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Frederic's Fairy

by A.W Knowland

By A. W. KnowlandPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 20 min read

A father once asked his son, "When does a story stop being a story—when it was once truth or when it becomes real?"

In the town of Autumn, fall is a season most cherished. When the trees become barren and the leaves paint the ground, a special kind of celebration begins. Neighbors flock together, sharing their bounties of fruits, vegetables, and grains. As all the months of hard work come to fruition, reaping what was sowed for harvest.

The Fall Festival is a time-honored tradition, instilled since the town's settlement. So long as the land remains generous, so does the town's prosperity. It was as though magic was at work here, sustaining the balance of nature's happiness.

Though on this particular morning, happiness was unapparent. Many gathered at a quaint farmhouse, dawned in black and sadness. Where food and condolences were offered in plenty.

Two women wander outside.

"What a shame..." A stout woman states. "Daniel was a lovely man..."

A tall woman nods in agreement.

"And on the eve of the Fall Festival..." The stout woman adds before lighting her cigarette. "Daniel and Frederic were very close."

The tall woman blows smoke. "The closest a father and son could hope to be."

The stout woman shakes the ash off her cigarette. "Though it was odd Frederic was not at the funeral..."

"I heard he refused to go."

"What an inconsiderate child." The stout woman judgingly said.

"Rumours is...Mary isn't his mother."

The stout woman gasp.

"Keep your voice down..." The tall woman sternly said. "Apparently, she died a few days after Frederic was born."

"Now, I see..." The stout woman replies. "...That's why he often calls her Mary."

The two women finished their cigarettes and left.

Frederic crawls from his tent, discreetly hidden within the bushes. He wanders inside and sees Mary crying, surrounded by a crowd of adults. He immediately flees upstairs, overwhelmed with the situation.

Later that evening, Mary enters Frederic's room and finds him asleep on the floor, tightly holding onto a photo of his dad. She carefully carries him to bed and tucks him in.

As Mary leaves, she feels a slight tug.

"Did I wake you?" Mary apologetically asked.

"I'm sorry," Frederic whispers.

Mary kneels beside him.

"Whatever for?"

"For not saying goodbye."

Mary runs her fingers through his hair and warmly smiles.

"We'll go when you're ready."

"Won't dad be mad?" Frederic tearfully wondered.

"No, of course not." She reassuringly said. "Now, go to sleep...The Fall Festival's tomorrow."

"D-do I have to go?" He hesitantly asked.

The Fall Festival was Frederic's favorite day of the year, as he'd admire his dad's storytelling. Daniel was a well-known author, writing about local myths and legends. But this year, Mary was asked to read in her husband's stead.

"You can stay home..." She suggested.

"Thanks, Mary."

Mary reassuringly hugs Frederic, masking her worry with a smile. There'd always been a distance between them, but Daniel was the bridge that held them together. Now that he was gone, Mary felt unsure about their relationship. All she ever wanted was to be his mom, not just the woman his dad married.

As the clock turns ten, Frederic incessantly tosses. Unable to sleep, he stares at a photo of his dad. His heart was guilt-ridden, burdened with regret. It was then that Frederic leaped from his bed, determined to do what he couldn't do earlier. He took his bike onto the empty streets, then quietly rode off into the night.

Frederic stood at the entrance of the cemetery, afraid of going beyond. Absent any street lamps, the moon was the only light. Wild shadows ran rampant, hiding behind every rock and tree. But Frederic luckily brought his flashlight, a precious memento from his dad.

With it in hand, Frederic's courage grew. He confidently ventured further, ignoring the frightening sounds and shadows. Soon Frederic was where he wanted to be, standing in front of his dad's grave. Bouquets of white lilies surround the headstone.

"Here lies Daniel C. Harth, beloved husband, father, neighbor, and cherished author."

"I miss you..." Frederic admits.

Frederic silently stared at his dad's name for a while. Until he notices a marigold flower tucked beside it.

"How odd," Frederic thought.

People in Autumn traditionally use lilies for mourning, believing it brought peace and hope. Frederic knew this and curiously picked it up, discovering an acorn necklace beneath it.

Frederic gasped at the familiar design, seeing a clear crystal with a beautifully preserved petal inside. It was an exact copy like his, a gift given to him by his dad on his ninth birthday. Though this one had strange engravings on it.

Frederic wondered what the initials "A.A." meant, but suddenly a gentle light appeared in the distance.

"What an oddly glow..." He thought.

Setting down the items he found, Frederic searches for the light. He wanders farther and farther from his dad's grave, heedlessly entering an unkempt area of the cemetery.

