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From Manure to Treasure: Xiaoxi's Heartwarming Tale

Resourcefulness and Generosity in Times of Hardship

By Steven WealsPublished 9 months ago 4 min read

"Once upon a time, there was a place known as Peach Blossom Mountain, where a small family of three resided: a husband, Big Bull, his wife, Xiaoxi, and her mother-in-law. Xiaoxi was a woman of remarkable beauty, endowed with a clever mind and a kind heart. They were living contentedly until a few months after their marriage when tragedy struck – Big Bull fell seriously ill.

To afford his treatment, Xiaoxi and her mother-in-law scrimped and saved, even selling off their livestock and poultry. In those trying times of famine, their home became desolate, and not even a single mouse ventured inside.

As autumn approached, the situation grew dire. Xiaoxi embarked on a mission to gather wild vegetables, but the scarcity on the hillside left her empty-handed. Upon returning home, she discovered her mother-in-law had collapsed in the yard. Their rice jar was almost empty, with only a meager bowl of watery porridge left, which her mother-in-law had refused to eat, reserving it for Big Bull and Xiaoxi. It was her hunger that had caused her to faint. Big Bull and Xiaoxi felt the weight of despair as they realized that the harvest was still days away, and the neighbors were also struggling to put food on their tables.

After settling her mother-in-law and Big Bull, Xiaoxi made a difficult decision to visit her parents once more, hoping to borrow some rice. It had been over ten days since her last visit, and her parents' rice container was dwindling. She had no other option.

As she trudged on, her steps were suddenly halted by a curious sight along the path – a pile of cow dung! Luckily, Xiaoxi always carried a shovel, ready for such opportunities to gather dung as fertilizer. In these times, it was a stroke of luck to find cow dung uncollected. Xiaoxi eagerly collected the dung, and to her surprise, she discovered numerous grains of sorghum nestled within.

This discovery brought a smile to her face, and she continued her search, uncovering four or five piles of cow dung containing sorghum grains. Back home, she meticulously extracted the sorghum grains from the dung, washing them repeatedly in clean water. Finally, she had gathered enough for a bowl of sorghum porridge. However, she hesitated; these grains had come from cow dung – could they be consumed? Xiaoxi pondered the dilemma but ultimately couldn't bear to see her mother-in-law go hungry. She rinsed and washed the sorghum grains meticulously until she believed they were clean enough before cooking them.

Soon, a fragrant bowl of sorghum porridge was ready, and her mother-in-law could finally eat. Big Bull, puzzled but elated, looked at Xiaoxi. With their rice jar empty, he wondered where this sorghum had come from. Xiaoxi, feeling guilty, lowered her head, unable to reveal the source of the grain.

A few days later, as evening descended, Xiaoxi was preparing herbal medicine for Big Bull in the courtyard when suddenly, thunder roared, and dark clouds loomed overhead. It was an unnatural storm; why was there thunder and lightning so close to the harvest season? Could it be that the thunder god was pursuing someone of grave wrongdoing?

Panic washed over Xiaoxi as she hurriedly ushered her mother-in-law indoors. Just as she closed the door, a deafening roar echoed from outside. Peering through a crack in the door, she saw an enormous white dragon swirling and roaring in the sky above the yard. Xiaoxi feared the worst – the dragon had discovered her deception of feeding her mother-in-law sorghum from cow dung. She believed the heavens considered her actions unforgivable, and she had to accept her deserved punishment.

Inside, her mother-in-law and Big Bull were baffled. Why was this dragon so furious in their courtyard? They were virtuous and had committed no wrongdoings. While pondering, they suddenly heard Xiaoxi's heartfelt sobbing confession from the other side of the door. Tears streamed down their faces as they listened. Her mother-in-law said, "Xiaoxi, you are a good child, you have done nothing wrong. The dragon won't punish you. You mustn't go." Big Bull firmly grasped Xiaoxi's hand and declared, "I won't let you go either."

Moved by their unwavering support, Xiaoxi felt content. With the reassurance of her loved ones, she gained courage and said, "I must face the consequences of my actions alone. I won't let you and our neighbors suffer because of me. Let me go."

Hearing this, her mother-in-law's heart ached. How could she lose such a dutiful daughter-in-law? Big Bull abruptly moved towards the door, determined to take Xiaoxi's place. Xiaoxi swiftly pushed him away, extending her arm outside the door in sacrifice. She closed her eyes in pain.

Moments passed, and Xiaoxi felt no pain. Slowly, the light outside brightened, the thunder faded, and the dragon ceased its roaring. After a while, Xiaoxi sensed her arm growing lighter. In an instant, the sky cleared, and the dragon departed.

The three opened the door to find Xiaoxi's arm adorned with pearls, gems, and exquisite silk. Tearfully, Xiaoxi exclaimed, "The dragon didn't come to punish me!" Overjoyed, the three embraced, and her mother-in-law declared, "I knew it! My daughter-in-law is the most filial person in the world. The dragon was rewarding you!" They offered three bows in gratitude toward the departing dragon.

From that day forward, Xiaoxi's family lived in happiness. They sold the pearls and gems to help their struggling neighbors, and the village flourished. The story of the sorghum porridge became a tale passed down through generations in the village..."


About the Creator

Steven Weals

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