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Forgotten Captive

Captive Minds

By Iqra MPublished about a year ago 2 min read
Captive Minds

The Awakening

The sound of a metal door screeching open echoes through the small, dimly lit room. A groggy figure stirs from their slumber, rubbing their eyes as they try to make sense of their surroundings.

The last thing they remember is walking down a dark alley, before a sudden blow to the head knocked them unconscious.

As their eyes adjust to the dim light, they begin to take in their surroundings. They are in a small cell, with no windows and only a narrow bed and a toilet in the corner.

The walls are made of concrete and are cold to the touch.

Panic sets in as they realize they have no idea how they ended up here, or who is responsible for their captivity.

They search their pockets for any clues, but find nothing except for a small piece of paper with a cryptic message scrawled on it.

The Investigation

Determined to uncover the truth behind their captivity, the protagonist begins to search for a way out.

They try the door, but it's locked from the outside. They search the room for any hidden passages or tools that might help them escape, but find nothing.

Days turn into weeks, and the protagonist begins to lose hope. They are fed meager rations of bread and water through a slot in the door, but no one ever speaks to them or gives them any information about their captivity.

One day, they notice a small crack in the wall that seems to lead to another room. Using a piece of broken tile, they widen the crack until it's large enough for them to squeeze through.

What they find on the other side shocks them to the core.

The Revelation

On the other side of the wall is a control room, filled with monitors and computers. The screens show footage of the protagonist's cell, as well as dozens of other cells with people who look just as lost and confused as they are.

As they dig deeper, they discover that they are part of a secret government experiment, where individuals are kidnapped and kept in captivity to study their reactions to different stimuli.

The experiment has been going on for years, and the protagonist is just one of many subjects who have been held captive.

Determined to expose the truth, the protagonist uses their knowledge of the facility to plan an escape. They gather a group of other captives and lead them in a daring breakout.

As they make their way to freedom, they come face to face with the people responsible for their captivity and must fight for their lives to ensure that the experiment never happens again.

ScriptShort StoryMysteryFantasyFan FictionAdventure

About the Creator

Iqra M

I as a passionate writer love the language of words. Words inspire, entertain, and educate. I capture essence of human experience in stories. Join me on this journey of discovery through written word!

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Comments (1)

  • Roohenoorabout a year ago

    great work

IMWritten by Iqra M

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