The light mysteriously vanishes.

Frederic digs and searches, frantically pushing aside leaves and vines. But just as he was about to quit, he unearths a palm-size young girl with dragonfly wings.

"A-Are you a fairy?" Frederic asked.

The fairy did not respond.

Frederic rummages through his backpack and offers the fairy a snack.

The fairy quickly devours it, "Thank you! Thank you!" She delightfully replies, stuffing her mouth full.

"H-Hi, my name's Frederic!" He nervously tells her. "What're you doing here—are you lost?"

A sudden gust of wind passes through, followed by sounds of twigs snapping. The fairy suspiciously looks around, cautious of the surroundings.

"What's wrong?" Frederic nervously asked.

The fairy tries to fly off but crashes instead.

"Quickly, human..." The fairy shouts as she crawls out of a pile of leaves. "We must leave!"

"Human?" Frederic smirks. "My name's Frederic."

"Yes, yes! And I, Amathrin." She replies, climbing on top of his head.

"Why the hurry?"

"Volgens!" Amathrin ghasly replies.

"What's that?" Frederic shrugs. "Is that like being vegan?

Amathrin shakes her head. "They're short, green, and vile creatures!"

Frederic quickly finds his bike and leaves with Amathrin on his head.

"Where to?" Frederic asked.

"Home," Amathrin replies. "To the Evergreen Forest!"

Frederic had no idea where that was, as the town of Autumn was literally surrounded by forests. Amathrin felt dismayed, wondering if she'll ever find her way back home.

"Why don't you tell me about it?" Frederic suggested. "Maybe I can figure it out?"

Amathrin cleared her throat, using her words to paint a picture. He tells him that the Evergreen Forest was a beautiful place, where the sun rose in the east, the mountains were seen in the background, and a field of yellow flowers bloomed year-round.

Frederic's eyes brightly lit. "...That sounds like Marigold Meadows!"

"It does?" Amathrin happily claps. "So onwards to Marigold Meadows!"

With a clear destination and an updated quest, Frederic gallantly peddled towards Marigold Meadows. It was only a few miles from the festival grounds, so he figured he could get there and back before morning. But what Frederic didn't count on was the volgens, as the howls of wolves echoed from afar.

"Uh-oh..." Amathrin ominously said.

Frederic's bicycle suddenly wobbled, causing him to almost crash. He quickly regains control of it, looking back to see what happened. Something gnawed on his rear wheel, leaving a tooth in the tire tread.

"What was that?" Frederic asked Amathrin.

"Volgens!" Amathrin suddenly shrieks.

Several enormous wolves magically appeared, carrying strange tiny creatures on their backs.

Frederic gasps. "Goblins!?"

"No, volgens." Amathrin replies.

"W-why are they after you!?" Frederic demanded to know.

Amathrin shrugs.

The wolves began to catch up to them, using their mouths to bite Frederic's wheel. The goblins manically laugh, waving their spears.

Amathrin looks back with panic. "Step on it, Frederic!"

"I'm only ten!" Frederic moans. "I can't outrun a wolf!"

Amathrin jumps down on Frederic's shoulder, chanting in a foreign dialect. Frederic's body started to glow, slowly feeling his body becoming lighter. The wheels on his bicycle began spinning quickly, faster and faster with every push from the peddle.

Frederic concerningly looks up at Amathrin. "W-What's happening!?"

"A little bit of fairy magic..." Amathrin satisfyingly states.

The bicycle flew through the streets like a motorcycle, leaving the goblins and wolves far behind.

"Okay, time to slow down," Amathrin suggested.

Frederic tries to slow down, but the speed causes the rubbers to burn out.

Frederic looks up at Amathrin.

"What should we do!?" He shouts.

Amathrin jumps into Frederic's front basket, covering herself with a blanket and tissues she finds.

"A-Amathrin..." Frederic groans before closing his eyes. "Oh, man..."

The bike abruptly steers straight down a hill and into the woods.

Frederic wakes up sprawled on a large thick bush.

"Well done, Frederic." Amathrin climbs out of the basket. "WELL DONE..." She sarcastically repeats.

Frederic rubs his eyes and gets up. "U-uh. Where's my bike?"

Amathrin points behind him.

Pieces of Frederic's bike lay on the grass, broken and bent.

"Oh, man..."

The lights of a nearby bedroom turn on, and a ten-year-old Asian girl opens the window.

"Anyone there?" She curiously asks.

The pair didn't realize they had tumbled out of the woods and into a yard. Frederic quickly grabs Amathrin and hides behind a nearby bush, waiting for the young girl to go back inside.

