However, I am afraid that the loneliness has gotten the best of me. You disappeared even before the outbreak and I couldn’t reach you on your cell because the towers were out. No one has seen you, only rumors. The terrible thoughts of you being taken against your will or catching the disease and suffering alone haunts me.

Although I don’t always think the worst. I do my best to occupy my mind with the thought of you being safe in a town far away, where the sickness hasn’t reached, or the idea of totalitarianism. That you are helping those in need like the kind-hearted person you are. You were always so nice to strangers. It would get me so angry when you would give my leftovers to the homeless.

I know I wasn’t the perfect husband and we didn’t always see eye to eye but that doesn’t change the fact that I love you with all my heart. Because of that, I am going to find you. I cannot wait any longer for you to come back, and I would never forgive myself if you were hoping to see me over the horizon to rescue you. As life as we know it has ended, doesn’t mean our story does. It doesn’t matter if you have perished from this earth long ago or if you moved on. My heart cannot rest, nor my soul unburdened unless I try to unite with you.

At the time of this letter, it is February 13th, 2035 and Leo is expected to be in Briar in two days. I will be leaving our home before then. By the chance you are reading this, I have headed to Shawpointe and continued my search there before I enter the badlands. Whatever trouble it may bring, I will be resilient.

I will count the days until you are back in my arms.

Your loving husband,

James Sawyer.

P.S. Remember this locket? I won it for you at the state fair ever so long ago. You thought you lost it but I was getting it restored for our anniversary. Look inside….

Ariel puts down the letter. “James you fool,” expressed, Ariel as she grabs the heart shaped locket. When she unlocks the small buckle, inside is the picture of them in the photo booth that day at the fair fifth-teen years ago. A single tear leaves her right eye down her cheek and is redirected by the scar before falling to the back of her jawline. She puts the locket in her inside jacket pocket and walks back to the threshold of the door that leads back outside. From once was her safe haven, the one they both built, now a pile of wood and debris, she looks towards the smoked filled horizon where the faint sound of screams are heard.

“I’m coming my love, hold on.” Ariel whispered to herself, as she began to run towards Shawpointe….


About the Creator

AM Ghandour

My Portfolio

BA in Procrastination, with a minor in Bullshittin'.

-Actor (still broke)

-Podcaster (Coming soon?)

-Voice Overs (Terrible)

- Writer ( Barely)

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