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Fright Night At The Museum

Whatever you do, don't trust your eyes

By Brandon AustinPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

They all took a trip to the museum to spend the night, for fun. Instead of sleeping though, all the kids stayed up, playing hide and seek. With the facility to themselves, the parents and kids stayed up, enjoying the game that was reset many times and the new seeker was chosen. However, this wasn’t an ordinary game of hide and seek. No. All the power had been shut down, and all of them had a flashlight on them so that they could find their way. This was to make them more scared. To make matters worse, they were in a museum that was a part wax, and part evolution of scare museum; all decked out with some of the scariest things of all time.

As everyone was running astray to find a good hiding spot, the seeker had to count up to 100. The seekers name is James. Once he reached 100, he wailed that he was on his way to find everyone. As he rounded the corner, his first corner, and the first corner ever in this game for them in this museum, he took a deep breath and went for it. It was a long corridor, which seemed to stretch out for forever. To make it a better situation, and with James being the prankster that he is, he found the speaker system, and popped in his favorite song to lighten up the mood, Mr. Scary. Once it started, it echoed down every corridor, and in every room. The adrenaline level jumped through the roof.

He whirled around to resume his search. With this fast-paced song, he decided to turn off his flashlight to make this game more interesting. Smile on his face, James came to a hallway on the first floor, and poked his head around the corner. With the faint and eerie glow of the green exit signs, and the dim glow of the moon seeping in from the windows, he took a step, but stayed up against the wall to be sneaky, like a young James Bond. He came to the first room. It had an archway that lead to an arched corridor, which lead to an open room, with coffins everywhere. Slowly, he went to one coffin at a time and removed all of their lids. Expecting to find someone, James exited the room disappointed. He tiptoed to the next room, and found above the door, two swords crossed with a shield. Below were the words: THOSE WHO ARE ENTER SHALL MEET THEIR FATE. ENTER IF YOU DARE! Blowing off the sign, James proceeded. The room was dark, and had a mist snaking around his feet as he shuffled through the room. It was an eerie sight that beheld James. Mist or fog rolling on the floor to move around, and it all came from a black cauldron. He shuffled around the room, but again, he found nobody. Walking out of the room, he looked up at that sign again, and called its bluff. He then walked across the hall into another room. This time though, it was a torture room. Some people were strapped on to tables where they were to meet their fate. James, a little uneasy, called out “I… I found you.” There was no answer. So, he walked closer to the body on the table and poked it. Long behold, it was a dummy. As he was wondering out of the room, he heard something spine tingling and bone chilling; he heard a voice, faint but audible, “James, help me.” Along with a shrill scream. He dashed out of the room.

Sneaking to all the other rooms on that floor, he came out with the same result; no one. So, he went up to the next floor, by taking the stairs. He was hoping someone would be on the stairs. There wasn’t anyone to be seen. Walking along with the winding banister, he suddenly saw movement, a dark figure moving, almost floating through his vision as if to get his attention. James’ curiosity got the best of him and he went in the direction that the shadow figure glided. As he put his foot on the landing, a loud clash of thunder crashed shaking the ground and shortly after, a bright flash of lightning lit up the hall where James was about to go down; full of wax figurines casting their own unique shadow. With a gulp, and a deep breath, James, step by step, headed down the hellish hall with blood red paint on the walls, and a dark colored carpet. Every three steps or so, a flash of lightning lit up his way, showing off the figurines distorted faces and un-proportional limbs. Some of these figurines were holding items such as a battle-axe, swords, normal axes, and one, all the way at the end of the hall, a chain saw. With the lightning acting as a strobe light, it appeared that the figurines were moving. With the sense of someone following him, he turned around constantly to find his stalker was no one.

Coming to his first room down that creepy hall, was the ‘Pirate’s Cove’, in which they display wax pirate figurines. Not at all creepy or weird, or for that matter, disturbing and out of place. Slowly, James crept inside the room. He took note of what he saw; pirates frozen in battle, and various other things. Yet the most out of place thing that really made James think twice, were the flashes of lightning illuminating a clown in the middle of the room. As fast as a bullet, he stopped. Staring at this clown, staring back, James noticed that the clown kept the same smile for a few minutes straight. Reassuring himself, James kept telling himself that it was a wax figurine. Reluctantly, James turned around. A flash of lightning lit up the room, revealing all the distorted people. Getting an uneasy feeling, James turned back toward the clown in the middle of the room. Another flash of lightning struck lighting up the evil face of the demented clown. A few short seconds later, another flash, wiping the clown clean of existence; it was nowhere to be found. It blinked in and out of existence for what seemed for forever.

Once James came out of his trance, he scanned the room really quickly and bolted out of there. He poked his head into all the other rooms, but slowed down when he came closer to the wax figurine of the man with the chainsaw. Inch by inch the chainsaw man came, coming to kill James. With James standing right in front of the figurine, he saw that it wasn’t anyone who he knew. But those menacing eyes gave him a different story. They were glowing red, more like crimson. It was very out of place. He scanned the last room, and he saw some of the figurines looked exactly like his friends, so he went and grabbed their arm, but all of them were wax figurines. Some of them looked like the parents that had brought all of the kids there to that museum.

Venturing back to the room from which he was chosen to be seeker, he noticed along the way some freaky little wax figurines that were apparently trying to hide from something or someone. It was apparent that they were scared of something. Not thinking twice, James walked into the room where some adults were just sitting in silence. He walked up to them and poked one on the shoulder. It was his best friend’s mother; she was wax. He shone his light into her eyes and they just stared straight ahead; glazed in place. All of the parents were like that. Seeing the clown again, he ran to the stairs, and that’s as far as he made it, for the clown turned him into a wax figurine as well. James was now a part of the wax exhibit, and also adding a little zest to the scare factor of the museums scare exhibit.

As the tourists went up the stairs, they saw that at the top of the stairs was a wax figurine of a frightened boy who was looking back, who had almost made it to the stairs. All the visitors remarked at what he was supposed to be looking at. The museum curator had no clue as to how the new “guests” had arrived, but he was happy for they made him more money.


About the Creator

Brandon Austin

Nerdy, awkward, possibly insane. Life is way too short to be bothered by judgement, so do what you love!

"I came, I saw, I completely forgot what I was doing."

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    Brandon AustinWritten by Brandon Austin

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