The little girl looks around for a while, then shuts her window.

Frederic waits for the light to go off and exhales loudly in relief.

"Do you know her?" Amathrin asks.

"N-No," Frederic abruptly replies.

But of course, Frederic was lying. Autumn was the kind of place where everyone knew each other, as it was a small town after all. Though Amathrin was unaware of that tiny fact, Frederic's discomfort said it all.

A mischievous grin grew on Amathrin's face.

"Come on, come on—Tell me, Please!" Amathrin annoyingly begs.

"O-Okay...Her name's Ashley." Frederic said with a flustered look.

Amathrin teases Frederic and flies around him.

"You like her. You like her," She shouts.

Frederic angrily grabs his jacket, chasing Amathrin with it. He demands she stops, or else be swatted like a fly. The house's side door abruptly opens, and a familiar voice calls Frederic's name.

"Ashley!" Frederic replies while stuffing Amathrin in his pocket. "H-Hello!"

"So that WAS your bike," Ashley satisfyingly states. "I knew I recognized it!"

Frederic couldn't believe Ashley noticed him, as he thought he was invisible to her.

"You did?" He said with a hopeful smirk.

"Of're the only boy with a basket." Ashley gently laughs.

Ashley points to the basket on Frederic's bike.

Frederic awkwardly smiles, cringing at the sight of his ridiculous basket. He never really did like it, but it was a gift from Mary. She wanted him to be less careless, arguing he'd never lose a thing if it was in front of him.

"So, what're you up to?"

"I, uh—"

Frederic never really talked to Ashley before, so it was nerve-wracking for him. No one his age was into fantasy anymore, so he had difficulty making friends. The other kids called him a weirdo, and he was often bullied at school. But Ashely was kind and easy to talk to, genuinely concerned for his safety.

"I-I went to go see my dad."

Ashley's eyes swayed from confusion to sympathy, realizing Frederic had gone to the cemetery.

"Oh..." Ashley said gently. "I'm sorry about your dad."

"Thanks..." Frederic replies, awkwardly staring at Ashley's feet.

"But isn't the cemetery closed?" Ashley curiously asked.

"Who're you with?" Ashely looks around. "Where's your mom?"

"Mary's not—"

A dreadful screech interrupts their conversation, echoing from somewhere above them. Ashley quickly grabs Frederic, rushing him inside with her. She locks the door and closes the curtain, staring outside for whatever made that awful noise.

"What was that?" Ashley said in a frightened tone.

Amathrin sneaks out of Frederic's pocket.

"Don't worry!" Amathrin reassuringly says. "...That sounded like a Mormoblin, and they usually stay outside."

Ashley turns and sees Amathrin on her shoulder and screams.

Frederic sighs in frustration, annoyed with the situation. He decided to tell Ashley the truth, but it was a lot to explain. No one would think that fairies, goblins, and magic were real. Even Frederic still felt doubtful, so it was a surprise that Ashley believed him so quickly.

The Mormoblin continued to screech, causing the house to shake.

"Where's everyone?" Frederic inquires. "How come no one's panicking?"

"They're all at the city."

"So you're home alone?"

"Don't be ridiculous—My granny's here."

Ashley takes Frederic to her granny's room, revealing an elderly woman comfortably sleeping in her pajamas.

"How is she sleeping through all this!?"

Ashley points to a bottle of medication.

The Mormoblin screeched grew louder, cracking the mirror on the wall.

"We need a plan! Frederic?" Ashley asks.

"Why me?"

"Cause you're the fantasy expert, right?"

"I-I don't know...I don't have any books on Mormoblins."

Ashley suddenly paused and ran to her room, quickly returning with a book in hand.

Frederic immediately recognizes Ashley's book.

"T-That's one of my dad's..."

Ashley nods with a smile. "Of course, who doesn't like fantasy?"

Ashley quickly flips the page to a picture of a giant bat-like goblin, reading a snippet about Mormoblins being highly sensitive to light.

"Yes!" Amathrin jumps. "Those things DO hate the light!"

"But we can't wait here all night for the sun..." Frederic said in frustration.

Amathrin sighs in agreement. "Well, at least we're not dealing with a hobgoblin..."

Ashley flips through the pages, remembering reading about the creature Amathrin spoke of. Frederic and Ashley were surprised with what she found, a picture of a large goblin disguised as a human. It was noted that they were mischievous tricksters, able to masquerade in human form.

"You can tell by their eyes," Amathrin cautiously warns Frederic. "No matter how good their disguises are, their yellow eyes always give them away."

"This says they're weak against steel?" Ashley states.

Amathrin nods, "Their skins are sensitive to it!"

"That's good to know..." Ashley replies. "Don't want to run into one on my next holiday..."

Ashley suddenly became quiet, almost as though an idea had just popped into her head.

"My dad's Christmas decorations!" Ashely abruptly shouts.

Frederic and Ashley looked at one another.

"We can scare it with the light!" They both eagerly said.

In the town of Autumn, Ashley's father was notorious for never taking down his Christmas decoration. Year-round, rain or snow, they stayed on. There've been countless petitions and complaints, but eventually, it slowly became just another part of the town's quirks.

Flying high above the house, the Mormoblin angrily searches for Amathrin. While down below, Frederic stealthily flips the light switch. But something was wrong, as the Christmas lights were not on. Staring far across the yard, he sees the extension cord had been unplugged.

Watching from inside the house, Ashley sees Frederic's dilemma. She looks around and grabs Frederic's flashlight, quickly running upstairs as Amathrin follows.

Unable to cross the lawn without the Mormoblin seeing, Frederic begins to panic. Then Ashley's arm suddenly sticks out of the attic window, revealing Amathrin in the palm of her hand.

"Come get me, ugly!" Amathrin defiantly shouts.

The Mormoblin swoops down to grab Amathrin, but Ashley quickly pulls her arm back inside. Screeching in frustration, the Mormoblin lands on the roof. Using its massive nails, the creature begins to dig into the house.

Seeing the damage the Mormoblin was making, Ashley sulks.

"My dad's not going to like this..." She informs Amathrin.

With the Mormoblin's attention on Ashley, Frederic carefully crawls towards the extension chord. He was inches away from it, but his excitement got the better of him. His clumsiness causes a lawn ornament to fall, shattering loudly on the pavement.

"Oh, man..." Frederic woefully sighed.

Gaining the attention of the Mormoblin, Frederic decides to make a run for it. The Mormoblin swoops down, just as Frederic charges. Frederic's heart was pounding, as he knew he'd be torn apart. But just as he thought he was done for, his flashlight falls right in front of him.

"Grab it, Frederic!" Ashely desperately shouts.

Frederic quickly picks up the flashlight, shining it against the Mormoblin. With one hand holding the flashlight, Frederic uses the other to plug in the extension cord. The Mormoblin flies back to shield itself, unaware of the Christmas lights beside it. The bright lights were like a beacon, flashing green, red, white, and blue.

The Mormoblin dropped to the ground, screeching as it began to crumble apart. Frederic fell back in awe, having never seen such horror. Soon there was nothing left of the creature, just a regular pile of sand sitting on a lawn. He knew they'd won the battle, but the quest was still not over. Frederic still had to take Amathrin home, so he reluctantly said his goodbyes to Ashley before continuing on his journey.

Amathrin sat on Frederic's head, relaxing as he marched on. She stared at the night sky, admiring the beauty. She had never been outside the boundaries of the Evergreen Forest, as her mother had forbidden her. But there were so many wonders out here, adventure, humans, and friendship.

After an hour of following a path deeper into the woods, Frederic arrives at an open clearing. On the other side of it was a wondrous field full of luscious green grass, marigold flowers, and a giant sequoia tree.

"This is it!" Amathrin happily shouted.

Frederic took a breath of well-deserved fresh air.

"We made it..." He exasperatedly says.

Amathrin gives Frederic a kiss on the forehead, thanking him for all he's done. He was lost for words, as he didn't want her to go. After losing his dad, it was nice to have a friend again. But as Amathrin flew off into the sunrise, it was too late for him to say anything. She had already vanished into the sunlight, leaving Frederic alone on top of the hill.

Realizing Mary would soon be awake, Frederic sprinted back to town. Since Marigold Meadows was close to the festival grounds, he decided to head there. He figured people would be up early setting up, and he could ask one of them for a ride. But when Frederic reached the Festival grounds, there was nothing but empty tents and tables. He had arrived too early in the morning, and no one would come for another hour.

As Frederic stood wondering how to get home, a strange man suddenly appears before him.

"Are you lost?" The man asked. "...Can I take you home?"

The town of Autumn was a small place, the kind of place where everyone knew each other. And Frederic did not recognize the man, politely declining the man's suspicious offer.

The man's smile turned to anger.

"Come here!" He yells as he grabs Frederic.

Frederic was small and quick, managing to free himself from the man's grasp. In the ensuing struggle, the man grab's Frederic's necklace.

"Give it back!" Frederic angrily demanded.

The man throws it on the ground and stomps it to pieces.

"Where is she, human!" The man eerily growls.

A large number of goblins emerge from their hiding.

"The princess!" The man shouted. "Where is she!?"

A trio of goblins escorts Ashely from a nearby tent.

"Terrible things will happen to her if you don't tell me..." The man threateningly stated.

Frederic wondered who this man was, why anyone would help goblins. Then he noticed his yellow eyes, remembering what Amathrin said earlier. Nervously fiddling with his hands, Frederic felt the bulge of his flashlight.

"Come closer..." Frederic requested. "And I'll tell you!"

"Don't do it!" Ashley yells.

The man leaned closer and closer until Frederic could smell his vile breath.

"So...Where is she?" The man sternly demanded.

Frederic quickly pulls out his flashlight, swatting the man directly in his head. Intense smoke spewed from the man's wound, covering his entire face in it. Frederic quickly ran towards Ashely, fiercely pushing her captors down to free her.

"Run!" He yells.

"What'd you do him!?" Ashley curiously asks.

"I used steel against a hobgoblin..."

The vindictive hobgoblin lunges a spear, throwing it directly at Frederic's back. He was unaware of what was coming, but Ashley did and quickly pushed him away.

Frederic falls to the ground and hears a loud thump.

Wondering what happened, Frederic painfully gets up. He sees Ashley lying beside him, unconscious and bleeding.

As the hobgoblin maniacally laughed, the ground began to shake. A creature wearing a dear's skull with large antlers emerges, erupting beneath their feet. Covered in branches, roots, and leaves, it immediately attacks the goblins.

A beautiful woman appears before Frederic, surrounded by hundreds of glowing fairies. She was a normal-sized woman with butterfly wings, dark pink hair, and pointy ears. Upon seeing her, the hobgoblin and goblins retreated.

"I am Queen Aerithsia A'aldruid—" The woman announces. "And I've come to thank you for your bravery and kindness."

Amathrin flew onto Frederic's shoulder.

"This is my mother, the Queen!"

Frederic watches as the Queen heals Ashley, curing her of her wounds. Noticing the sadness in his eyes, she asked him what was wrong.

"Is there magic that would—"

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about your dad..." The Queen regretfully replies. "In nature, like in life, there is a time when life ends and when it begins, and magic must never interfere."

Frederic was overcome with tears.

"You don't understand...I'm all alone."

"Family's not only blood..." The Queen reassuringly tells him. "Sometimes, they're the people who love you most."

The Queen somberly embraces Frederic, and he could tell she had also experienced loss. Despite all of her magic, the Queen was as much bereaved and helpless as he was. Frederic realized the Queen was right, choosing to trust in her words.

"Believe in the hope that each new day will lessen the pain of loss, eventually leading to a place of acceptance."

Later that morning, Frederic attends the Fall Festival. He looks around and sees Mary smiling at him, genuinely delighted to see him. She tells him to sit close to the stage, then leaves to get ready.

Ashley sits beside him.

"H-Hey!" She nervously said. "I know we don't really talk, but I had the strangest dream last night..."

Ashley thought that what happened last night was all a dream, possibly a side effect of the Queen's magic or waking up in bed. Frederic wanted to tell her the truth but was hesitant, unsure how she'd react.

The audience clapped, seeing Mary walk on stage.

"This is the story of The Lost Boy and Cranky Fairy," she announces.

Frederic recalled this was one of his dad's first novels, about a cranky fairy helping a lost human boy find his way home.

The audience sat in anticipation, hoping Mary would deliver the same magic as Daniel. But as she read, it was clear she couldn't. Her reading was plain, and many slowly left. But Mary continued in stride, determined to keep her husband's tradition intact.

Seeing how much this meant to Mary, Frederic grabbed some nearby puppets and went on stage. He began to act out every scene, creating an enthralling performance. And at the end of the story, the boy receives an acorn necklace, a symbol of their friendship.

The audience gave a standing ovation.

Frederic then realized his dad was the Lost Boy, and the Cranky Fairy was the Queen. His eyes teared with joy, comforted by this discovery.

Dozens of marigold flowers rained from above, which the audience mistook as part of the show.

Mary expresses her gratitude and warmly hugs Frederic.

"Your dad would be so proud..."


Mary stood captivated, finally hearing the name she always wanted to be called.

Ashley frantically rushes over to Frederic, discreetly showing him two acorn necklaces with Amathrin's name on it.

"It was just a story, wasn't it?"

"Let me ask you a question..." Frederic playfully said. "...When does a story stop being a story?"

Short Story

About the Creator

A. W. Knowland

I live in my imagination. I write so you can visit.

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